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Matt Magoffin edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 28 revisions

The SolarUser OCPP API provides methods to manage OCPP entities within SolarNetwork. All paths are relative to a /solaruser prefix. All dates and times are represented in the Gregorian calendar system. All requests must provide a valid user authentication token. See SolarNet API authentication for information on how to use authentication tokens.


Verb Endpoint Description
POST /user/ocpp/authorizations Create or update authorizations.
GET /user/ocpp/authorizations List authorizations.
GET /user/ocpp/authorizations/{id} Get a specific authorization.
DELETE /user/ocpp/authorizations/{id} Delete an authorization.
POST /user/ocpp/chargers Create or update chargers.
GET /user/ocpp/chargers List chargers.
GET /user/ocpp/chargers/{id} Get a specific charger.
DELETE /user/ocpp/chargers/{id} Delete a charger.
POST /user/ocpp/chargers/settings Create or update charger settings.
GET /user/ocpp/chargers/settings List charger settings.
GET /user/ocpp/chargers/{id}/settings Get a specific charger's settings.
DELETE /user/ocpp/chargers/{id}/settings Delete a charger's settings.
POST /user/ocpp/connectors Create or update connectors.
GET /user/ocpp/connectors List connectors.
POST /user/ocpp/credentials Create or update charger credentials.
GET /user/ocpp/credentials List charger credentials.
GET /user/ocpp/credentials/{id} Get a specific charger credential.
DELETE /user/ocpp/credentials/{id} Delete a charger credential.
GET /user/ocpp/credentials?username={username} Get a charger credential by its username.
POST /user/ocpp/settings Create or update account settings.
GET /user/ocpp/settings View account settings.
DELETE /user/ocpp/settings Delete account settings.

Date formatting

For endpoints that return timestamp values (full date and time) the timestamps will be rendered as string values using the ISO 8601 timestamp format YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z' in the UTC time zone, for example 2020-03-01T10:30:49.346827Z. The fractional second can contain up to 6 digits for nanosecond level precision, and will only display up to the precision set in the timestamp. That means the fractional seconds might not appear if the timestamp has no fractional seconds.

For endpoints that accept timestamp values, the same ISO 8601 timestamp format is required, however the fractional seconds may be omitted. For example 2020-03-01T10:30:49Z is a valid value.

Authorizations save

Create or update an authorization entity. An authorization represents an identifier presented by someone wishing to use a charger. Often these identifiers come from things like RFID cards. Use the Authorizations list endpoint to view all saved authorizations.

POST /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/authorizations

The request must be submitted as application/json with a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork. If provided, then update an existing entity. If not provided, then a new entity will be created.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
token string The authorization token value, up to 20 characters long. This value must be unique amongst all other token values owned by the same user.
enabled boolean true if the authorization can be used for charge sessions, false otherwise.
expiryDate string An optional expiration date after which the authorization cannot be used for charge sessions, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone. If not present then the authorization never expires.

For example:

  "id": 4,
  "userId": 1,
  "token": "tt",
  "enabled": false,
  "expiryDate": "2020-03-01T00:00:00Z"

Authorizations save response

The response will be an authorization entity object. If a new entity was created then its assigned id property will be provided. See the list response for more details.

Authorizations list

List the available authorizations previously submitted via the Authorizations save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/authorizations

Authorizations list response

The response contains a list of authorization entities. Authorizations have the following properties:

Property Type Description
id number A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork.
created string The date the entity was created, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
token string The authorization token value, up to 20 ASCII characters long. Must be unique amongst all other token values owned by the same user.
enabled boolean true if the authorization can be used for charge sessions, false otherwise.
expired boolean true if the authorization has an expiryDate value in the past, false otherwise.
expiryDate string An optional expiration date after which the authorization cannot be used for charge sessions, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone. If not present then the authorization never expires.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "created": "2020-02-27T21:32:21.559037Z",
      "userId": 1,
      "token": "test",
      "enabled": true,
      "expired": false
      "id": 4,
      "created": "2020-03-01T20:52:08.236365Z",
      "userId": 1,
      "token": "tt",
      "enabled": false,
      "expired": true,
      "expiryDate": "2020-03-01T00:00:00Z"

Authorizations view

Get a specific authorization entity previously submitted via the Authorizations save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/authorizations/{id}
id The unique ID of the authorization entity to get.

Authorizations view response

The response will be an authorizations entity object. See the list response for more details.

