released this
25 Sep 21:08
added revolts
reduced manipulation capability of prisoners (now they have 80% of normal manipulation, down from 100%)
added default prisoner interaction mode option to settings menu
fixed comatibility issues with Dubs Hygiene and Central Heating Mod (prisoners now use toilets and showers)
added "Labor area" tool in "Zones" category
added "Prisoner only"("Colony only", "Colonists only") button in bill menu
fixed forbidden bug with harvesting plants (again)
added SeedsPlease compatibility
added tutorials triggers (now all tutorials will be shown)
added watched tutorials to properties (tutorials will no longer be shown after reenabling mod)
excluded supervising from labor
reworked inspiration: Now insiration is AOE around warden, and will prevent prisoners from escaping.
added icons above prisoners indicating whenever he's being motivated/inspired
fixed Toil reservation bug (not respecting prisoners' job)
rewritten news dialog
perfomance and code improvements
added "Work and recruit" option
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