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huyustats committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent ff456c2 commit b0811aa
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Showing 2 changed files with 250 additions and 5 deletions.
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions liqa_src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@


use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

my $refseq; # gene annotation - UCSC
my $output; # length of sequence read



open FP, "$bamlist";
while(<FP>) {
if(!(/\.bam/)) {
print "BAM file are invalid!\n";
print "loading $_ ...\n"
close FP;

my %exonstarts;
my %exonends;

my %tran2chr;
my %tran2strand;

my %knownGene = ();

open FP, "$refseq";
while(<FP>) {
my @a = split("\t");
next if !($a[2] eq "exon");
my $chr = $a[0];
my $gene;
my $trans;
my $exstart = $a[3] - 1;
my $exend = $a[4];
my $info = $a[8];

if(/gene_name/) {
my @b = split("gene_name", $info);
my @c = split("\"", $b[1]);
$gene = $c[1];
} else {
my @b = split("gene_id", $info);
my @c = split("\"", $b[1]);
$gene = $c[1];
my @d = split("transcript_id", $info);
my @e = split("\"", $d[1]);
$trans = $e[1];
$tran2chr{$trans} = $chr;
$tran2strand{$trans} = $a[6];

$exonstarts{$gene}{$trans} = $exonstarts{$gene}{$trans}.$exstart.";";
$exonends{$gene}{$trans} = $exonends{$gene}{$trans}.$exend.";";

#print "$gene\t$trans\n";
close FP;

foreach my $gene (keys %exonstarts) {
foreach my $trans (keys %{$exonstarts{$gene}}) {
my @sss = split(";", $exonstarts{$gene}{$trans});
my @eee = split(";", $exonends{$gene}{$trans});

my @sss_sort = sort {$a <=> $b} @sss;
my @eee_sort = sort {$a <=> $b} @eee;

my $starts;
my $ends;
foreach my $i (0..$#sss_sort) {
$starts = $starts.$sss_sort[$i].",";
$ends = $ends.$eee_sort[$i].",";

$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"chrom"} = $tran2chr{$trans};
$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"strand"} = $tran2strand{$trans};
$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"txStart"} = $sss_sort[0];
$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"txEnd"} = $eee_sort[$#eee];
$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"exonCount"} = $#sss + 1;
$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"exonStarts"} = $starts;
$knownGene{$gene}{$trans}{"exonEnds"} = $ends;


my $number_genes = scalar keys %knownGene;
print "$number_genes genes are being processed...\n";

#open(REF, $ref
open (RRR, ">$output");

########## load isoform annotation
my %isoGene = ();
my %isoStart = ();
my %isoEnd = ();

foreach my $name (keys %knownGene )
foreach my $tran (keys %{$knownGene{$name}})

my $i_start = $knownGene{$name}{$tran}{"txStart"};
my $i_end = $knownGene{$name}{$tran}{"txEnd"};
$isoGene{$name} = $isoGene{$name}.$tran.",";
if($isoStart{$name} == NULL )
{$isoStart{$name} = $i_start;}
if($isoStart{$name} > $i_start){ $isoStart{$name} = $i_start; }
if($isoEnd{$name} == NULL )
{$isoEnd{$name} = $i_end;}
if($isoEnd{$name} < $i_end){ $isoEnd{$name} = $i_end;}

################## process isoform information
foreach my $ID (keys %isoGene )

my @genename = split(/,/, $isoGene{$ID});
my $size = @genename;
my $i_chrom = $knownGene{$ID}{$genename[0]}{"chrom"};
my $i_strand = $knownGene{$ID}{$genename[0]}{"strand"};
my $i_start = $isoStart{$ID};
my $i_end = $isoEnd{$ID};
my %ISO_Index = ();

if($size >1) ### you can specify the number of the isoform per gene here
print RRR "$ID\t$i_chrom\t$i_strand\t$i_start\t$i_end\t";
for(my $j=0; $j<= $#genename; $j++)
my $name = $genename[$j];
print RRR "tran_$j,";
my @start = split(/,/, $knownGene{$ID}{$name}{"exonStarts"});
my @end = split(/,/, $knownGene{$ID}{$name}{"exonEnds"});
for (my $ijk=0; $ijk<= $#start; $ijk++)
my $sss = $start[$ijk];
my $eee = $end[$ijk];
for (my $abc=$sss; $abc<=$eee; $abc++)
{$ISO_Index{$abc}{$j} = 1;}
} # ijk
} # j

print RRR "\n";

my %NEW_EXON =();
my $CCC =0;
my $pre_POS = $i_start-10;
my @pre_Index = ();
for(my $j=0; $j <= $#genename; $j++)

for my $ijk (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %ISO_Index)
my $tot =0;
my @cur_Index=();
for(my $j=0; $j<=$#genename; $j++)
my $name = $genename[$j];
my $value = exists $ISO_Index{$ijk}{$j} ? $ISO_Index{$ijk}{$j} : 0;
$cur_Index[$j] = $value;
if($cur_Index[$j] != $pre_Index[$j])
{$tot = $tot +1;}
my $move = $ijk - $pre_POS;
if($move != 1)
$NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"start"} = $ijk;
$NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"Index"} = [@cur_Index];
if($CCC > 0)
$NEW_EXON{$CCC-1}{"end"} = $pre_POS;
@pre_Index = @cur_Index;
$CCC = $CCC+1;
if($tot >0)
$NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"start"} = $ijk;
$NEW_EXON{$CCC-1}{"end"} = $ijk-1;
$NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"Index"} = [@cur_Index];
@pre_Index = @cur_Index;
$CCC = $CCC+1;
$pre_POS = $ijk;
} # ijk
$NEW_EXON{$CCC-1}{"end"} = $i_end;

### print data structure
for my $CCC (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %NEW_EXON)
print RRR "$ID\t$i_chrom\t$i_strand\t";
my $sss = $NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"start"};
print RRR "$sss\t";
my $eee = $NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"end"};
print RRR "$eee\t";
my $Read_C = 0;
#for (my $abc=$sss; $abc<=$eee; $abc++)
# my $value = exists $genome{$i_chrom}{$abc} ? $genome{$i_chrom}{$abc} : 0;
# $Read_C =$Read_C+$value;
#print RRR "$Read_C\t";
my @index_get = $NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"Index"};
for my $INDEX ( 0 .. $#{$NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"Index"}}){
my $index_get = $NEW_EXON{$CCC}{"Index"}[$INDEX];
print RRR "$index_get,"; }
print RRR "\n";
#print "haha\n";
} ### for CCC

} # if size
} #i : Cluster ID -1


-r ---RefSeqAnnotation file

-o ---The file name that you want to save the results
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions liqa_src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ def main():
print("Please specify reference file format: gtf/ucsc")

if task == "novel":
validArgList = ["-task", "-ref", "-format", "-out"]
addAbsPath = [0, 1, 0, 3]
message = "liqa -task -ref <reference_file> -bam <list of bam file> -out <output_file>"
validArgList = ["-task", "-ref", "-bamlist", "-out"]
addAbsPath = [0, 1, 1, 3]
message = "liqa -task novel -ref <reference_file> -bamlist <list of bam file> -out <output_file>"
inputs = my.parse_argument(validArgList, addAbsPath, message)
refFile = inputs[1]
formatFile = inputs[2]
bamList = inputs[2]
outFile = inputs[3]

myCommand = "perl " + fileAbsPath + "/ -r " + refFile + " -o " + outFile
myCommand = "perl " + fileAbsPath + "/ -r " + refFile + " -o " + outFile + " -b " + bamList

if task == "quantify":
Expand Down

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