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Template Helper

dr.dimitru edited this page Jul 22, 2018 · 9 revisions

Template Helper fileURL [Client]

import { Meteor }          from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Template }        from 'meteor/templating';
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

const Files = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Files'});

if (Meteor.isClient) {

    fileRef: Files.collection.findOne({})
} else {
  Meteor.publish('files.all', function () {
    return Files.collection.find({});

Get download URL for file, pass fileRef object to helper:

<a href="{{fileURL fileRef}}?download=true" target="_parent" download="{{}}">

Get specific version of the file, pass second argument version:

Note: If requested version of file is not available - the original file will be returned.

For more info about file's subversions see: create subversions section

<a href="{{fileURL fileRef 'small'}}?download=true" target="_parent" download="{{compare '||'}}">
<!-- For `compare` helper see ostrio:templatehelpers -->

For compare helper see ostrio:templatehelpers

Change base URI, pass third argument URIBase:

<img src="{{fileURL fileRef 'original' ''}}">

Display thumbnail:

Note: If thumbnail (subversion of the file) is not available the original file will be returned.

For more info about file's subversions see: create subversions section

<img src="{{fileURL fileRef 'thumb'}}" alt="{{}}" />

Example for video with multiple subversions:

For more info about file's subversions see: create subversions section

<video width="80%" height="auto" controls="controls" poster="{{fileURL fileRef 'videoPoster'}}">
  <source src="{{fileURL fileRef 'ogg'}}?play=true" type="video/ogg" />
  <source src="{{fileURL fileRef 'mp4'}}?play=true" type="video/mp4" />
  <source src="{{fileURL fileRef 'webm'}}?play=true" type="video/webm" />