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[Printer] Up Plus 2 (TierTime)

PancakeLegend edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 19 revisions

This printer was taken into he care of Adric, December 2021.


OctoPrint: It is not possible to run this printer via an OctoPrint server.

Build Volume: 138 x 138 x 135

Filament: ABS 1.75mm

Nozzle: 0.4mm


The only way to communicate with this printer is via the UP Studio software. It is possible to produce G-Code in other slicers for the Up Plus 2, however, UP Studio will still be required to send that file to the printer.

Download: UP Studio for PC and Mac (Mac version does not support this printer)

Changing Filament

  1. In Up Studio, open the maintenance tab (Lower-left hand side).

  2. Click on the 'Withdraw' button.

    The printer will then preheat the nozzle to extrusion temp before backing the filament out of the hot end.

  3. Replace the spool and insert the new flimament into the top of the extruder.

  4. Click the 'Extrude' button.

    The printer will again preheat the nozzle. When it reaches the extrusion temp, the extruder will begin turning. Feed the filament into the extruder. The extruder will grab the filament and push it through until it starts extruding out the nozzle.