Releases: wofsauge/External-Item-Descriptions
External Item Descriptions - V4.82 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Fixed modded characters displaying health specific descriptions at wrong times
- Fixed closest player not working correctly for tainted chars
- (API) Added support for HealingRed lines removal for custom health types
- Indicators now take the PositionOffset of an entity into account
- Fixed Can Tripped card descriptions
- Fixed the orphan socks description now showing the soul heart icon
- Big improvements on the Spanish EID translation
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.81 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Added T-Cain Salvage result description
- Added Dynamic health up descriptions for characters, that dont use red hearts
- Added config option to disable Flip item descriptions
- Added a mod name & icon to the MCM demo description
- Added more conditional descriptions and synergy descriptions
- Fixed textbox size in french languagepack
- Fixed some cases where BoC recipes where learned when they shouldnt
- Fix crash caused by rewind command + mod incompatibilities
- Fix error with poop spell preview
- Fixed MCM demo description not showing/working correctly
- Fix strength? and add desc for tainted Jacob's soul
- Fixed alt path item descriptions not visible despite it being enabled in the config
- Updated Korean, French, chinese and English language packs
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.80 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Big update on French languagepack! now 100% translated :)
- Added more conditional descriptions for a wide range of actions
- Reworked the MCM options layout, to be easier to navigate
- Added "HideUncollectedItemDescriptions" config option
- Added Purity Stat boost preview
- Added Crooked Penny, Liberty Cap, Broken Syringe and MomsLock predictions
- Added a dynamic luck modifier
- Added Player health type specific dynamic descriptions
- Added healing, wisp, "Padlock" and "QuestionMark" icons
- Itemreminder poop spell preview now doesnt show the same poop descriptions twice
- Fixed smaller bugs
- Updated languagepacks French, English, Korean, German
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.79 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Added Glitch Crown support, by enabling the player to manually scroll thru descriptions of the rapidly changing items
- Added Item Reminder Category "hideInOverview" attribute
- Fixed error when trying to use Item Reminder feature with modded characters
- Fixed error when modded players consume a pill directly after being initialized
- Improved "Dead Tainted Lazarus" handling
- Item Reminder Character Informations now only get displayed in the Overview category, when in the starting room
- Fixed "The Stars?" card modifier not working for J&E, also now supports Tarot Cloth
- Improved stability of Entity-Data access operations
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.78 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Added shortcut function to add several conditional descriptions, Horse Pill descriptions and more
- Added a lot more conditional descriptions
- Added Glyph of Balance prediction
- Add support for fixing our tracked things after a Glowing Hourglass
- Pandoras Box now displays a shorter description based on your progress and the game mode
- Improved Item reminder feature: Lemegeton wisps, Gulped trinkets, character informations, etc.
- Fixed references to en_us_detailed causing errors
- Fix Vurp / Echo Chamber not checking Golden Horse Pills correctly
- Updated English language pack
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.77 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Added "Item Override" descriptions
- Added functions for modders to easily add conditionals
- Added more conditional descriptions
- Improved conditional description system
- Updated English languagepack
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.76 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Improved dynamic descriptions to be easier to manage
- Added coloring of item names, item multiplier effects (like tarot cloth and bffs!) and more
- Some descriptions now are only displayed in the correct situation, for example informations that only affect greed mode
- Fixed error in main menu item description feature
- Fixed item icons being able to be one a seperate text line than the item name
- Updated language packs English, Czech and German
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.75 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Changed Bag of Crafting Search feature toggle key from ENTER to RIGHT SHIFT (configurable)
- Fixed Bag of Crafting Search feature being activated randomly when using a controller
- Fixed Bag of Crafting Search feature blocking inputs unintentionally in some circumstances
- Fixed Tarot Cloth modifiers only showing Repentance effects
- Fixed temporary items (e.g. 3 Dollar bill effect) being displayed in the item reminder as passive items
- Improved Car Battery modifiers
- Added more Greed mode specific descriptions
- Updated Language packs: German, English, Korean
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.74 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Fixed mod not working when Chinese Mod Config Menu is installed
- Fixed Tainted characters Conditionals not working as intended
- Added some new conditional and synergy descriptions
- Updated English, Korean and French language packs
See tutorial here:
External Item Descriptions - V4.73 (Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b)
External Item descriptions mod compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth+ and Repentance 1.7.9b.
General Changes:
- Added Recipe Search feature for Bag of Crafting
- Added "Learned Recipes" display mode for Bag of crafting
- Added search order config option for Bag of Crafting
- Added dynamic BFFS! Synergy descriptions
- Added dynamic Black Feather description
- Removed deprecated language "English (detailed)", because it wasnt updated in a few years
- Completely overhauled the "Conditionals" API feature, to be more intuitive and more flexible to use. Now supports synergies, and much more
- Added {{NoLineBreak}} markup and icons for Magnifying lens and ButtonEnter
- Removed spoiler description for Faded Polaroid and Broken Padlock
- Fixed Bethany player icon looking like Esau
- Potentially fixed some bag of crafting issues
- Detailed Metronome descriptions now count as a "Cheat feature" which needs enabling
- Cleaned up the folder structure
- Big Update to the German language pack
- Updated Languages: English, Korean, German
See tutorial here: