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GUI utilities

Brian Wandell edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 6 revisions

Data in the plot windows

ISETCam includes various plotting and data selection routines. These simplify certain types of data analysis and help with code debugging. We describe some of these here.

ISETCam has many utilities to support plots. Each of the major types of structures has an interface program with multiple options (e.g., scenePlot, oiPlot, sensorPlot, ipPlot). These are structured in a regular way.

Explain the return of the UserData get(gcf,'UserData'). and then explain how they are set and the functions return UserData and the Figure handle (hdl) get(hdl,'userdata',udata);

Macbeth color checker (MCC)

The Macbeth Color Checker (MCC) also called the Gretag color checker, is widely used in color analysis and calibration. ISETCam has a number of utilities that simplify the task of finding the 24 patches and analyzing the data in those patches. These routines work with MCC data in the sensor and ip windows. We are now extending these routines to the scene and optical image window.

The MCC utilities can be located as macbeth. There are many, including macbethSelect, macbethChartCreate and macbethDrawRects.

ROI selection

Spatial resolution with the slanted bar

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