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IrcLog2010 01 05
William Deegan edited this page Jan 14, 2016
2 revisions
16:49:01 * Jason_at_Intel (n=[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #scons
16:56:31 * You are no longer marked as being away
16:56:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> loonycyborg, you with us for the bug party?
16:58:14 <loonycyborg> [GregNoel](GregNoel): What can I add to it? Besides you always have them when I should be sleeping :P
16:59:53 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Sleep? What's that?
17:00:23 <sgk> that's that thing other people do where they close their eyes and don't move for long periods of time
17:00:27 <sgk> or so i've heard
17:00:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And the answer to your question is that you have a better perspective on what the users are seeing than any of us here.
17:01:01 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> s/seeing/wanting, needing, desiring, .../
17:01:50 <sgk> no sign of bdbaddog and garyo was sounding pretty iffy... :-(
17:02:17 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Gary said he'd likely be late, so I'm not panicking yet. yet.
17:06:00 <Jason_at_Intel> are we waiting for Steve?
17:07:01 <sgk> i'm here
17:07:13 <Jason_at_Intel> right :-)
17:07:14 <sgk> just under a different (officially registered) nick
17:10:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> loonycyborg, can you open the "current issues" spreadsheet? There's a link from the [BugParty](BugParty) wiki page.
17:11:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And also the current issuezilla page; there's also a link from the [BugParty](BugParty) page. I keep them in different tabs in my browser so I can flip back and forth readily.
17:13:41 <loonycyborg> [GregNoel](GregNoel): I've opened them.
17:13:53 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Steven, should we start? It looks like there's close to consensus on the first few; that will give Gary a chance to arrive.
17:14:12 <sgk> sounds good, let's go
17:14:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> loonycyborg, the easiest way to follow in issuezilla is to click on the "long format" button
17:14:38 <sgk> 2071: consensus 2.0 p0 sk
17:14:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:16:10 <sgk> question about the license (to see if anyone has an opinion)
17:16:20 <Jason_at_Intel> what does this mean?
17:16:37 <Jason_at_Intel> is this going to cause a problem for me and Parts add on for Scons?
17:16:40 <sgk> sorry, mean release forms for code
17:17:28 <Jason_at_Intel> as in legal forms?
17:17:46 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: to avoid possible legal hassles, we should really have some paper showing it's legal to take code
17:18:00 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> "contributed code"
17:18:01 <sgk> contributed code
17:18:03 <sgk> right
17:18:20 <sgk> we actually have a draft of an assignment that I used for a bit years ago
17:18:28 <sgk> something I scraped together from other examples
17:18:53 <sgk> probably full of IANAL holes
17:18:23 <Jason_at_Intel> As I understand it legally you just need a .lic file shipped with the license
17:18:27 <Jason_at_Intel> like i have in Parts
17:19:01 <Jason_at_Intel> Or so I was told by Intel Lawyers
17:19:19 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: that's fine for you distributing Parts
17:19:32 <sgk> the question is if the SCons Foundation were to incorporate Parts into SCons
17:19:44 <sgk> if we don't have paper from you and Intel saying it's okay
17:20:04 <sgk> then legally we'd be open to getting sued for improperly redistributing your IP
17:20:03 <Jason_at_Intel> I see
17:20:17 <Jason_at_Intel> course the point of Parts it to be added to SCons
17:20:41 <Jason_at_Intel> right... you have that OK
17:20:55 <Jason_at_Intel> I thought gave you an e-mail orginally with all that
17:21:17 <sgk> believe so, but we haven't been regular about getting this from contributors
17:21:33 <Jason_at_Intel> Everything in Parts is for Scons to take and use as they like
17:21:34 <sgk> current agreement basically says you have to give code to scons
17:21:39 <sgk> which makes some corporate lawyers nervous
17:21:59 <Jason_at_Intel> sure.. I understand
17:22:19 <sgk> our lawyer (last I talked) said since we're MIT [license] we could get by with just having contributors license their code to SCons under the same MIT terms we use
17:22:29 <sgk> so contributors still retain ownership
17:22:20 <Jason_at_Intel> if "we" needed to clarify anything here let me know
17:22:46 <Jason_at_Intel> sort of why we released under MIT
17:22:57 <Jason_at_Intel> normally Intel would have wanted a BSD
17:23:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> to proceed, 2509, 1.3 p1 Gary +doc
17:23:22 <sgk> 2509: done
17:23:25 <Jason_at_Intel> K
17:23:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2518
17:23:54 <sgk> you okay with the other consensus?
17:23:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll make it a dup of 2536
17:25:11 <sgk> 2518: done
17:25:17 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2521
17:25:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll go with the flow
17:25:43 <sgk> 2521: ditto, research p2 bdbaddog
17:25:48 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:25:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2522
17:26:08 <sgk> 2.x p4 okay w/you?
17:26:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Already too much in 2.x; 3.x?
17:26:42 <sgk> fine with me
17:26:48 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 3.x p3?
