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SolarUser API enumerated types

Matt Magoffin edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 35 revisions

This page lists the enumerated types used throughout the SolarUser API.

Object Description
Node instruction state Enumeration of the processing states an instruction can be in
Node instruction topics Standard instruction topic names
Datum auxiliary type Enumeration of auxiliary record types
Datum export task state Enumeration of processing states a datum export task can be in
Datum import task state Enumeration of processing states a datum import task can be in

Node instruction state type

These define the various processing states an instruction can be in. Instructions are processed asynchronously, and instructions proceed through these states over time as instructions are transmitted to the node, executed on the node, and finally reported as Completed or Declined.

  • Unknown
  • Queuing - The instruction is being queued, but not acknowledged by the node yet.
  • Queued - The instruction has been queued, but not acknowledged by the node yet.
  • Received - The instruction has been acknowledged, but has not been examined yet.
  • Executing - The instruction has been acknowledged and is being executed currently.
  • Declined - The instruction was acknowledged but has been declined and will not be executed.
  • Completed - The instruction was acknowledged and has been executed.

Node instruction topics

SolarNet does not restrict the instruction topics that can be used as instruction topics—it is up to the SolarNode receiving each instruction to determine how to execute the topic specified by the instruction. Here are some well known topics supported by standard SolarNode plugins:

Topic Description
CancelInstruction Cancel a deferred instruction
DatumExpression Execute a datum expression
DatumSourceMetadataClearCache Clear cached datum stream metadata
DisableOperationalModes Disable an Operational Mode
EnableOperationalModes Enable an Operational Mode
ExecuteInstructions Execute a set of instructions
LoggingSetLevel Set a logger level
RenewCertificate Renew a node's certificate
SetControlParameter Set a control value
SetOperatingState Set the operating state of a device
ShedLoad Request a device to reduce its power consumption
Signal Send a "signal" message to a control or device component
StartRemoteSsh Start a SolarSSH remote management session
StopRemoteSsh Stop a SolarSSH remote management session
SystemConfiguration Get configuration for a service.
SystemReboot Reboot the device SolarNode is running on
SystemRestart Restart the SolarNode service
UpdatePlatform Update the S3 Setup-based SolarNode platform


This instruction asks a node to cancel a previously-received instruction, by changing its state from Received to Declined. This is designed to work with deferred instructions.

Parameter Description
id The ID of the deferred instruction to cancel.

For example, to set the state of instruction 12345 to Declined, you would include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name id
parameters[0].value 12345


This instructions asks a node to evaluate a datum expression and return the result.

Parameter Description
expression The expression to evaluate.
lang The ID of the expression language to use. See table below for possible values. If not provided then SpEL will be assumed.

DatumExpression supported languages

Supported expression languages are:

Language ID
SpEL net.solarnetwork.common.expr.spel.SpelExpressionService

Once the node executes the expression the result will be returned on a result instruction result parameter.

DatumExpression examples

Here is an example using the JSON syntax to request a sum total of power across several meter devices:

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/instr/add/DatumExpression

  "nodeId": 123,
  "params": {
    "expression": "sum(latestMatching('/power/*').![watts * powerFactor])"

Once the node executes the expression the result will be provided in the result parameters:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 11537648,
    "created": "2024-04-03 17:27:41.591906Z",
    "topic": "DatumExpression",
    "instructionDate": "2024-04-03 17:27:41.591825Z",
    "statusDate": "2024-04-03 17:27:41.601474Z",
    "state": "Completed",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "expression",
        "value": "sum(latestMatching('/power/*').![watts * powerFactor])"
    "nodeId": 123,
    "resultParameters": {
      "result": 12359.99964279


This instruction asks a node to remove any cached datum metadata for a set if source IDs, so that the node is forced to reload that metadata from SolarNet. Nodes cache datum metadata so they do not need to repeatedly load it from SolarNet. After you update metadata, you can issue this instruction to get the node to pick up the changes.

Parameter Description
sourceIds A comma-delimited list of source IDs to clear cached metadata for


This instruction asks a node to activate one or more operational modes. This instruction takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
OpMode An operational mode to deactivate. Any number of OpMode parameters can be provided to deactivate multiple modes.

For example, to disable an inverters-off mode, you would include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name OpMode
parameters[0].value inverters-off


This instruction asks a node to activate one or more operational modes. This instruction takes the following parameters:

This instruction takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
OpMode An operational mode to activate. Any number of OpMode parameters can be provided to activate multiple modes.
Expiration An optional date at which the modes should automatically be disabled, as milliseconds since the Unix epoch. If not provided the modes will remain active until deactivated via a DisableOperationalModes instruction. If an operational mode is already active, this value will replace any existing expiration date for that mode.

