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Matt Magoffin edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 5 revisions

The SolarUser DNP3 API provides methods to manage Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) entities within SolarNetwork, which provides a DNP3 Outstation Server service. All dates and times are represented in the Gregorian calendar system. All requests must provide a valid user authentication token. See SolarNet API authentication for information on how to use authentication tokens.

For general information about DNP3 support in SolarNetwork see the DNP3 guide.


Verb Endpoint Description
POST /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs Import Trusted Issuer Certificates
POST /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs Update Trusted Issuer Certificate enabled status
GET /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs List Trusted Issuer Certificates
DELETE /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs Delete Trusted Issuer Certificate
POST /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs/enabled/{enabled} Update Trusted Issuer Certificate enabled status
POST /user/dnp3/servers Create Server
GET /user/dnp3/servers List Servers
PUT /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId} Update Server
GET /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId} View Server
DELETE /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId} Delete Server
POST /user/dnp3/servers/enabled/{enabled} Update Server enabled status
POST /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/auths Save Server Authorization
GET /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/auths View Server Authorization
DELETE /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/auths Delete Server Authorization
GET /user/dnp3/servers/auths List Server Authorizations
POST /user/dnp3/servers/auths/enabled/{enabled} Update Server Authorization enabled status
GET /user/dnp3/servers/csv-example View Server data points CSV example
POST /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/csv Import Server data points CSV
GET /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/csv Export Server data points CSV
POST /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/measurements/{index} Save Server Measurement
GET /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/measurements/{index} View Server Measurement
DELETE /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/measurements/{index} Delete Server Measurement
GET /user/dnp3/servers/measurements List Server Measurements
POST /user/dnp3/servers/measurements/enabled/{enabled} Update Server Measurement enabled status
POST /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/controls/{index} Save Server Control
GET /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/controls/{index} View Server Control
DELETE /user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/controls/{index} Delete Server Control
GET /user/dnp3/servers/controls List Server Controls
POST /user/dnp3/servers/controls/enabled/{enabled} Update Server Control enabled status

Date formatting

For endpoints that return timestamp values (full date and time) the timestamps will be rendered as string values using the ISO 8601 timestamp format YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z' in the UTC time zone, for example 2020-03-01 10:30:49.346827Z. The fractional second can contain up to 6 digits for nanosecond level precision, and will only display up to the precision set in the timestamp. That means the fractional seconds might not appear if the timestamp has no fractional seconds.

For endpoints that accept timestamp values, the same ISO 8601 timestamp format is required, however the fractional seconds may be omitted. For example 2020-03-01 10:30:49Z is a valid value.

Trusted Issuer Certificates

Trusted Issuer Certificate entities are X.509 certificates you "trust" to sign client certificates for use with Server Authentication entities.

Trusted Issuer Certificate import

This method allows you to upload a file containing one or more PEM-encoded X.509 certificates.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs

The request must be submitted as multipart/form-data with a file part that contains one or more PEM-encoded X.509 certificates. PEM-encoded certificates are text files with marker boundaries. For example a file with two PEM-encoded certificates would look similar to this (contents truncated for brevity):


The response will be a list of Trusted Issuer Certificate entity objects. See Trusted Issuer Certificate list response for more information.

Trusted Issuer Certificate update enabled

This method updates the enabled status of a specific Trusted Issuer Certificate entity. An application/json request body must be included to specify the entity to update and the enabled state to update it to.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
subjectDn String The subject distinguished name of the certificate to update.
enabled Boolean The desired enable state to update the certificate to.

For example, to disable certificate, make a POST request to /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs with the following body:

  "subjectDn":"CN=Example Root CA,OU=Example Certification Authority,O=Example Dot Com",
  "enabled"  : false

Trusted Issuer Certificate list

This method allows you to upload a file containing one or more PEM-encoded X.509 certificates. PEM-encoded certificates are text files with marker boundaries. For example a file with two PEM-encoded certificates would look similar to this (contents truncated for brevity):

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs

Trusted Issuer Certificate list response

The response will be a list of Trusted Issuer Certificate entity objects. Each object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId Number The SolarNetwork account ID.
subjectDn String The certificate subject distinguished name.
created String The creation date.
modified String The modification date.
enabled Boolean Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization.
expires String The expiration date of the certificate.