17:27:00 <sgk> +1
17:27:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:27:24 <sgk> 2523: 2.x p3 +symlink +sconf_revamp
17:27:28 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2523 2.x p3
17:27:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> er, sure, we agree
17:28:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2531, this came up in the mailing list today
17:28:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll go with the flow; future is OK.
17:27:56 <Jason_at_Intel> is the auto config going to get redone in 2.x
17:28:32 <Jason_at_Intel> or better yet are the symlink nodes going to be handed by SCons?
17:29:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Already in train.
17:28:56 <Jason_at_Intel> moving on
17:29:08 <Jason_at_Intel> you would need to redo the taskmaster
17:29:33 <Jason_at_Intel> and the task queue
17:29:46 <sgk> 2531: future p2
17:29:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:29:54 <Jason_at_Intel> agreed
17:30:26 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: all of it needs attention
17:30:36 <sgk> I'm hoping to get guidance from you all on what's top priority for my time
17:30:44 <sgk> instead of ending up all over the map like I usually do...
17:30:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2532
17:30:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Steven, you want it?
17:30:56 <sgk> 2532: 2.x p2 sk
17:31:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I don't like it that far out, but I'm willing to try.
17:31:17 <sgk> you'd like it sooner than 2.x?
17:31:28 <Jason_at_Intel> is this a regression? (2532)
17:31:44 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> No, I don't like something with your name on it that far out, for precisely the reasons you just said.
17:31:57 <sgk> right
17:32:11 * sgk goes to re-read the issue...
17:32:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Maybe assign it to Gary for research and recommendations.
17:34:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Steven, we lose you?
17:34:26 <sgk> no, was off taking a look at the code
17:34:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Maybe assign it to Gary for research and recommendations.
17:35:07 <Jason_at_Intel> so 2532.. research it?
17:35:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Gary for research and recommendations?
17:35:46 <sgk> no, give it to me, i think I just figured out a pretty simple fix
17:35:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, done
17:36:09 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> what milestone and priority?
17:36:11 <sgk> we should handle that like we do the other allowable exceptions in substitution
17:36:15 <sgk> 2.1 p2
17:36:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:36:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2533, should be 2.1 p3 garyo
17:36:49 <Jason_at_Intel> 2533... this seem to be a bug in how the win32 installer is made... ... user has to elevate it to run it
17:37:10 <Jason_at_Intel> or the installer has to be made to get elevation by the system
17:37:32 <sgk> 2.1 p3 garyo
17:37:32 <sgk> done
17:37:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:38:11 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2534
17:38:30 <sgk> i'm okay with doc+test p3
17:38:43 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> milestone?
17:39:13 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And is node_class=None the right solution?
17:40:09 <sgk> looking...
17:41:44 <sgk> sheesh, who designed this API?
17:42:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Er, that would be you?
17:42:11 <sgk> yep... :-)
17:42:34 <Jason_at_Intel> SEP for cleaned on API are needed
17:42:39 <Jason_at_Intel> ;-)
17:42:46 <loonycyborg> Scanner api indeed seems kinda weird.
17:42:54 <sgk> I'm confused because the default is actually Entry, not File
17:43:04 <sgk> which normally means that returning a Dir should be okay
17:43:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Yeah, I agree... So why's it fail?
17:43:49 <sgk> +1 re: a SEP to clean up APIs
17:44:07 <sgk> ah
17:44:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Who would write the SEP? Or should there be more than one?
17:44:28 <sgk> more than one
17:44:47 <sgk> one per area of cleanup, probably
17:45:11 <sgk> okay, i'm taking it back, i think 2534 needs research
17:45:28 <loonycyborg> I'd prefer if a scanner always was a function taking node, returning list of nodes.
17:46:11 <sgk> loonycyborg: that would be a step in a more sane direction, but it's a little more complicated
17:46:28 <sgk> because a scanner is really conceptually attached to an edge in a DAG, not a node
17:46:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ... and there are some other considerations
17:47:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> but an API that ran a function with an upstream node would go a long way toward solving a number of problems.
17:47:18 <sgk> re: 2534, need to figure out where the File lookup is coming from
17:47:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, who? not you?
17:48:51 <sgk> me... not me... me... not me...
17:49:12 <sgk> i dunno
17:47:50 <loonycyborg> Probably api is like that due to taking specifics of scanning c/c++ files in account, e.g. search path etc.
17:48:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> API would need an Environment, but that's a secondary consideration.
17:48:24 <loonycyborg> But you could just make a canned scanner for that case..
17:49:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> loonycyborg, caching becomes a problem.
17:49:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> sgk, decision, or bypass?
17:49:42 <Jason_at_Intel> research seem to be best
17:49:44 <sgk> let's defer until next week
17:49:55 <sgk> it'd be sane to have someone else research
17:49:57 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:50:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2535
17:50:26 <Jason_at_Intel> I have this working in Parts
17:50:32 <Jason_at_Intel> you can take my code for this
17:50:44 <sgk> 2535: 1.3 p1 garyo
17:50:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2535, I don't have a clue
17:50:56 <Jason_at_Intel> but gary is best guy for this
17:51:08 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: could you update the issue with that info re: code in parts, so he'll see it when he looks?