For example, to enable an inverters-off mode that automatically expires on August 1, 2019 at midnight UTC, you would include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name OpMode
parameters[0].value inverters-off
parameters[1].name Expiration
parameters[1].value 1564617600000


This instruction allows multiple arbitrary instructions to be executed as a group.

This instruction takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
failFast When true then instruction processing should stop immediately after any nested instruction fails to complete successfully. When false (the default) then all instructions should be executed, regardless of any individual failures. If the successMode is Some this parameter is ignored.
successMode Either Every (the default) or Some. When Every then all nested instructions must complete successfully for the ExecuteInstructions to end in the Completed state, otherwise it will end in the Declined state. When Some then at least one instruction must complete successfully for the ExecuteInstructions to end in the Completed state. An instruction is considered successful if it is handled and returns a status in either Completed or Executing state.
instructions A JSON array of nested instruction objects. See the /instr/add/{topic} API for details on the format of each instruction object. Note that the nodeId property is not needed on these instructions, as it is assumed to be the ID of the node executing the ExecuteInstructions instruction.

ExecuteInstructions examples

Here is an example using the JSON syntax to execute two SetControlParameter instructions with a POST to /solaruser/api/v1/sec/instr/add/ExecuteInstructions:

    "nodeId": 123,
    "params": {
		"instructions": "[{\"topic\":\"SetControlParameter\",\"params\":{\"/battery/rate\":\"-1500\"}},{\"topic\":\"SetControlParameter\",\"params\":{\"/grid/target\":\"-1250\"}}]"

The two instructions in the instructions property look like then, when decoded into a JSON array:



This instruction updates a node's logging verbosity by adjusting the level of one or more loggers. See SolarNode Logging for information about how SolarNode logging works.

This instruction takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
logger A comma-delimited list of logger names to update. More than one of this parameter can be provided; all loggers provided will be adjusted.
level The logging verbosity. See below for more information.

LoggingSetLevel levels

The following levels are supported for the level instruction parameter:

Level Description
inherit Inherit the level from the logger's parent hierarchy.
trace The highest level of verbosity for tracing messages. Includes all other levels.
debug The 2nd highest level of verbosity for debugging messages. Includes info, warn, and error levels.
info A "default" level of verbosity for informational messages. Includes warn and error levels.
warn The 2nd most urgent level of verbosity for potential problems. Includes the error level.
error The most urgent level of verbosity for error conditions.
off No logging at all.

LoggingSetLevel examples

Here is an example using the JSON syntax to adjust the and net.solarnetwork.node.datum.modbus loggers to trace level:

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/instr/add/LoggingSetLevel



This instruction asks a node to install a renewed X.509 client certificate. It contains the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Certificate The PEM-encoded PKCS7 renewed certificate chain.

Because instruction parameters have a limited supported length, the instruction might split the certificate data into more than one Certificate parameter. The client must join all returned Certificate parameters together, in the order received, to access the certificate data.


This instruction sets the value of a hardware control on the SolarNode to a specific value. You must provide a single parameter where the name is the control name to manipulate and the value is the value to set the control to. For example, to set the /power/switch/1 control to 1 you would include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name /power/switch/1
parameters[0].value 1


This instruction requests the node to update the operating state of a device. For example this can be used to turn a device on or off.

Parameter Description
control ID The parameter name is the ID of the control to set the operating state on. Typically this is the same as the source ID if a device. The value should be a valid device operating state code or name.

For example, to set the state of /power/inverter/1 to Shutdown (off), you'd include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name /power/inverter/1
parameters[0].value Shutdown


This instruction requests the node to reduce the power of a device managed by a specific control by a specific amount. The actual meaning of reduce is flexible, in that in some systems a "reduction" can be achieved via the extra supply of the requested power.

Parameter Description
control ID The parameter name is the ID of the control to handle the instruction. The value should be the number of watts to reduce the power by. If a value of 0 is requested, then stop actively managing the load.

For example, to shed 1 kW from the /power/1 control, you'd include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name /power/1
parameters[0].value 1000


This instruction provides a way to send a named signal to a specific control. Signal names are defined by the control that supports this instruction. At a minimum the following parameters are expected:

Parameter Description
control ID The parameter name is the ID of the control to signal. Typically this is the same as the source ID if a device. The value should be a the name of the signal to invoke.

Individual signals are free to define additional parameter values to go along with the instruction. Consult the documentation for the control that supports this instruction for more information. For example, to request an image capture from the /camera/1 control, you might include these parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name /camera/1
parameters[0].value snapshot


This instruction requests the node to establish a SSH connection to a specific host for the purposes of system administration. It contains the following parameters:

host The host to SSH to (hostname or IP address).
user The username to connect as.
port The port on host to connect on.

