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IrcLog2009 01 07
William Deegan edited this page Jan 14, 2016
2 revisions
17:18:54 * garyo-home (n=[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #scons
17:22:57 * stevenknight (n=[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #scons
17:24:27 <stevenknight> hey all
17:25:42 <garyo-home> Hi, Steven.
17:25:50 <garyo-home> Hi, Greg (?)
17:26:00 <garyo-home> Anyone else here yet?
17:26:15 <stevenknight> just got here myself
17:26:23 <stevenknight> haven't seen anyone else
17:26:39 <garyo-home> Looks like the bug list should be pretty short this time.
17:26:49 <stevenknight> yep
17:37:21 <garyo-home> Anyway... where's Greg?
17:39:12 <stevenknight> well, Greg entered his comments, shall we dive in and do what we can?
17:39:24 <garyo-home> Yes, I was just thinking that.
17:39:46 <garyo-home> 2279: how about I integrate it, and we give Arve commit rights on his next patch?
17:40:13 <garyo-home> Unless you have swig.
17:40:09 <stevenknight> sounds good -- or actually,
17:40:23 <stevenknight> i may have been thinking about someone different for commit rights
17:40:35 <stevenknight> IIRC Greg's been talking with Ben Webb about becoming the SWIG guru
17:40:49 <stevenknight> I do have swig installed so could do at least a sanity check on it
17:41:02 <garyo-home> Oh, right. Maybe we should let Ben check it then.
17:41:15 <stevenknight> okay, i'll follow up w/Greg and/or Ben
17:41:28 <stevenknight> and integrate it myself if neither of them has cycles
17:41:25 <garyo-home> good.
17:41:30 <stevenknight> done
17:41:43 <garyo-home> 2281: I think you're right, error if no action.
17:42:04 <stevenknight> okay, 2.0 p3... me?
17:42:10 <stevenknight> since i spoke up...
17:42:12 <garyo-home> yes.
17:42:33 <stevenknight> 2281: 2.0, p3, sk
17:42:33 <stevenknight> done
17:43:00 <stevenknight> 2282: 1.3, p3, who?
17:43:12 <garyo-home> right, who. I can do it, or maybe Greg would.
17:43:31 <garyo-home> Heck, count me in, I've done a bunch of doc already.
17:43:39 <stevenknight> okay
17:43:43 <stevenknight> 2282: 1.3, p3, garyo
17:43:44 <stevenknight> done
17:43:45 <stevenknight> thanks
17:44:04 <stevenknight> 2283:
17:44:11 <garyo-home> 2283: we need to actually see the patch before we can do anything.
17:44:15 <stevenknight> do you see any significant downside to going with it?
17:44:23 <stevenknight> i looked and it seemed pretty reasonable to me
17:44:38 <garyo-home> Good -- no, as long as it doesn't break anything, why not.
17:44:52 <stevenknight> i wasn't sure what Greg's concerns are w.r.t. "special-case cross-compiling"
17:45:15 <garyo-home> I think he wants to specify cross-compilation at a toolchain level in a nice way.
17:45:34 <stevenknight> i see
17:45:07 <stevenknight> 2.x p3 seem reasonable?
17:45:13 <stevenknight> right now those don't need to be assigned
17:45:29 <stevenknight> and we're going to have to have a big assignment party some time post 1.3 for those
17:45:38 <garyo-home> Yes, 2.x for all feature requests is good.
17:45:42 <stevenknight> not just as an implementation within a specific tool, right
17:45:47 <garyo-home> right.
17:45:48 <stevenknight> okay
17:45:54 <stevenknight> 2283: 2.x, p3, TBD
17:45:57 <stevenknight> done
17:46:16 <stevenknight> 2284:
17:46:22 <garyo-home> as you say, it's a dup.
17:46:24 <stevenknight> I'll DUP to 1914
17:46:29 <garyo-home> good!
17:46:34 <stevenknight> cool, done with the current issues
17:46:35 <garyo-home> that was quick.
17:46:39 <stevenknight> nice
17:47:10 <garyo-home> I spent some time on the 2005Q2 issues too.
17:47:25 <stevenknight> excellent, let's see if we can get through those
17:47:40 <garyo-home> 1140: close as WORKSFORME.
17:47:48 <stevenknight> 1140: done
17:47:50 <garyo-home> 1185: consensus WORKSFORME.
17:48:08 <stevenknight> 1185: done
17:48:21 <stevenknight> 1187: research, sk
17:48:25 <garyo-home> yup.
17:48:42 <stevenknight> 1188: research, sk
17:48:47 <stevenknight> close if confirm fix
17:49:03 <garyo-home> I actually tried 1188 and it worked. ?
