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[Archived] Service Quality Metrics

Eddy Ionescu edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Once we can reliably get vehicle arrivals at any point (or at least stops), then we can generate more useful metrics.

Travel-time: get the travel-time between any two points Reliability: get the arrivals at any point

This requires storing vehicle data points (within a trip) in such a way that they can be indexed by coordinate. To do this, we'll have a database that'll have the following schema:

vtime: timestamp,
trip-id: int,
coordinate: (lat, lon),

For each trip that fits in our requirements, we get the required vehicle data points. For example, if we want to get all the arrivals of route 5 trips from 8:00-10:00, at coordinates (x, y), we'll receive one result for each trip. Likewise, we'd receive two results for each trip for travel-time, and then subtract the timestamps to get the travel-time for each trip. Getting info like vid (vehicle ID) or route # will require a Join with the trip table (via trip ID) Milestone 1: Data Storage: Source: trip files in S3 Technology: Postgres/PostGIS on AWS RDS with a table for arrivals and trips from each agency.

Milestone 2: Populate this directly from Orion instead if reading from S3.