Point robot planning using BFS
Author: Yash Shah
About the Project: Implementation of Algorithm for finding a shortest path between two points in an area (with obstacles) using Breadth First Search in MATLAB.
Running The Program:
- Open MATLAB and open [main.m] file in MATLAB.
- Change the working directory to folder that contains [main.m] file.
- Run the program
- The program will generate a graph of the configuration space.
- Follow the commands that appear on the Command Window. It will ask you to give coordinated of start and end point.
- The program will take some time depending on the start and end point. Maximum it will take 7 mins for two extreme points.
- The command window will continuously show the working node number(i.e the node that generates the children at that time).
- Once the search is completed , open the minimized graph window, it will show the optimal path and the nodes expanded.
- I have also included a extremes.jpg (in the same folder) file that shows the path for two extreme points ((0,0) and (250,150)).
- I have also included a gif file visual.gif that shows the expansion of nodes visually.
Fig: Planning Algorithm GIF
Contact: For more details and help contact ([email protected]).
Yash Shah UID: 115710498