For example:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "userId": 1,
      "subjectDn": "CN=Example Root CA,OU=Example Certification Authority,O=Example Dot Com",
      "created": "2023-08-07 02:12:24.789666Z",
      "modified": "2023-08-07 02:12:24.789666Z",
      "enabled": true,
      "expires": "2024-01-20 00:10:12Z"
      "userId": 1,
      "subjectDn": "CN=Example Intermediate CA,OU=Example Intermediate Certification Authority,O=Example Dot Com",
      "created": "2023-08-07 02:12:24.789666Z",
      "modified": "2023-08-07 02:12:24.789666Z",
      "enabled": true,
      "expires": "2043-07-28 23:43:03Z"

Trusted Issuer Certificate delete

This method will delete a Trusted Issuer Certificate entity. The subject distinguished name must be provided by a subjectDn query parameter.

DELETE /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs?subjectDn={subjectDn}
subjectDn The subject distinguished name of the certificate to delete.

Trusted Issuer Certificate update enabled multi

This method updates the enabled status of a set of Trusted Issuer Certificate entities. An application/json request body may be included to narrow the entities the update applies to. If no request body is provided, then all entities in the account are updated.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs/enabled/{enabled}
enabled The desired enabled state to set.

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
subjectDn String The subject distinguished name of the certificate to update.
subjectDns Array<String> An array of subject distinguished names of certificates to update (logical OR).
enabled Boolean Only update entities with the specified enabled state.

For example, to disable a set of certificates matching a list of subject DNs, make a POST request to /user/dnp3/trusted-issuer-certs/enabled/false with the following body:

  "CN=Example Root CA,OU=Example Certification Authority,O=Example Dot Com",
  "CN=Example Intermediate CA,OU=Example Intermediate Certification Authority,O=Example Dot Com"


Server entities are unique DNP3 Outstation instances, that you can configure with independent authorization and data points.

Server create

This method creates a new Server entity. An application/json request body must be provided with the server details to create.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers

The request body accepts a JSON Server object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
name String A display name.
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state of the Server.

The response will be a Server entity object that provides the ID assigned to the new Server. See Server view response for more information. In addition a Location HTTP header will be returned with the path to view the entity, for example:

Location: /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/1

Server list

This method displays a list of Server entities matching an optional search filter.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
serverId Number The ID of a server to match.
serverIds Array<Number> A list of server IDs to match (logical OR).
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state to match.

The response will be a list of Server entity objects. See the Server view response for details.

Server update

This method updates an existing Server entity. An application/json request body must be provided with the complete server details to save.

PUT /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}
serverId The ID of the Server to update.

The request body accepts a JSON Server object as specified in the Server create method.

Server view

This method displays a Server entity.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}
serverId The ID of the Server to view.

Server view response

The response will be a Server entity object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId Number The SolarNetwork account ID.
serverId Number A unique ID assigned to the entity.
created String The creation date.
modified String The modification date.
enabled Boolean Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization.
name String A display name.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "userId": 1,
    "serverId": 2,
    "created": "2023-08-07 04:15:16.221061Z",
    "modified": "2023-08-07 04:15:16.221061Z",
    "enabled": true,
    "name": "Test Server"

Server delete

This method deletes a Server entity. All authentication, measurement, and control entities associated with the server will be deleted as well.

DELETE /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}
serverId The ID of the Server to delete.

Server update enabled

This method updates the enabled status of a set of Server entities. An application/json request body may be included to narrow the entities the update applies to. If no request body is provided, then all entities in the account are updated.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/enabled/{enabled}
enabled The desired enabled state to set.

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
serverId Number The ID of a server to match.
serverIds Array<Number> A list of server IDs to match (logical OR).
enabled Boolean Only update entities with the specified enabled state.

