- Fix Scope handling
- Switch to using fkooman/oauth-common for Scope handling
- Rename package to fkooman/oauth-rs
- ResourceServerException for using both setAuthorizationHeader() and setAccessTokenQueryParameter() is now thrown in verifyToken() instead of in the setters.
- Again, API change, ResourceServerException will be thrown if token is not active, or when it expired
- Again, API change, change namespace to fkooman\OAuth\ResourceServer from fkooman\oauth\as to be more in line with the other projects
- Always throw TokenIntrospectionException when token is not valid, i.e.:
- Again, API change, see README (first set AuthorizationHeader and/or AccessTokenQueryString before calling verifyToken() instead of them being a parameter of verifyRequest())
- Add phpunit.xml.dist (to set bootstrap info)
- Again, major API overhaul, see README
- Use Guzzle for HTTP requests to token introspection endpoint
- Finish unit tests (100% coverage)
- API overhaul, see README
- No longer support handling requests for the caller
- Update Exception to return array instead of JSON with getContent(), and call it getResponseAsArray() now
- Update code to better match PSR-2 guidelines
- Update the included introspection draft
- Initial release