Authorizations delete

Delete a specific authorizations entity previously submitted via the Authorizations save endpoint.

DELETE /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/authorizations/{id}
id The unique ID of the authorization entity to delete.

Authorizations delete response

The response will be a empty.

Chargers save

Create or update a charger entity. A charger represents a physical device someone connects to another device, such as an electric vehicle, to recharge. A charger can offer one or more connectors, which are individual connections between the charger and the device being charged, such as a cable attached to the charger that plugs into an electric vehicle.

For a charger to be used with SolarNetwork, it must be associated with a SolarNode. Any number of chargers can be associated with a node. Once a charger entity has been created in SolarNetwork and its registration status set to Accepted then the charger can be configured to use OCPP to integrate with SolarNetwork. The metering data published by the charger (via OCPP) will be turned into datum streams associated with the SolarNode configured for that charger.

In SolarNetwork the term charge point and charger are used interchangeably.

Use the Chargers list endpoint to view all saved chargers.

POST /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers

The request must be submitted as application/json with a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id number A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork. If provided, then update an existing entity. If not provided, then a new entity will be created.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
nodeId number The ID of the SolarNode associated with the charger.
enabled boolean true if the charger can be used for charge sessions, false otherwise.
registrationStatus string A Registration Status value. Only chargers with an Accepted registration status may be used for charging.
connectorCount number The number of charging connectors available in the charger.
info object Detailed information about the charger. string A unique identifier for the charger, up to 48 characters long. This value must be unique amongst all other chargers owned by the same user.
info.chargePointVendor string The vendor of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.chargePointModel string The model of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.chargePointSerialNumber string The optional serial number of the charger, up to 25 characters long.
info.chargeBoxSerialNumber string The optional serial number of the charge box, up to 25 characters long.
info.firmwareVersion string The optional firmware of the charger, up to 50 characters long.
info.iccid string The optional ICCID of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.imsi string The optional IMSI of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.meterType string The optional meter type of the charger, up to 25 characters long.
info.meterSerialNumber string The optional meter serial number of the charger, up to 25 characters long.

For example:

  "userId": 1,
  "nodeId": 1,
  "enabled": true,
  "registrationStatus": "Pending",
  "connectorCount": 2,
  "info": {
    "chargePointModel": "SolarNode",
    "id": "CP0001",
    "chargePointVendor": "SolarNetwork",
    "chargePointSerialNumber": "ABC123XYZ"

Chargers Registration Status type

Chargers have a registration status that specifies if a charger has been approved for use with SolarNetwork.

Value Description
Unknown The registration status is not known.
Pending The registration has been submitted but is not yet approved.
Accepted The registration has been submitted and accepted, so the charger may be used.
Rejected The registration has been submitted but rejected, so the charger may not be used.

Chargers save response

The response will be a charger entity object. If a new entity was created then its assigned id property will be provided. See the list response for more details.

Chargers list

List the available chargers previously submitted via the Chargers save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers

Chargers list response

The response contains a list of charger entities. Chargers have the following properties:

Property Type Description
id number A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork.
created string The date the entity was created, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
nodeId number The ID of the SolarNode associated with the charger.
enabled boolean true if the charger can be used for charge sessions, false otherwise.
registrationStatus string A Registration Status value. Only chargers with an Accepted registration status may be used for charging.
connectorCount number The number of charging connectors available in the charger.
info object Detailed information about the charger. string A unique identifier for the charger, up to 48 characters long. This value must be unique amongst all other chargers owned by the same user.
info.chargePointVendor string The vendor of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.chargePointModel string The model of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.chargePointSerialNumber string The optional serial number of the charger, up to 25 characters long.
info.chargeBoxSerialNumber string The optional serial number of the charge box, up to 25 characters long.
info.firmwareVersion string The optional firmware of the charger, up to 50 characters long.
info.iccid string The optional ICCID of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.imsi string The optional IMSI of the charger, up to 20 characters long.
info.meterType string The optional meter type of the charger, up to 25 characters long.
info.meterSerialNumber string The optional meter serial number of the charger, up to 25 characters long.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "created": "2020-02-26T23:48:04.263066Z",
      "userId": 1,
      "nodeId": 1,
      "enabled": true,
      "registrationStatus": "Accepted",
      "connectorCount": 2,
      "info": {
        "id": "CP0001",
        "chargePointVendor": "SolarNetwork",
        "chargePointModel": "SolarNode",
        "chargePointSerialNumber": "ABC123XYZ"
      "id": 2,
      "created": "2020-03-01T19:47:37.905822Z",
      "userId": 1,
      "nodeId": 1,
      "enabled": true,
      "registrationStatus": "Accepted",
      "connectorCount": 1,
      "info": {
        "id": "CP0002",
        "chargePointVendor": "SolarNetwork",
        "chargePointModel": "SolarNode",
        "chargePointSerialNumber": "ABC234XYZ"

Chargers view

Get a specific charger entity previously submitted via the Chargers save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers/{id}
id The unique ID of the charger entity to get.

