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SuperTux Bot edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 11 revisions

This file is auto-generated from the SuperTux source code, using the template


This module contains global methods.






Method Explanation
void display(ANY object) Displays the value of an argument.
void print_stacktrace() Displays the contents of the current stack.
Thread get_current_thread() Returns the currently running thread.
bool is_christmas() Returns whether the game is in christmas mode.
void start_cutscene() Starts a skippable cutscene.
void end_cutscene() Ends a skippable cutscene.
bool check_cutscene() Checks if a skippable cutscene is currently running.
void wait(float seconds, bool forced = false) Suspends the script execution for a specified number of seconds.

forced - Optional, enforces waiting while a cutscene is being skipped.
void wait_for_screenswitch() Suspends the script execution until the current screen has been changed.
string translate(string text) Translates a text into the user's language (by looking in the .po files).
string _(string text) Same function as translate().
string translate_plural(string text, string text_plural, int num) Translates a text into the user's language (by looking in the .po files).
string __(string text, string text_plural, int num) Same function as translate_plural().
void display_text_file(string filename) Displays a text file and scrolls it over the screen (on next screenswitch).
void load_worldmap(string filename, string sector, string spawnpoint) Loads and displays a worldmap (on next screenswitch), using the savegame of the current worldmap.

sector - Forced sector to spawn in the worldmap on. Leave empty to use last sector from savegame.
spawnpoint - Forced spawnpoint to spawn in the worldmap on. Leave empty to use last position from savegame.
void load_level(string filename) Loads and displays a level (on next screenswitch), using the savegame of the current level.
void import(string filename) Loads a script file and executes it.
void debug_collrects(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of collision rectangles.
void debug_show_fps(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of FPS.
void debug_draw_solids_only(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of non-solid layers.
void debug_draw_editor_images(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of editor images.
void debug_worldmap_ghost(bool enable) Enables/disables worldmap ghost mode.
void set_game_speed(float speed) Sets the game speed to speed.
void save_state() Saves world state to scripting table.
void load_state() Loads world state from scripting table.
void play_music(string musicfile) Changes the music to musicfile.
void fade_in_music(string musicfile, float fadetime) Fades in the music from musicfile for fadetime seconds.
void stop_music(float fadetime) Fades out the music for fadetime seconds.

fadetime - Set to "0" for no fade-out.
void resume_music(float fadetime) Resumes and fades in the music for fadetime seconds.

fadetime - Set to "0" for no fade-in.
void pause_music(float fadetime) Pauses the music with a fade-out for fadetime seconds.

fadetime - Set to "0" for no fade-out.
void play_sound(string soundfile) Plays soundfile as a sound.
void grease() Speeds Tux up.
void invincible() Makes Tux invincible for 10000 units of time.
void ghost() Makes Tux a ghost, i.e.
void mortal() Recalls Tux's invincibility and ghost status.
void restart() Re-initializes and respawns Tux at the beginning of the current level.
void gotoend() Moves Tux near the end of the current level.
void warp(float offset_x, float offset_y) Moves Tux to the X and Y blocks, relative to his position.
int rand() Returns a random integer.
void set_title_frame(string image) Sets the frame, displayed on the title screen.





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