17:49:11 <garyo-home> But I had to make my own testcase.
17:49:17 <stevenknight> do you still have it?
17:49:46 <garyo-home> Maybe. It was just foo.c conditionally including foo.h, iirc.
17:50:11 <stevenknight> with appropriate case change in the extension, i take it
17:50:31 <garyo-home> case change?
17:50:34 <stevenknight> you have to get it stored in the .sconsign file and then run again
17:50:47 <stevenknight> d'oh! scratch my case change comment
17:50:52 <stevenknight> thinking about the next issue
17:50:55 <garyo-home> :-)
17:51:02 <garyo-home> Anyway, whatever you find there is OK.
17:51:22 <stevenknight> if you still have the test case handy, send it my way or attach it as a starting point
17:51:30 <garyo-home> Either close or post testcase and retriage. I'll see if I have the testcase.
17:51:49 <stevenknight> even if it's already fixed, i'd feel better checking in a test to make sure it stays fixed
17:52:07 <garyo-home> Good point.
17:52:22 <stevenknight> 1188: research, sk, garyo to see if he has his test case
17:52:23 <stevenknight> done
17:52:29 <stevenknight> 1193:
17:52:40 <stevenknight> 1193: 1.3, p2, sk
17:52:41 <garyo-home> 1193, p3 sk?
17:52:46 <garyo-home> yes
17:52:52 <stevenknight> done
17:53:04 <garyo-home> 1194 you already closed.
17:53:05 <stevenknight> 1194: already fixed
17:53:28 <stevenknight> 1198:
17:53:40 <garyo-home> 1198: do you really have to set PYTHONPATH if you install as non-root?
17:53:50 <stevenknight> not sure about that
17:53:59 <stevenknight> but maybe i'm misunderstanding the bug
17:53:59 <garyo-home> I don't think so, I do that on one of my Linux boxes where I don't have root and I don't think I set PYTHONPATH.
17:54:14 <stevenknight> i don't set it either
17:54:29 <stevenknight> but it sounds like the underlying problem is we don't do the right thing with installing the man page
17:55:03 <garyo-home> Right, forgot about that part. Should be a separate issue IMHO, but anyway.
17:55:20 <stevenknight> ah, okay
17:55:23 <garyo-home> He wants us to install the man pages anyway. That's reasonable.
17:55:46 <stevenknight> should I just re-title this issue, or open up a separate one?
17:56:10 <garyo-home> I'd close this one w/ explanation, and open a new one with a reference to this old one.
17:56:17 <stevenknight> okay, i'll do that
17:56:22 <garyo-home> great.
17:56:36 <garyo-home> That's that!
17:56:41 <stevenknight> 1198: open new issue, 2.0, p3 ?
17:56:49 <stevenknight> done
17:56:51 <stevenknight> excellent
17:57:06 <stevenknight> we're actually beginning to get this "consensus" thing down... :-)
17:57:15 <garyo-home> Yes, it works well.
17:58:04 <garyo-home> There's probably a lot of scheduling discussions we could have right now, but I am pretty burned out and would like to go to bed.
17:57:59 <stevenknight> looks like you haven't had a chance to tackle 2005q1, shall we just push that off to next time?
17:58:07 <stevenknight> and go get other things done... :-)
17:58:13 <garyo-home> Yes, and let's do 2005q1 next time.
17:58:14 <stevenknight> okay, sounds good
17:58:37 <stevenknight> i'm going to try to get sgk_batch integrated into trunk and then kick out a checkpoint so it gets air time
17:58:43 <stevenknight> and then tackle integrating vs_revamp
17:58:57 <stevenknight> with another checkpoint for that
17:58:56 <garyo-home> +1 on both of those. I will test them hard!
17:59:22 <garyo-home> I'll be able to test on my home Windows box once vs_revamp is out (I have VS2008 here)
17:59:30 <stevenknight> cool
18:00:03 <stevenknight> we've been working on a signfiicant refactoring of .vcproj / .sln generation
18:00:34 <garyo-home> OK, not my particular cup o' tea but some people like it.
18:00:37 <stevenknight> still a ways off, so not for 1.3, but I think it'll come with some good stuff for hard-core Windows developers
18:00:41 <stevenknight> yep
18:01:25 <garyo-home> OK Steven, see you later.
18:01:39 <stevenknight> garyo-home: good night, thanks again
18:18:03 * stevenknight has quit ("Leaving")
18:33:38 * garyo-home has quit ("[ChatZilla](ChatZilla) 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]")