Releases: wofsauge/External-Item-Descriptions
External Item Descriptions - V4.72 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Item Reminder now works correctly with Tainted Forgotten
- Item Reminder now ignores coop babies
- The automatic " description shortening" feature of the Item Reminder Overview category now also takes the screen size into account, making it a bit less likely to trigger
- Added Mod config menu option to alter the description length of shortened descriptions
- Updated English, and russian language packs
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.71 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- completely reworked the "Item Reminder" feature:
- Now provides a scrollable list of categories based on item type
- support for multiplayer and multi-entity players
- Passive items can now be scrolled thru, allowing to look up descriptions for any item
- A lot of bug fixes and improvements
- Fully extendable by other mods
- Added glowing hourglass modifier in co-op
- Added display of players' current active item's wisp effect when looking at a Book of Virtues pedestal
- Improved error robustness and added some assorted API functions
- Improved Translationspacks: French, Japanese, korean, german, English
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.70 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
Repentogon Changes:
- Possible fix for desync of Bag of Crafting item tracking for room/floor items
General Changes:
- Updated Korean, Czech and Russian Translationpacks
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.69 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
Repentogon changes:
- Improved Repentogon compatibility
- Fixed some issues with Repentogon compatibility
General changes:
- Added new Conditional description modifier type, to alter descriptions under certain conditions (still WIP)
- Added Glowing hourglass depleted description
- Fixed TMTrainer descriptions not working for some languages
- Fixed golden trinkets descriptions not working in the item reminder feature
- Updated English and Chinese languagepack
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.67 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
Repentogon changes:
- Improved Donation machine achievement indicator
- Improved Donation machine description
- Fixed collection page display not working correctly
General changes:
- Fixed local mode not working correctly in sacrifice rooms
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.66 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
We now support Repentogon to provide extended features like:
- Item collection progress indicators
- Bag of Crafting now works with modded items
- Better TMTrainer descriptions
- Bag of Crafting stabilizations
- Item descriptions in the main menu collection page
- Donation Machine descriptions including informations on how many more coins are need for the next achievement
- No more warning dialogs
- Performance improvements
- ...
Added possibility to change positions of descriptions in local mode
Improved Chinese, Korean, German, and English Languagepacks
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.65 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
- Updated Chinese Languagepacks
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.64 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
- changed Player 3 and Player 4 colors to resemble the official player color scheme
- The German languagepack now supports all Repentance specific descriptions (AB+ and basic descriptions are still WIP)
- Updated Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and German Languagepacks
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.63 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
- Added Colorblind mode (configurable in MCM->Visuals)
- Added Tarot cloth + blank card description interaction
- Improved translations of golden trinkets
- Improved car battery description modifier
- Improved tarot cloth description modifier
- Fixed bag of crafting desync, when the room you enter has the same amount of pickups as the previous room
- Fixed some instances where EID causes a desync in online multiplayer
- Added some new default colors
- Updated languagepacks: English, French, Ukrainian, Korean, japanese
See tutorial here:
external item
External Item Descriptions - V4.62 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
- Fixed mod not working with --luadebug active
- Improved Korean Languagepck
See tutorial here: