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Zack Middleton edited this page Oct 31, 2017 · 13 revisions

New entities and entity settings not found in Quake III Arena 1.32b or ioquake3.

New General Entity Keys

!gametype (Origin: OpenArena)

Similar to "gametype", it contain list of game types to NOT spawn the entity in. Gametype names should be separated with a comma or space.

Example: "!gametype" "ctf,ffa"

Gamtype Names:

  • ffa
  • tournament
  • single
  • team
  • ctf
  • oneflag
  • obelisk
  • harvester

New Entities

misc_vis_dummy (Origin: RTCW)

If this entity is "visible" (in player's PVS) then it's target is forced to be active whether it is in the player's PVS or not. This entity itself is never visible or transmitted to clients.

You should have each dummy only point at one entity (however, it's okay to have many dummies pointing at one entity).

misc_vis_dummy_multiple (Origin: WolfET)

Used on target_speaker entities. See target_speaker for more info.

misc_gamemodel (Origin: RTCW, extended by ET)

Model placed in the game at runtime (rather than in the bsp).

"origin"		origin of the model
"model"			arbitrary .md3 file to display
"skin"			skin file to use to remap shaders (note: skin was added in ET)
"modelscale"		scale multiplier (defaults to 1x, and scales uniformly)
"modelscale_vec"	scale multiplier (defaults to 1 1 1, scales each axis as requested), overrides "modelscale"
"angle"			set yaw angle
"angles"		set pitch, yaw, and roll, overrides "angle"

Note: Currently it is just loaded by cgame, like static misc_gamemodels in ET.

corona (Origin: RTCW)

Add a corona at a given point. Corona rendering is essentially the same as BSP flares.

  • targetname <name> Triggering the entity will toggle it on and off.
  • If spawnflags is 1, it starts off.
  • scale sets scale of the corona (it's multiplied times r_flareSize at run time).
  • color or _color <r> <g> <b> sets the corona color. RGB should be in range 0.0 to 1.0. (Note: 0.0 0.0 0.0 will be forced to white instead of black.)

dlight (Origin: RTCW)

Add a real-time dynamic light at a given point. Useful for turning lights on and off in real-time or changing/flickering light effect.

/*QUAKED dlight (0 1 0) (-12 -12 -12) (12 12 12) FORCEACTIVE STARTOFF ONETIME
"style": value is an int from 1-19 that contains a pre-defined 'flicker' string.
"stylestring": set your own 'flicker' string.  (ex. "klmnmlk"). NOTE: this should be all lowercase
Stylestring characters run at 10 cps in the game. (meaning the alphabet, at 24 characters, would take 2.4 seconds to cycle)
"offset": change the initial index in a style string.  So val of 3 in the above example would start this light at 'N'.  (used to get dlights using the same style out of sync).
"atten": offset from the alpha values of the stylestring.  stylestring of "ddeeffzz" with an atten of -1 would result in "ccddeeyy"
Use color picker to set color or key "color".  values are 0.0-1.0 for each color (rgb).
FORCEACTIVE     - toggle makes sure this light stays alive in a map even if the user has r_dynamiclight set to 0.
STARTOFF        - means the dlight doesn't spawn in until ent is triggered
ONETIME         - when the dlight is triggered, it will play through it's cycle once, then shut down until triggered again
"shader" name of shader to apply
"sound" sound to loop every cycle (this actually just plays the sound at the beginning of each cycle)

1 - "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo"
2 - "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
3 - "mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg"
4 - "ma"
5 - "jklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkj"
6 - "nmonqnmomnmomomono"
7 - "mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm"
8 - "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz"
9 - "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma"
10 - "abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
11 - "mmnommomhkmmomnonmmonqnmmo"
12 - "kmamaamakmmmaakmamakmakmmmma"
13 - "kmmmakakmmaaamammamkmamakmmmma"
14 - "mmnnoonnmmmmmmmmmnmmmmnonmmmmmmm"
15 - "mmmmnonmmmmnmmmmmnonmmmmmnmmmmmmm"
16 - "zzzzzzzzaaaaaaaa"
17 - "zzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
18 - "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzzaaaaaaaa"
19 - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzz"

props_skyportal (Origin: RTCW)

Create a sky scene and place props_skyportal in it to use a skybox portal. Sky surfaces in the world will not be rendered, instead the skybox scene is seen. Users can disable it using cg_skybox 0.

To have the portal sky scene fogged, enter any of the following values:

  • "fogcolor" (r g b) (values 0.0-1.0)
  • "fogfar" distance from entity that fog is opaque

To have the sky shader in the fog scene fogged, use skyfogvars in a sky shader.

Note: RTCW has a "fov" field, but doesn't actually use it (in MP at least). Note: Spearmint does not support RTCW's "fovnear" (distance from entity to start fogging).

New Entity Settings


spawnflags 16 (Origin: WolfET)

spawnflags bit 16 is used for allow one misc_vis_dummy_multiple entity to cause multiple target_speaker entities to be sent to client.

If a misc_vis_dummy_multiple entity is in players PVS, all the speakers targeting it with spawmflags bit 16 set will be sent.

On each target_speaker set spawnflags 16 and target <some name>. On one misc_vis_dummy_multiple set targetname <the same name>.

noise (Extended by Spearmint)

In Quake 3, "noise" filename that doesn't end with ".wav" will have ".wav" append. This can result in filename such as "sound/misc/file.ogg.wav" which will fail to load. In Spearmint any file extension can be used; ".wav" is only appended if no file extension is specified.