Server Authorizations

Server Authorization entities are X.509 client identifiers that are allowed to connect to a DNP3 Outstation instance based on a Server entity.

⚠️ Note that client identifiers are globally unique within all of SolarNetwork. That means an identifier can only be associated with one Server at a time.

Server Authorization Save

This method creates or updates a Server Authorization entity. An application/json request body must be provided with the details to save.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/auths
serverId The ID of the Server to save the entity for.

The request body accepts a JSON Server Authorization object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
identifier String The subject distinguished name (DN) of the client X.509 certificate that is allowed to connect.
name String A display name.
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state of the Server Authorization.

The response will be a Server Authorization entity object. See Server Authorization view response for more information.

Server Authorization view

This method displays a Server Authorization entity.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/auths?identifier={identifier}
serverId The ID of the Server Authorization to view.
identifier The identifier of the Server Authorization to view.

Server Authorization view response

The response will be a Server Authorization entity object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId Number The SolarNetwork account ID.
serverId Number A unique ID assigned to the entity.
identifier String The subject distinguished name (DN) of the client X.509 certificate that is allowed to connect.
created String The creation date.
modified String The modification date.
enabled Boolean Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization.
name String A display name.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "userId": 1,
    "serverId": 2,
    "identifier": ",C=NZ",
    "created": "2023-08-14 02:56:27.811161Z",
    "modified": "2023-08-14 02:56:27.811161Z",
    "enabled": true,
    "name": "Test Server Auth"

Server Authorization delete

This method deletes a Server Authorization entity.

DELETE /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/auths?identifier={identifier}
serverId The ID of the Server Authorization to delete.
identifier The identifier of the Server Authorization to delete.

Server Authorization list

This method displays a list of Server Authorization entities matching an optional search filter.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/auths

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
serverId Number The ID of a server to match.
serverIds Array<Number> A list of server IDs to match (logical OR).
identifier String An identifier to match.
identifiers Array<String> A list of identifiers to match (logical OR).
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state to match.

The response will be a list of Server Authorization entity objects. See the Server Authorization view response for details.

Server Authorization update enabled

This method updates the enabled status of a set of Server Authorization entities. An application/json request body may be included to narrow the entities the update applies to. If no request body is provided, then all entities in the account are updated.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/auths/enabled/{enabled}
enabled The desired enabled state to set.

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
serverId Number The ID of a server to match.
serverIds Array<Number> A list of server IDs to match (logical OR).
identifier String An identifier to match.
identifiers Array<String> A list of identifiers to match (logical OR).
enabled Boolean Only update entities with the specified enabled state.

For example, to disable all authorizations matching a server ID, make a POST request to /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/auths/enabled/false with the following body:


Server Data Points CSV

The Server Data Points CSV API is designed to make it easy to maintain the Measurement and Control data points for Server entities. You can see our example Google Sheet to use as a starting point, or use the download API to download a CSV or XLSX example document.

Example SolarNetworK DNP3 CSV worksheet

Server Data Points CSV structure

The Server Data Points CSV format contains the following columns:

# Name Type Description
A Node ID Number The node ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
B Source ID Text The source ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from. For Control* types this is also the node control ID.
C Property Text The name of the property within the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from. For Control* types this is optional; if not specified then SolarNetwork will look for a val or value property, and if not found use the first-available status property in the datum stream.
D DNP3 Type Text The DNP3 Type.
E Enabled Boolean A flag to indicate if the data point should be included in the server or not.
F Multiplier Number An optional number to multiply datum stream property values by before saving to the DNP3 server.
G Offset Number An optional number to add to datum stream property values before saving to the DNP3 server. Applied after the configured Multiplier number.
H Decimal Scale Number An optional number of decimal places to round datum stream property values to before saving to the DNP3 server.

Server Data Points CSV DNP3 Type

The DNP3 Type column must be one of the following values:

Value Description
AnalogInput Analog input.
AnalogOutputStatus Analog output status.
BinaryInput Binary input.
BinaryOutputStatus Binary output status.
Counter Counter.
DoubleBitBinaryInput Double bit binary input.
FrozenCounter Frozen counter.
ControlAnalog Analog control.
ControlBinary Binary control.