The first of two reverse port forwarding ports the server will allow. The port provided here must be forwarded back to a SSH server on the node, typically port 22. Using OpenSSH a command line argument like -R would be used.

A second reverse port is implied, as rport + 1, that must be forwarded back to the HTTP server on the node, typically port 8080. Using OpenSSH a command line argument like -R would be used.


This instruction requests the node to disconnect a SSH connection, presumably previously started via the StartRemoteSsh instruction. It contains the same parameters as StartRemoteSsh, so the connection can be uniquely identified by the parameters.


This instruction requests the node to get configuration for a service. The nature of the returned configuration is service-specific. It supports the following core parameters:

Parameter Description
service The ID of the service to get the configuration of.

Standard system configuration services

The following service values represent some standard services supported in SolarNode:

Service Description
net.solarnetwork.node.controls Will return a comma-delimited list of all available control IDs in a result parameter. An optional filter instruction parameter can be provided, as a wildcard pattern to restrict the returned control IDs to those that match the pattern.
net.solarnetwork.node.packages Will return a JSON array of package information, see below for more information.
net.solarnetwork.node.settings Will return a JSON string of runtime settings, see below for more information.

SystemConfiguration Packages

The net.solarnetwork.node.packages service can return information about the software packages installed or available to install. The result is returned as an array of package objects on the result result parameter. The additional parameters supported by this instruction are:

Parameter Description
compress This optional parameter, when true, requests the result to be return as gzip-compressed JSON and encoded as a Base64 string. This can be helpful when working with complex components with many configurable settings, where the result can be large. If the compressed result is larger than the uncompressed JSON then the original results will be returned instead, unless this parameter is set to force.
filter An optional parameter for a regular expression to match against package names. Only package names that match the pattern will be returned in the result. If unspecified a default pattern of (^sn-|solarnode) will be used (match packages whose names start with sn- or contain solarnode).
status An optional parameter that can be one of Installed (include only installed packages, the default if not specified), Available (include only pacakges that are not currently installed), or All (include both installed and available packages).
SystemConfiguration Packages result

The result result parameter will be a JSON array of package objects. Each package object contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string The name of the package.
version string The version of the package.
installed boolean true if the package is currently installed.

An example instruction after completing looks like this as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 123123123,
    "created": "2024-06-11 21:39:09.154986Z",
    "topic": "SystemConfiguration",
    "instructionDate": "2024-06-11 21:39:09.154867Z",
    "statusDate": "2024-06-11 21:39:09.649036Z",
    "state": "Completed",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "service",
        "value": "net.solarnetwork.node.packages"
    "nodeId": 123,
    "resultParameters": {
      "result": [
          "name": "sn-solarpkg",
          "version": "1.3.0-1",
          "installed": true
          "name": "sn-system",
          "version": "1.7.0-1",
          "installed": true
          "name": "solarnode-app-core",
          "version": "3.20.0-1",
          "installed": true
          "name": "solarnode-app-db-h2",
          "version": "2.0.1-1",
          "installed": true
          "name": "solarnode-app-solarflux",
          "version": "1.1.0-1",
          "installed": true
          "name": "solarnode-base",
          "version": "4.1.1-1",
          "installed": true

If the compress parameter is used to provide compressed results, the completed instruction would look like this:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 123123123,
    "created": "2024-06-11 22:22:23.335316Z",
    "topic": "SystemConfiguration",
    "instructionDate": "2024-06-11 22:22:23.335258Z",
    "statusDate": "2024-06-11 22:22:23.87532Z",
    "state": "Completed",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "service",
        "value": "net.solarnetwork.node.packages"
        "name": "compress",
        "value": "true"
    "nodeId": 123,
    "resultParameters": {
      "result": "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"

SystemConfiguration Settings

The net.solarnetwork.node.settings service can return the configuration (settings) for any configurable component and component factory available in the SolarNode runtime. This can be used to discover the configuration of a node. The result is returned as a JSON string on the result result parameter. The additional parameters supported by this instruction are:

Parameter Description
uid This required parameter represents the unique ID of the component you are interested in.
id This optional parameter represents the instance ID of the factory component you are interested in, implying that uid is the ID of a factory component.
compress This optional parameter, when true, requests the JSON result to be gzip-compressed and encoded as a Base64 string. This can be helpful when working with complex components with many configurable settings, where the JSON result can be large.
spec This optional parameter, when true, causes specification objects to be returned instead of setting values. This can be used by tools to understand what settings are available.