Chargers view response

The response will be an charger entity object. See the list response for more details.

Chargers delete

Delete a specific charger entity previously submitted via the Chargers save endpoint.

DELETE /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers/{id}
id The unique ID of the charger entity to delete.

Chargers delete response

The response will be a empty.

Charger settings save

Create or update SolarNetwork charger-specific settings. Each charger can have a single settings entity, which provides charger-level settings that override the account-wide settings.

Use the Charger settings list endpoint to view the saved charger settings.

POST /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers/settings

The request must be submitted as application/json with a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
chargePointId number The ID of the charger associated with the settings.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
publishToSolarIn boolean true to publish datum for this charger to SolarIn.
publishToSolarFlux boolean true to publish datum for this charger to SolarFlux.
sourceIdTemplate string The default charger source ID template to use if one is not defined in a charger settings entity for a given charger.

For example:

  "chargePointId": 2,
  "userId": 1,
  "publishToSolarIn": true,
  "publishToSolarFlux": true,
  "sourceIdTemplate": "/ocpp/{chargePointId}/{connectorId}/{location}"

If a setting is not defined for a charger (or an account setting default), the settings used by SolarNetwork are:

Setting Default value
publishToSolarIn true
publishToSolarFlux true
sourceIdTemplate /ocpp/{chargePointId}/{connectorId}/{location}

Charger settings save response

The response will be a charger settings entity object. See the view response for more details.

Charger settings list

List the available charger settings previously submitted via the Charger settings save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers/settings

Charger settings list response

The response contains a list of charger settings entities. See the view response for more details. For example:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "chargePointId": 2,
      "userId": 1,
      "created": "2020-03-03T03:17:42.221539Z",
      "publishToSolarIn": true,
      "publishToSolarFlux": true,
      "sourceIdTemplate": "/ocpp/{chargePointId}/{connectorId}/{location}"

Charger settings view

View the charger settings for a specific charger previously submitted via the Charger settings save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/chargers/{chargePointId}/settings
chargePointId The ID of the charger to get the settings for.

Charger settings view response

A charger setting contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
chargePointId number The ID of the charger associated with the settings.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
created string The date the entity was created, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
publishToSolarIn boolean true to publish datum for this charger to SolarIn.
publishToSolarFlux boolean true to publish datum for this charger to SolarFlux.
sourceIdTemplate string The default charger source ID template to use if one is not defined in a charger settings entity for a given charger.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "chargePointId": 2,
    "userId": 1,
    "created": "2020-03-03T03:17:42.221539Z",
    "publishToSolarIn": true,
    "publishToSolarFlux": true,
    "sourceIdTemplate": "/ocpp/{chargePointId}/{connectorId}/{location}"

Charger settings delete

Delete a charger settings entity previously submitted via the save endpoint.

DELETE /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/settings/{chargePointId}/settings
chargePointId The ID of the charger to get the settings for.

Charger settings delete response

The response will be a empty.

Connectors save

Create or update a connector entity. A connector represents a physical connection on a charger that connect the charger to devices to charge, such as a cable attached to the connector that plugs into an electric vehicle.

Connectors are always associated with a charger. They have an indexed ID value that starts at 1 and increases by one for each additional connector on the same charger. In some situations a connector ID of 0 is used to represent all connectors on a charger. Connector entities will be automatically created when OCPP status messages are received from connected chargers, so invoking this endpoint is generally not necessary.

Use the Connectors list endpoint to view all saved connectors.

