Implemented a simple Blackjack game in Python.
Here is my BlackJack rule:
- If you get BlackJack, bet payout is 3:2.
- If your point is not good, you may Surrender but half bet will be taken.
- You can select DoubleDown, only 1 more card will be hit, and bet will be doubled.
- You can Split once. After Split, Re-split or Doubledown or Surrender is NOT allowed.
- ACE by default is 11. If your 1st 2 cards are ACEs, your point is 12. If you choose Hit, and if your point becomes > 21, then any ACE could be reduced to 1, or both can if needed.
- Dealer will always hit if his point is < 17 (even if his point might >= yours) and must stand if it is >= 17.