The presence of the id parameter, along with a special * value for both the uid and id parameters, determines the result output according to the following table:

uid id Operation
* List providers
{settingUid} List settings
* * List factories
{factoryUid} * List factory instances
{settingUid} {instanceId} List factory instance settings
SystemConfiguration Settings - List providers

Pass a uid value of * to generate a JSON array of objects, each object representing a setting component. Each component object contains the following properties:

Property Description
id The provider ID.
title A description of the provider.

For example:

  "result":"[{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.backup.DefaultBackupManager\",\"title\":\"Backup Manager\"},{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.backup.s3.S3BackupService\",\"title\":\"S3 Backup Service\"},{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.control.bacnet.csv\",\"title\":\"BACnet Control CSV Configurer\"},{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.control.modbus.csv\",\"title\":\"Modbus Control CSV Configurer\"}]"

Parsing the result value as JSON you can see the result structure more clearly:

  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.backup.DefaultBackupManager","title":"Backup Manager"},
  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.backup.s3.S3BackupService","title":"S3 Backup Service"},
  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.control.bacnet.csv","title":"BACnet Control CSV Configurer"},
  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.control.modbus.csv","title":"Modbus Control CSV Configurer"}
SystemConfiguration Settings - List settings

Pass a uid value of the non-factory setting component ID to generate a JSON array of setting objects for that component. Each setting object contains the following properties:

Property Description
key The setting key.
value The setting value.
default If present, a boolean value that, when true, indicates the value is a node-provided default, not a user-configured value.

For example:

  "result":"[{\"key\":\"job.instructionAcknowledgementUploader.cron\",\"value\":\"35 * * * * ?\",\"default\":true},{\"key\":\"job.instructionCleaner.cron\",\"value\":\"50 * * * * ?\",\"default\":true},{\"key\":\"job.instructionExecution.cron\",\"value\":\"10 * * * * ?\"}]"

Parsing the result value as JSON you can see the result structure more clearly:

  {"key":"job.instructionAcknowledgementUploader.cron","value":"35 * * * * ?","default":true},
  {"key":"job.instructionCleaner.cron","value":"50 * * * * ?","default":true},
  {"key":"job.instructionExecution.cron","value":"10 * * * * ?"}

Note that the spec instruction parameter, if true, causes specification objects to be returned instead of setting objects.

SystemConfiguration Settings - List factories

Pass a uid value of * and an id value of * to generate a JSON array of objects, each object representing a setting factory component. Each factory component has the same properties as shown in the List providers section.

For example:

  "result":"[{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.control.bacnet\",\"title\":\"BACnet Control\"},{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.control.gpiod\",\"title\":\"GPIO Control\"},{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.control.modbus\",\"title\":\"Modbus Control\"},{\"id\":\"net.solarnetwork.node.datum.bacnet\",\"title\":\"BACnet Device\"}]"

Parsing the result value as JSON you can see the result structure more clearly:

  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.control.bacnet","title":"BACnet Control"},
  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.control.gpiod","title":"GPIO Control"},
  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.control.modbus","title":"Modbus Control"},
  {"id":"net.solarnetwork.node.datum.bacnet","title":"BACnet Device"}
SystemConfiguration Settings - List factory instances

Pass a uid value of a factory component ID and an id value of * to generate a JSON array of strings, each representing a setting factory component instance ID for the given factory. For example:


Parsing the result value as JSON you can see the result structure more clearly:

SystemConfiguration Settings - List factory instance settings

Pass a uid value of a factory component ID and an id value of an associated instance ID to generate a JSON array of setting objects for the given factory instance. Each setting object has the same properties as shown in the List settings section. For example:


Parsing the result value as JSON you can see the result structure more clearly:


Note that the spec instruction parameter, if true, causes specification objects to be returned instead of setting objects.

SystemConfiguration Settings - Specification Mode

If the spec instruction parameter has the value true then the structure of the List settings and List factory instance settings results change into specification objects instead of setting objects. Each specification object has a minimum of a type property that represents the type of setting. Different setting types provide other properties.