POST /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/connectors

The request must be submitted as application/json with a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
chargePointId number The ID of the charger associated with the connector.
connectorId number The index ID of the connector, starting with 1 for the first connector and increasing by 1 for each additional connector.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
info object Detailed information about the connector.
info.status string A Charge Point Status value.
info.errorCode string An optional Charge Point Error Code value. string Optional general information about the connector, up to 50 characters long.
info.timestamp string The last modified date of the connector information, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
info.vendorId string Optional vendor-specific identity information, up to 255 characters long.
info.vendorErrorCode string Optional vendor-specific error code information, up to 50 characters long.

For example:

  "chargePointId": 2,
  "connectorId": 1,
  "userId": 1,
  "info": {
    "status": "Available",
    "errorCode": "NoError"

Connectors Charge Point Status type

Connectors have a status that specifies if a connector is available for use, in use, or disabled.

Value Description
Unknown The status is not known.
Available The connector is available for a new user.
Faulted The charge point or connector has reported an error and is not available for use.
Unavailable The connector is unavailable as the result of a ChangeAvailability command or an event upon which the charger transitions to unavailable at its discretion.
Reserved The connector is reserved as a result of a ReserveNow command.
Preparing When a connector becomes no longer available for a new user but there is no ongoing charge session (yet). Typically a connector is in this state when a user presents a tag, inserts a cable or a vehicle occupies the parking bay.
Charging The connector is attached to device and allowing the device to charge.
SuspendedEV A device (e.g. electric vehicle) is connected to the connector and the connector is offering energy but the device is not taking any energy.
SuspendedEVSE A device (e.g. electric vehicle) is connected to the connector but the connector is not offering energy to the device, e.g. due to a smart charging restriction, local supply power constraints, or as the result of StartTransaction command indicating that charging is not allowed.
Finishing When a charge session has stopped at a connector, but the connector is not yet available for a new user, e.g. the cable has not been removed.

Connectors Charge Point Error Code type

Connectors have an error code that specifies the general state of the connector.

Value Description
Unknown The status is not known.
ConnectorLockFailure Failure to lock or unlock the connector.
HighTemperature Temperature inside the charger is too high.
NoError No error to report.
PowerMeterFailure Failure to read electrical/energy/power meter.
PowerSwitchFailure Failure to control power switch.
ReaderFailure Failure with authorization token reader, e.g. RFID reader.
ResetFailure Unable to perform a reset.
GroundFailure Ground fault circuit interrupter has been activated.
OverCurrentFailure Over current protection device has tripped.
UnderVoltage Voltage has dropped below an acceptable level.
WeakSignal Wireless communication device reports a weak signal.
OtherError Other type of error. More information might be available in the connector's vendorErrorCode property.
EVCommunicationError Communication failure with the vehicle, might be Mode 3 or other communication protocol problem.
InternalError Error in internal hardware or software component.
LocalListConflict The authorization information received from SolarNetwork is in conflict with the charger's local authorization list.
OverVoltage Voltage has risen above an acceptable level.

Connectors save response

The response will be a connector entity object. See the list response for more details.

Connectors list

List the available connectors previously submitted via the Connectors save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/connectors

Connectors list response

The response contains a list of connector entities. Connectors have the following properties:

Property Type Description
chargePointId number The ID of the charger associated with the connector.
connectorId number The index ID of the connector, starting with 1 for the first connector and increasing by 1 for each additional connector.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
created string The date the entity was created, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
info object Detailed information about the connector.
info.status string A Charge Point Status value.
info.errorCode string An optional Charge Point Error Code value. string Optional general information about the connector, up to 50 characters long.
info.timestamp string The last modified date of the connector information, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
info.vendorId string Optional vendor-specific identity information, up to 255 characters long.
info.vendorErrorCode string Optional vendor-specific error code information, up to 50 characters long.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "chargePointId": 2,
      "connectorId": 1,
      "userId": 1,
      "created": "2020-03-02T23:02:42.244548Z",
      "info": {
        "connectorId": 1,
        "timestamp": "2020-03-02T23:02:42.244548Z",
        "status": "Available",
        "errorCode": "NoError"
      "chargePointId": 2,
      "connectorId": 2,
      "userId": 1,
      "created": "2020-03-02T23:09:45.658396Z",
      "info": {
        "connectorId": 2,
        "timestamp": "2020-03-02T23:09:45.658396Z",
        "status": "Unavailable",
        "errorCode": "EVCommunicationError"

Credentials save

Create or update a charger credential entity. A charger credential represents the username and password required for chargers to connect to SolarNetwork via OCPP. Use the Credentials list endpoint to view all saved credentials.

POST /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/credentials

The request must be submitted as application/json with a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork. If provided, then update an existing entity. If not provided, then a new entity will be created.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
username string The username, up to 64 characters long. This value must be globally unique within SolarNetwork.
password string The password, or omit to have a random password generated by SolarNetwork. If SolarNetwork generates the password, it will be returned in the response to the save request.
allowedChargePoints array An optional array of charge point identifiers allowed to use these credentials. If not specified then any charger owned by the credential's user is allowed to use these credentials.

⚠️ WARNING: SolarNetwork only saves a cryptographically hashed copy of the credential password. Once the password has been saved in SolarNetwork, it will not be possible to get the original password out of SolarNetwork again.

For example, to create a new credentials entity with a randomly generated password, a request like:

  "userId": 1,
  "username": "supercharger123"

would return a response with the generated password, like:

  "id": 8,
  "created": "2020-03-02T00:11:08.983295Z",
  "userId": 1,
  "username": "supercharger123",
  "password": "abc123def456hij789"

To create a new credentials entity with a provided password, a request like:

  "userId": 1,
  "username": "supercharger123",
  "password": "secret"

would return a response without the password (because you provided it on the request), like:

  "id": 8,
  "created": "2020-03-02T00:11:08.983295Z",
  "userId": 1,
  "username": "supercharger123"

Credentials save response

The response will be a credentials entity object. If a new entity was created then its assigned id property will be provided. See the list response for more details.

Credentials list

List the available credentials previously submitted via the Credentials save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/credentials

Credentials list response

The response will be a list of charger credentials. See the view response for more details.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "created": "2020-02-26T07:18:03.713232Z",
      "userId": 1,
      "username": "foobar",
      "allowedChargePoints": [
      "id": 2,
      "created": "2020-03-01T19:37:26.398956Z",
      "userId": 1,
      "username": "bimbam"

Credentials view

Get a specific charger credentials entity previously submitted via the Credentials save endpoint.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/credentials/{id}
id The unique ID of the charger credential entity to get.

Credentials view response

Credentials have the following properties:

Property Type Description
id number A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork.
created string The date the entity was created, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
username string The authorization token value, up to 20 ASCII characters long. Must be unique amongst all other token values owned by the same user.
allowedChargePoints array An optional array of charge point identifiers allowed to use these credentials. If not specified then any charger can use these credentials.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "created": "2020-02-26T07:18:03.713232Z",
    "userId": 1,
    "username": "foobar",
    "allowedChargePoints": [

Credentials delete

Delete a specific charger credentials entity previously submitted via the Credentials save endpoint.

DELETE /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/credentials/{id}
id The unique ID of the charger credential entity to delete.

Credentials delete response

The response will be a empty.

Credentials get by username

Get a charger credentials by its username instead of its ID.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/credentials?username={username}
username The username of the charger credential entity to get.

Credentials get by username response

The response will be a charger credentials entity. See the view response for more details.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "created": "2020-02-26T07:18:03.713232Z",
    "userId": 1,
    "username": "foobar",
    "allowedChargePoints": [

Settings save

Create or update SolarNetwork account-wide OCPP settings. Each account can have a single settings entity, which provides account-level settings and defaults for charger settings.

Use the Settings view endpoint to view the saved settings.

POST /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/settings

The request must be submitted as application/json with a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
sourceIdTemplate string The default charger source ID template to use if one is not defined in a charger settings entity for a given charger.

For example:

  "userId": 1,
  "sourceIdTemplate": "/ocpp/{chargePointId}/{connectorId}/{location}"

Settings save response

The response will be a settings entity object. See the view response for more details.

Settings view

View the SolarNetwork account-wide OCPP settings.

GET /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/settings

Settings view response

The response contains a settings entity. Settings have the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId number The ID of the user that owns the entity.
created string The date the entity was created, in ISO 8601 timestamp format in the UTC time zone.
username string The authorization token value, up to 20 ASCII characters long. Must be unique amongst all other token values owned by the same user.
sourceIdTemplate string The default charger source ID template to use if one is not defined in a charger settings entity for a given charger.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "userId": 1,
    "created": "2020-03-03T03:31:39.778707Z",
    "sourceIdTemplate": "/ocpp/{chargePointId}/{connectorId}/{location}"

Settings delete

Delete the account settings entity previously submitted via the Settings save endpoint.

DELETE /api/v1/sec/user/ocpp/settings

Settings delete response

The response will be a empty.

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