17:51:25 <Jason_at_Intel> sure...
17:51:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll resist 1.3
17:51:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> We should be cutting it next week, unless there's a regression in the checkpoint.
17:52:33 <sgk> re: 1.3, is that on a separate branch or is it on trunk still?
17:53:00 * sgk is worried that he's potentially messing up 1.3 with recent checkins...
17:53:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I think you did a rebase recently; that should be the candidate
17:53:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> If it's not, it should be twiddled so that it is
17:54:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Were you the one to release the checkpoint? If so, which branch did you use?
17:55:05 <sgk> bdbaddog did
17:55:13 <sgk> that's right, we have the checkpoint branch for that... duh
17:55:48 <sgk> so 2.1 p1 garyo?
17:55:51 <sgk> for 2535?
17:56:38 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> p1 or p2? I don't think it's p1-urgent
17:57:09 <sgk> good point, p2
17:57:18 <sgk> can be escalated if it starts burning anyone
17:57:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:58:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Should we go on to your research issues?
17:58:24 <Jason_at_Intel> added notes of basic code
17:58:32 <sgk> sure, let's just hit obvious ones for now (consensus, etc.)
17:58:42 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I think we should settle the lawyer issues; don't know about the rest
17:58:49 <sgk> 2130: 2.0 p0 sk
17:59:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1910, no consensus; bypass
17:59:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2130, yes
17:59:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> (I'll really make them p1)
17:59:42 <sgk> crap, i thought I went through these
17:59:51 <sgk> obviously I didn't
17:59:48 <Jason_at_Intel> ideally this is just asking for a license to be added in the documentation
18:00:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 765, 2.x p2 garyo
18:00:05 <sgk> yeah, just need to stamp it with the appropriate creative commons license
18:00:27 <sgk> 765 done
18:00:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2361 bypass
18:00:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 780 bypass
18:01:04 <Jason_at_Intel> I need to do a SEP for packaging
18:01:26 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 914, bypass reluctantly
18:01:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1187 bypass
18:01:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1745 bypass
18:02:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1883 bypass (dup?)
18:04:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> None of the rest have enough comments...
18:05:10 <sgk> yep, sorry about that
18:02:03 <sgk> 914: probably wontfix at this point
18:02:19 <sgk> it's been superceded by the stuff I copped from Chromium
18:02:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> your choice
18:03:17 <sgk> re: reluctantly: is there specific functionality you had in mind that you wanted from 914?
18:04:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> No, but the XML output in a standardized format is a good idea.
18:04:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I don't know what you added from Chromium
18:04:48 <sgk> hmm, what if we just mark it future so it doesn't fall off the radar screen?
18:04:51 <sgk> that's a little lame, but...
18:05:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Future is on the radar screen?
18:05:19 <sgk> fair point
18:05:31 <sgk> it's less off the radar screen than WONTFIX...
18:05:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> bypass until next time
18:05:34 <Jason_at_Intel> I can't seem to edit the file so i have been unable to add comments
18:05:58 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: oh, I meant to update the issue at tigris.org, not in the spreadsheet
18:06:03 <sgk> if that's what you were trying to do
18:06:19 <sgk> the spreadsheet is just to try to streamline the triage process in these meetings
18:06:34 <sgk> it's not for long-term tracking of info on specific bugs
18:06:43 <Jason_at_Intel> No i added comment on the bug at tigris
18:07:01 <sgk> okay, thanks
18:08:26 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> decision on 914?
18:09:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> (we've run over and I don't know if there's anything to discuss about 1.3)
18:10:02 <Jason_at_Intel> Steve?
18:11:04 <sgk> 914: defer to next time
18:11:11 <sgk> along with rest of research
18:10:21 <Jason_at_Intel> 2347 will be fixed by taskmaster NG?
18:10:35 <Jason_at_Intel> greg?
18:12:04 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) brb
18:14:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> back; 2347 not related to taskmaster; related to how symlinks should work: 'value' of symlink is string reference, but has to be worked out so read and write work.
18:15:49 <Jason_at_Intel> Greg.. thanks!
18:35:57 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) just had his wife suggest that it would be a good thing to come to dinner...
18:36:21 <sgk> [GregNoel](GregNoel): thanks, say hello to your wife
18:36:38 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> wilco, cul
18:36:49 * You have been marked as being away
18:37:00 <Jason_at_Intel> later greg!
18:36:33 <sgk> i should go, too -- i'm still at work and have to buy a printer on the way home
18:37:53 <Jason_at_Intel> well guess you got to go.. I should go help take care of my kids
18:45:30 <sgk> gotta get going, catch you guys later
18:45:44 <Jason_at_Intel> ok later!
18:45:51 * sgk (n=sgk@nat/google/x-rfygfhizlqsajbfq) has left #scons
18:46:03 <Jason_at_Intel> I got to go as well
18:46:07 <Jason_at_Intel> later
18:46:13 * Jason_at_Intel has quit ("[ChatZilla](ChatZilla) 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458]")