Here is an example specification result decoded to JSON:

        "key": "string",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": "simple"
        "key": "password",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier",
        "secureTextEntry": true
        "key": "integer",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": "42"
        "key": "toggle",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.ToggleSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": false,
        "falseValue": false,
        "trueValue": true
        "key": "slide",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.SliderSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": 5.0,
        "minimumValue": 0.0,
        "maximumValue": 10.0,
        "step": 0.5
        "key": "radio",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.RadioGroupSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": "One",
        "valueTitles": {
            "One": "One",
            "Two": "Two",
            "Three": "Three"
        "key": "menu",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.MultiValueSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": "Option 1",
        "valueTitles": {
            "Option 1": "Option 1",
            "Option 2": "Option 2",
            "Option 3": "Option 3"
        "key": "locationKey",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.node.settings.LocationLookupSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": 11536821,
        "locationTypeKey": "price"
        "key": "weatherLocationKey",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.node.settings.LocationLookupSettingSpecifier",
        "defaultValue": 11536821,
        "locationTypeKey": "weather"
        "key": "textAreaDirect",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextAreaSettingSpecifier",
        "direct": true
        "key": "textArea",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextAreaSettingSpecifier"
        "key": "file",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.node.settings.FileSettingSpecifier",
        "acceptableFileTypeSpecifiers": [
        "key": "textFiles",
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.node.settings.FileSettingSpecifier",
        "acceptableFileTypeSpecifiers": [
        "multiple": true
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.node.settings.SetupResourceSettingSpecifier",
        "setupResourceProperties": {"foo": "bar"}
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.GroupSettingSpecifier",
        "dynamic": true,
        "groupSettings": [
                "key": "listString[0]",
                "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.GroupSettingSpecifier",
        "dynamic": true,
        "groupSettings": [
                "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.GroupSettingSpecifier",
                "dynamic": false,
                "groupSettings": [
                        "key": "listComplex[0].firstName",
                        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
                        "key": "listComplex[0].lastName",
                        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
                        "key": "listComplex[0].genderValue",
                        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.MultiValueSettingSpecifier",
                        "defaultValue": "Other",
                        "valueTitles": {
                            "Male": "Male",
                            "Female": "Female",
                            "Other": "Other"
                        "key": "listComplex[0].phone",
                        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
                        "key": "listComplex[0].age",
                        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
                        "key": "listComplex[0].enabled",
                        "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.ToggleSettingSpecifier",
                        "defaultValue": true,
                        "falseValue": false,
                        "trueValue": true
SystemConfiguration Settings - Group Specification

The net.solarnetwork.settings.GroupSettingSpecifier specification type represents a group of other specifications. This object will include a dynamic boolean property, that, when true, represents a dynamic-sized list of settings. The groupSettings property will be an array of other specification objects.

SystemConfiguration Settings - Other Specifications

Most other specification objects provide a key property that represents the unique identifier for the setting.


This instruction requests the node to reboot the device SolarNode is running on.


This instruction requests the node to restart the SolarNode service.


This instruction is supported by the S3 Setup SolarNode plugin, and can be used to request a node to download and install either the latest or a specific version of a S3 Setup package. It supports the following parameters:

Version The package version to install. If not specified, then the latest package should be installed.


This instruction requests the node to update a configurable runtime setting value. If the setting does not exist, it should be added.

Parameter Description
key The setting key to update.
type The optional setting type to update.
value The setting value.
flags The optional setting flags, as a bitmask.

Multiple settings can be set as long as there are an equal number of key/type/value parameters. They will be formed into individual settings by parameter order. For example a request with the following parameters:

Parameter Value
parameters[0].name key
parameters[0].value k1
parameters[1].name type
parameters[1].value t1
parameters[2].name value
parameters[2].value v1
parameters[3].name key
parameters[3].value k2
parameters[4].name type
parameters[4].value t2
parameters[5].name value
parameters[5].value v2

would logically define two settings like:

Key Type Value
k1 t1 v1
k2 t2 v2

Datum auxiliary type

This enumeration defines the possible types for datum auxiliary records.

Name Description
Reset A device has been reset or replaced. This is used to transition a datum source when equipment is replaced or reset.

Datum export task state type

This enumeration defines the possible states a datum export task can be in. Each state has both a name and key. Some APIs use the key values. Export tasks generally start in the Queued state, then will transition to Executing and then finally Completed.

Name Key Description
Unknown u The state is not known.
Queued q The export job has been queued, but not started yet.
Claimed p The export job as been claimed for execution but has not started executing yet.
Executing e The export task is currently executing.
Completed c The export task has completed.

Datum import task state type

This enumeration defines the possible states a datum import task can be in. Each state has both a name and key. Some APIs use the key values. Import tasks generally start in Staged or Queued state, then will transition to Executing and then finally Completed.

Name Key Description
Unknown u The state is not known.
Staged s The import job has been submitted, but will not automatically transition out of this state.
Retracted r The import job has been cancelled after being in the Staged state.
Queued q The import job has been queued, but not started yet.
Claimed p The import job as been claimed for execution but has not started executing yet.
Executing e The import task is currently executing.
Completed c The import task has completed.
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