Server Data Points CSV view example

Use this method to download an example Server Data Points CSV or XLSX document. The XLSX example includes handy features like a drop-down menus for the DNP3 Type column and a checkbox for the Enabled column.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/csv-example

You must provide an Accept HTTP header with one of these supported values:

Accept Description
text/csv Download a comma separated values (CSV) example.
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet Download an Excel example.

Server Data Points CSV import

This method accepts a Server Data Points CSV file as input and configures the Measurement and Control entities for a Server. The measurement and controls will configured with the same order as the rows of the CSV data.

⚠️ Note that all measurements and controls for the given server will be replaced by this method.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/csv
serverId The ID of the Server to save the data points for.

The request must be submitted as multipart/form-data with a file part that contains the CSV resource to import.

The response will be a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
measurementConfigs Array<Object> A list of the imported Measurement entities.
controlConfigs Array<Object> A list of the imported Control entities.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "measurementConfigs": [
        "userId": 1,
        "serverId": 2,
        "index": 0,
        "created": "2023-08-12 20:03:04.828356Z",
        "modified": "2023-08-12 20:03:04.828356Z",
        "enabled": true,
        "nodeId": 179,
        "sourceId": "/power/1",
        "property": "watts",
        "multiplier": 0.001,
        "scale": 3,
        "type": "AnalogInput",
        "valid": true
    "controlConfigs": [
        "userId": 1,
        "serverId": 2,
        "index": 0,
        "created": "2023-08-12 20:03:04.828356Z",
        "modified": "2023-08-12 20:03:04.828356Z",
        "enabled": true,
        "nodeId": 1,
        "controlId": "switch/1",
        "type": "Binary",
        "valid": true

Server Data Points CSV export

This method generates a Server Data Points CSV file from the Measurement and Control entities configured on a Server.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/csv
serverId The ID of the Server to save the data points for.

An example HTTP response looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="solarnet-dnp3-server-2.csv"

Node ID,Source ID,Property,DNP3 Type,Enabled,Multiplier,Offset,Decimal Scale

Server Measurements

Server Measurement entities represent DNP3 read-only data points. Each data point includes an index property that is used to sort the measurements within the DNP3 Outstation instance. The index values must be unique within a given server, but can be any integer value.

⚠️ Note that the index values are used to sort the Server Measurement entities into DNP3 data points, and can contain arbitrary integer values. Within DNP3 the data points are accessed starting from 0 and increase by one for each additional data point. Thus the index defined on the entity might differ from the offset used in DNP3. For example:

Measurement Index DNP3 Data Point Offset
1 0
2 1
100 2
101 3

To avoid confusion you could assign index values that mirror what the DNP3 offset values will be, by also starting from 0 and increasing by one for each additional Measurement.

Server Measurement Save

This method creates or updates a Server Measurement entity. An application/json request body must be provided with the details to save.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/measurements/{index}
serverId The ID of the Server to save the entity for.
index A unique sort order of the entity (lower to higher order).

The request body accepts a JSON Server Measurement object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
nodeId Number The node ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
sourceId String The source ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
property String The name of the property within the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
index Number The sort order of the entity. Must be unique within the associated Server.
type String The Measurement Type to use.
multiplier Number An optional number to multiply datum stream property values by before saving to the DNP3 server.
offset Number An optional number to add to datum stream property values before saving to the DNP3 server. Applied after the configured multiplier number.
scale Number An optional number of decimal places to round datum stream property values to before saving to the DNP3 server.
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state of the Server Measurement.

The response will be a Server Measurement entity object. See Server Measurement view response for more information.

Measurement Type

Server Measurement entities have a type property that determines the DNP3 data point type used:

Value Description
AnalogInput Analog input.
AnalogOutputStatus Analog output status.
BinaryInput Binary input.
BinaryOutputStatus Binary output status.
Counter Counter.
DoubleBitBinaryInput Double bit binary input.
FrozenCounter Frozen counter.

Server Measurement view

This method displays a Server Measurement entity.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/measurements/{index}
serverId The ID of the Server Measurement to view.
index The index of the Server Measurement to view.

Server Measurement view response

The response will be a Server Measurement entity object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId Number The SolarNetwork account ID.
serverId Number A unique ID assigned to the entity.
index Number The sort order of the entity.
created String The creation date.
modified String The modification date.
enabled Boolean Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization.
nodeId Number The node ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
sourceId String The source ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
property String The name of the property within the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
type String The Measurement Type to use.
multiplier Number An optional number to multiply datum stream property values by before saving to the DNP3 server.
offset Number An optional number to add to datum stream property values before saving to the DNP3 server. Applied after the configured multiplier number.
scale Number An optional number of decimal places to round datum stream property values to before saving to the DNP3 server.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "userId": 1,
    "serverId": 2,
    "index": 0,
    "created": "2023-08-12 08:08:03.212448Z",
    "modified": "2023-08-12 20:03:04.828356Z",
    "enabled": true,
    "nodeId": 123,
    "sourceId": "/power/1",
    "property": "watts",
    "type": "AnalogInput",
    "multiplier": 0.001,
    "scale": 3

Server Measurement delete

This method deletes a Server Measurement entity.

DELETE /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/measurements/{index}
serverId The ID of the Server Measurement to delete.
index The index of the Server Measurement to delete.

Server Measurement list

This method displays a list of Server Measurement entities. An application/json request body may be provided with a search filter, otherwise all entities in the account will be returned.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/measurements

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
serverId Number The ID of a server to match.
serverIds Array<Number> A list of server IDs to match (logical OR).
index Number An index to match.
indexes Array<Number> A list of indexes to match (logical OR).
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state to match.
nodeId Number A node ID to match.
nodeIds Array<Number> A list of node IDs to match (logical OR).
sourceId String A source ID to match.
sourceIds Array<String> A list of source IDs to match (logical OR).

The response will be a list of Server Measurement entity objects. See the Server Measurement view response for details.

Server Measurement update enabled

This method updates the enabled status of a set of Server Measurement entities. An application/json request body may be included to narrow the entities the update applies to. If no request body is provided, then all entities in the account are updated.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/measurements/enabled/{enabled}
enabled The desired enabled state to set.

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
serverId Number The ID of a server to match.
serverIds Array<Number> A list of server IDs to match (logical OR).
index Number An index to match.
indexes Array<Number> A list of indexes to match (logical OR).
enabled Boolean Only update entities with the specified enabled state.
nodeId Number A node ID to match.
nodeIds Array<Number> A list of node IDs to match (logical OR).
sourceId String A source ID to match.
sourceIds Array<String> A list of source IDs to match (logical OR).

For example, to disable all measurements matching a server ID, make a POST request to /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/measurements/enabled/false with the following body:


Server Controls

Server Control entities represent DNP3 writable data points. Each data point includes an index property that is used to sort the controls within the DNP3 Outstation instance. The index values must be unique within a given server, but can be any integer value.

⚠️ See the node in the Server Measurements section about how index values relate to DNP3 data point offset values.

Server Control Save

This method creates or updates a Server Control entity. An application/json request body must be provided with the details to save.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/controls/{index}
serverId The ID of the Server to save the entity for.
index A unique sort order of the entity (lower to higher order).

The request body accepts a JSON Server Control object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
nodeId Number The node ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
controlId String The control ID of the node control, as well as the source ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
property String The name of the property within the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from. If not specified then SolarNetwork will look for a val or value property, and if not found use the first-available status property in the datum stream.
index Number The sort order of the entity. Must be unique within the associated Server.
type String The Control Type to use.
multiplier Number An optional number to multiply datum stream property values by before saving to the DNP3 server.
offset Number An optional number to add to datum stream property values before saving to the DNP3 server. Applied after the configured multiplier number.
scale Number An optional number of decimal places to round datum stream property values to before saving to the DNP3 server.
enabled Boolean The desired enabled state of the Server Control.

