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This is a library to implement an OAuth 2.0 resource server (RS). The library can be used by any service that wants to accept OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens.

It is compatible with and was tested with php-oauth.

The library uses the "introspection" endpoint of the OAuth AS to verify the access tokens it receives from a client. This is explained in the specification draft-richer-oauth-introspection-04.txt, included in the docs directory.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;


Using the library is straightforward, you can install it in your project using Composer and add this library to your requires in composer.json.

To use the API:

$resourceServer = new ResourceServer(
    new Client(

Now you have to somehow get the Authorization header value and/or the GET query parameters, see the full example below on how to do that:

    "Bearer foo"


Now you can verify the token:


The verifyToken method returns a TokenIntrospection object with a number of methods:

public function getActive()
public function getExpiresAt()
public function getIssuedAt()
public function getScope()
public function getClientId()
public function getSub()
public function getAud()
public function getTokenType()

If you read the specification they will make sense. In addition there is one extra call getToken() that returns the complete response from the introspection endpoint. This way you can also access proprietary fields.


The library will return exceptions when using the verifyToken method, you can catch these exceptions and send the appropriate response to the client using your own (HTTP) framework.

The exception provides some helper methods to help with constructing a response for the client:

public function getDescription()
public function setRealm($resourceServerRealm)
public function getRealm()
public function getStatusCode()
public function getAuthenticateHeader()

The getStatusCode() method will get you the (integer) HTTP response code to send to the client. The method setRealm($resourceServerRealm) allows you to set the "realm" that will be part of the WWW-Authenticate header you can retrieve with the getAuthenticateHeader() method.


This is a full example using this library.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use fkooman\OAuth\ResourceServer\ResourceServer;
use fkooman\OAuth\ResourceServer\ResourceServerException;
use fkooman\OAuth\Common\Scope;

use Guzzle\Http\Client;

try {
    // initialize the Resource Server, point it to introspection endpoint
    $resourceServer = new ResourceServer(
        new Client(

    // get the Authorization header (if provided, through ugly Apache function)
    $requestHeaders = apache_request_headers();
    $authorizationHeader = isset($requestHeaders['Authorization']) ? $requestHeaders['Authorization'] : null;

    // get the query parameter (if provided)
    $accessTokenQueryParameter = isset($_GET['access_token']) ? $_GET['access_token'] : null;

    // now verify the token
    $tokenIntrospection = $resourceServer->verifyToken();

    // NOTE: only getActive() is required to be available, any of the other
    // introspection method objects can return "false" when not provided
    // by the introspection endpoint, so you MUST check for that!
    if (!$tokenIntrospection->getScope()->hasScope(new Scope("foo"))) {
        throw new ResourceServerException("insufficient_scope", "scope 'foo' required");
    $output = array("user_id" => $tokenIntrospection->getSub());

    header("Content-Type: application/json");
    echo json_encode($output);
} catch (ResourceServerException $e) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 " . $e->getStatusCode());
    if (null !== $e->getAuthenticateHeader()) {
        // for "internal_server_error" responses no WWW-Authenticate header is set
        header("WWW-Authenticate: " . $e->getAuthenticateHeader());
    $output = array(
        "error" => $e->getMessage(),
        "code" => $e->getStatusCode(),
        "error_description" => $e->getDescription()
    header("Content-Type: application/json");
    echo json_encode($output);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // handle generic exceptions
    header("Content-Type: application/json");
    echo json_encode($e->getMessage());

In "real" applications you want to be more resilient on how to obtain the Authorization header. For example, using the Apache specific example as shown above is not really nice. Because PHP removes the Authorization header by assuming it will always be Basic authentication it is not available in the $_SERVER array. If you want to make it available there you can use the following Apache configuration snippet:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)$
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

That will make HTTP_AUTHORIZATION available in $_SERVER. If you use some framework it may already take care of this for you.


In order to run the tests you can use PHPUnit. You can run the tests like this:

$ php /path/to/phpunit.phar tests

from the directory. Make sure you first run php /path/to/composer.phar install before running the tests.


OAuth2 resource server compatiable with Apis







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