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dr.dimitru edited this page Jul 22, 2018 · 7 revisions
addFile(path [, opts, callback, proceedAfterUpload]) [Server]

Add local file to FilesCollection from FS.

Note: You can not use this method on public collections. As they supposed to be served without NodeJS (Meteor) participation. But you always can move file to root of your web-server and then add a record to FilesCollection.

  • path {String} - Full path to file, like /var/www/files/sample.png
  • opts {Object} - Recommended properties:
    • opts.fileName {String} - File name with extension, like name.ext
    • opts.meta {Object} - Object with custom meta-data
    • opts.type {String} - Mime-type, like image/png
    • opts.size {Number} - File size in bytes, if not set - size will be calculated from file
    • opts.userId {String} - UserId, default null
    • opts.fileId {String} - _id of inserted file, if not set - will be used
  • callback {Function} - Triggered after new record is added to Collection. With error, and fileRef, where fileRef is a new record from DB
  • proceedAfterUpload {Boolean} - Proceed onAfterUpload hook (if defined) after local file is added to FilesCollection
  • Returns {FilesCollection} - Current FilesCollection instance
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

const Images = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Images'});

Images.addFile('/var/www/files/sample.png', {
  fileName: 'sample.png',
  type: 'image/png',
  fileId: 'abc123AwesomeId',
  meta: {}
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