The response will be a Server Control entity object. See Server Control view response for more information.

Control Type

Server Control entities have a type property that determines the DNP3 data point type used:

Value Description
Analog Analog control.
Binary Binary control.

Server Control view

This method displays a Server Control entity.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/controls/{index}
serverId The ID of the Server Control to view.
index The index of the Server Control to view.

Server Control view response

The response will be a Server Control entity object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
userId Number The SolarNetwork account ID.
serverId Number A unique ID assigned to the entity.
index Number The sort order of the entity.
created String The creation date.
modified String The modification date.
enabled Boolean Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization.
nodeId Number The node ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
controlId String The control ID of the node control, as well as the source ID of the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from.
property String The name of the property within the datum stream the DNP3 data point value comes from. If not specified then SolarNetwork will look for a val or value property, and if not found use the first-available status property in the datum stream.
type String The Control Type to use.
multiplier Number An optional number to multiply datum stream property values by before saving to the DNP3 server.
offset Number An optional number to add to datum stream property values before saving to the DNP3 server. Applied after the configured multiplier number.
scale Number An optional number of decimal places to round datum stream property values to before saving to the DNP3 server.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "userId": 1,
    "serverId": 2,
    "index": 0,
    "created": "2023-08-12 08:10:25.086094Z",
    "modified": "2023-08-12 20:03:04.828356Z",
    "enabled": true,
    "nodeId": 1,
    "controlId": "switch/1",
    "type": "Binary"

## Server Control delete

This method deletes a Server Control entity.

| DELETE | `/solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/{serverId}/controls/{index}` |
| :-- | :--- |
| `serverId` | The ID of the Server Control to delete. |
| `index`    | The index of the Server Control to delete. |

## Server Control list

This method displays a list of Server Control entities. An `application/json` request body may be
provided with a search filter, otherwise all entities in the account will be returned.

| GET | `/solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/controls` |
| :-- | :--- |

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

| Property | Type | Description |
| `serverId`  | Number              | The ID of a server to match. |
| `serverIds` | Array&lt;Number&gt; | A list of server IDs to match (logical OR). |
| `index`     | Number              | An index to match. |
| `indexes`   | Array&lt;Number&gt; | A list of indexes to match (logical OR). |
| `enabled`   | Boolean             | The desired enabled state to match. |
| `nodeId`    | Number              | A node ID to match. |
| `nodeIds`   | Array&lt;Number&gt; | A list of node IDs to match (logical OR). |
| `sourceId`  | String              | A source ID to match. |
| `sourceIds` | Array&lt;String&gt; | A list of source IDs to match (logical OR). |

The response will be a list of Server Control entity objects. See the
[Server Control view response](#server-control-view-response) for details.

## Server Control update enabled

This method updates the enabled status of a set of Server Control entities. An
`application/json` request body may be included to narrow the entities the update applies to. If no
request body is provided, then all entities in the account are updated.

| POST | `/solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/controls/enabled/{enabled}` |
| :-- | :--- |
| `enabled` | The desired enabled state to set. |

The request body accepts a JSON search filter object with the following properties:

| Property | Type | Description |
| `serverId`  | Number              | The ID of a server to match. |
| `serverIds` | Array&lt;Number&gt; | A list of server IDs to match (logical OR). |
| `index`     | Number              | An index to match. |
| `indexes`   | Array&lt;Number&gt; | A list of indexes to match (logical OR). |
| `enabled`   | Boolean             | Only update entities with the specified enabled state. |
| `nodeId`    | Number              | A node ID to match. |
| `nodeIds`   | Array&lt;Number&gt; | A list of node IDs to match (logical OR). |
| `sourceId`  | String              | A source ID to match. |
| `sourceIds` | Array&lt;String&gt; | A list of source IDs to match (logical OR). |

For example, to disable all controls matching a server ID, make a `POST` request
to `/solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/dnp3/servers/controls/enabled/false` with the following body:

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