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Pazaz edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 23 revisions
  • How did multi2 work in 2004? Was it @multi2 or an engine command?
    • How does the engine know to resume the script when it receives if_button for that option's component?
  • What does a Developer Manual page look like when a command involves corruption? We currently assume the _find commands might be tagged as corrupting its relevant pointer, and that "corrupting" means any delays/suspensions warn about unsafely using those pointers. Find results must be stored globally and a delay no longer guarantees the results are safe to use. Would be good to have validation.
  • What are the old interface commands called? Pre-if3 and pre-cs2. We've taken some liberties based on practical uses.
  • What are all of the pointers available? last_int, active_npc/obj/loc/player etc
  • What hunt properties/values are there? We know about type, check_vis, check_nottoostring, check_notcombat, check_notcombat_self, check_notbusy, find_keephunting, find_newmode, nobodynear, rate, check_afk. Any configs we could see would help get a closer feature-perfect aggression.