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William Deegan edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 11 revisions

Current SCons Release Procedure

The procedure has been used for all releases since 4.3.0.

Tag Release in Git

  • Move work to a release branch. It's currently necessary to do this first as the build will use the branch name when building the REVISION string it substitutes into many of the files.
git fetch 
git checkout -b rel_<NAME> master
git clean -xfd

Prepare Binaries and Doc

  • Validate and update all documentation files by calling:
python bin/
python bin/
python bin/
  • Check if there's anything specific to this version in doc/man/scons.xml that should be updated.. For example, support for a particular Python version may be deprecated or dropped in this SCons release. In particular, look for the sequence requires Python. It's worth rerunning the script if a change was made here.
  • Update date and copyright years on doc/user/main.xml
  • Check for any instances of NEXT_RELEASE in the code/docs and replace with the version being released. (TODO: Script this)
  • Commit the auto-generated doc changes to current branch ("Regenerated docs for X.Y.Z release.")
  • Update CHANGES.txt (should already be up to date)
  • Update RELEASE.txt (should already be up to date)
  • Update ReleaseConfig
  • Update default_version in SConstruct
  • Build packages and doc: python scripts/ >& build-XYZ.log (good idea to save build logfile somewhere)
You should now have the following in build/dist: 

  • Commit the above changes to git and push.
  • Tag and push tag

Upload Software and Doc

  • Run bin/ X.Y.Z mysfusername
  • There is now a shell script to do this: bin/ X.Y.Z mysfusername as long as SourceForge and have your ssh pub key and you're using SSH Agent Forwarding.
  • It uploads all the packages to SF, uploads the doc to, unpacks it, and updates the doc symlinks.
    • You will be prompted for your password numerous times.
  • You may still have to tell SF that the new release dirs exist in its File Manager (it's a bit buggy).

Prepare Announcement and announce to all

  • Use RELEASE.txt as blurb

Update website

content/documentation/ Update the version for each type of documentation
content/releases/release-###.rst add an announcement
  • Commit the above changes to git and push.
  • Tag and push tag
git tag #.#.#
git push --tags
  • Update Sourceforge:

  • set default downloads for each win/linux/mac etc. appropriately, using the "info" link on the right of each download.

    • NOTE: it will take a minute or two for these changes to affect the README and default downloads you've just set.
  • Announce to scons-users and scons-dev python list

  • Upload to testpypi #

python -m build

# If you have a ~/.pypirc
twine upload -r pypitest build/dist/scons-?.?.?.tar.gz build/dist/scons-?.?.?-py3-none-any.whl
# else this will prompt you for your pypi or test pypi username/password
twine upload --repository-url build/dist/scons-?.?.?.tar.gz build/dist/scons-?.?.?-py3-none-any.whl
  • Test package:
# Be sure to do this on both windows and non-windows systems
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --index-url scons==4.9.0
scons --version
  • Upload to Pypi #
twine upload  build/dist/scons-?.?.?.tar.gz build/dist/scons-?.?.?-py3-none-any.whl

After Release

  • On GitHub create a pull request from the branch. GitHub will give you a URL when you push and create the branch which will take you to a page to do just this.
  • On Github create a release with RELEASE.txt using Github New Release Page
  • On master branch, run python bin/ post to go back to develop mode.
  • Commit those changes after review
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