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Showing 3 changed files with 349 additions and 186 deletions.
489 changes: 304 additions & 185 deletions svg/hash.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package svg

// generated by hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go; DO NOT EDIT, except for adding more constants to the list and rerun go generate

// uses
//go:generate hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go

// Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings
type Hash uint32

// Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings
// Identifiers for the hashes associated with the text in the comments.
const (
A Hash = 0x101 // a
Alignment_Baseline Hash = 0x2e12 // alignment-baseline
@@ -21,20 +19,20 @@ const (
Color Hash = 0xd805 // color
Color_Interpolation Hash = 0xd813 // color-interpolation
Color_Interpolation_Filters Hash = 0xd81b // color-interpolation-filters
Color_Profile Hash = 0x1ea0d // color-profile
Color_Rendering Hash = 0x2250f // color-rendering
Color_Profile Hash = 0x1f70d // color-profile
Color_Rendering Hash = 0x2320f // color-rendering
ContentScriptType Hash = 0xa011 // contentScriptType
ContentStyleType Hash = 0xb110 // contentStyleType
Cursor Hash = 0xc106 // cursor
D Hash = 0x5901 // d
Defs Hash = 0x35c04 // defs
Direction Hash = 0x2ff09 // direction
Defs Hash = 0x36904 // defs
Direction Hash = 0x30c09 // direction
Display Hash = 0x9807 // display
Dominant_Baseline Hash = 0x18511 // dominant-baseline
Dominant_Baseline Hash = 0x19211 // dominant-baseline
Enable_Background Hash = 0x8811 // enable-background
FeImage Hash = 0x14507 // feImage
Fill Hash = 0xc904 // fill
Fill_Opacity Hash = 0x3300c // fill-opacity
Fill_Opacity Hash = 0x33d0c // fill-opacity
Fill_Rule Hash = 0xc909 // fill-rule
Filter Hash = 0xec06 // filter
Flood_Color Hash = 0xd20b // flood-color
@@ -47,95 +45,213 @@ const (
Font_Style Hash = 0x14c0a // font-style
Font_Variant Hash = 0x1560c // font-variant
Font_Weight Hash = 0x1620b // font-weight
ForeignObject Hash = 0x16d0d // foreignObject
G Hash = 0x1601 // g
Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal Hash = 0x1c61c // glyph-orientation-horizontal
Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal Hash = 0x1d31c // glyph-orientation-horizontal
Glyph_Orientation_Vertical Hash = 0x161a // glyph-orientation-vertical
Height Hash = 0x6c06 // height
Href Hash = 0x14204 // href
Image Hash = 0x16d05 // image
Image_Rendering Hash = 0x16d0f // image-rendering
Kerning Hash = 0x1af07 // kerning
Image Hash = 0x17a05 // image
Image_Rendering Hash = 0x17a0f // image-rendering
Kerning Hash = 0x1bc07 // kerning
Letter_Spacing Hash = 0x90e // letter-spacing
Lighting_Color Hash = 0x1e10e // lighting-color
Lighting_Color Hash = 0x1ee0e // lighting-color
Line Hash = 0x3c04 // line
Marker Hash = 0x17c06 // marker
Marker_End Hash = 0x17c0a // marker-end
Marker_Mid Hash = 0x1960a // marker-mid
Marker_Start Hash = 0x1a00c // marker-start
Mask Hash = 0x1ac04 // mask
Metadata Hash = 0x1b608 // metadata
Missing_Glyph Hash = 0x1be0d // missing-glyph
Marker Hash = 0x18906 // marker
Marker_End Hash = 0x1890a // marker-end
Marker_Mid Hash = 0x1a30a // marker-mid
Marker_Start Hash = 0x1ad0c // marker-start
Mask Hash = 0x1b904 // mask
Metadata Hash = 0x1c308 // metadata
Missing_Glyph Hash = 0x1cb0d // missing-glyph
Opacity Hash = 0x10b07 // opacity
Overflow Hash = 0x25508 // overflow
Paint_Order Hash = 0x2a10b // paint-order
Overflow Hash = 0x26208 // overflow
Paint_Order Hash = 0x2ae0b // paint-order
Path Hash = 0x6904 // path
Pattern Hash = 0x1f707 // pattern
Pointer_Events Hash = 0x1fe0e // pointer-events
Points Hash = 0x21a06 // points
Polygon Hash = 0x23407 // polygon
Polyline Hash = 0x23b08 // polyline
PreserveAspectRatio Hash = 0x24313 // preserveAspectRatio
Rect Hash = 0x30104 // rect
Pattern Hash = 0x20407 // pattern
Pointer_Events Hash = 0x20b0e // pointer-events
Points Hash = 0x22706 // points
Polygon Hash = 0x24107 // polygon
Polyline Hash = 0x24808 // polyline
PreserveAspectRatio Hash = 0x25013 // preserveAspectRatio
Rect Hash = 0x30e04 // rect
Rx Hash = 0x4f02 // rx
Ry Hash = 0xc602 // ry
Script Hash = 0xf206 // script
Shape_Rendering Hash = 0x20b0f // shape-rendering
Solid_Color Hash = 0x21f0b // solid-color
Solid_Opacity Hash = 0x35f0d // solid-opacity
Shape_Rendering Hash = 0x2180f // shape-rendering
Solid_Color Hash = 0x22c0b // solid-color
Solid_Opacity Hash = 0x36c0d // solid-opacity
Stop_Color Hash = 0x12d0a // stop-color
Stop_Opacity Hash = 0x2670c // stop-opacity
Stroke Hash = 0x27306 // stroke
Stroke_Dasharray Hash = 0x27310 // stroke-dasharray
Stroke_Dashoffset Hash = 0x28311 // stroke-dashoffset
Stroke_Linecap Hash = 0x2940e // stroke-linecap
Stroke_Linejoin Hash = 0x2ac0f // stroke-linejoin
Stroke_Miterlimit Hash = 0x2bb11 // stroke-miterlimit
Stroke_Opacity Hash = 0x2cc0e // stroke-opacity
Stroke_Width Hash = 0x2da0c // stroke-width
Stop_Opacity Hash = 0x2740c // stop-opacity
Stroke Hash = 0x28006 // stroke
Stroke_Dasharray Hash = 0x28010 // stroke-dasharray
Stroke_Dashoffset Hash = 0x29011 // stroke-dashoffset
Stroke_Linecap Hash = 0x2a10e // stroke-linecap
Stroke_Linejoin Hash = 0x2b90f // stroke-linejoin
Stroke_Miterlimit Hash = 0x2c811 // stroke-miterlimit
Stroke_Opacity Hash = 0x2d90e // stroke-opacity
Stroke_Width Hash = 0x2e70c // stroke-width
Style Hash = 0x15105 // style
Svg Hash = 0x2e603 // svg
Switch Hash = 0x2e906 // switch
Symbol Hash = 0x2ef06 // symbol
Svg Hash = 0x2f303 // svg
Switch Hash = 0x2f606 // switch
Symbol Hash = 0x2fc06 // symbol
Text_Anchor Hash = 0x450b // text-anchor
Text_Decoration Hash = 0x710f // text-decoration
Text_Rendering Hash = 0xf70e // text-rendering
Type Hash = 0x11004 // type
Unicode_Bidi Hash = 0x2f50c // unicode-bidi
Use Hash = 0x30803 // use
Vector_Effect Hash = 0x30b0d // vector-effect
Version Hash = 0x31807 // version
ViewBox Hash = 0x31f07 // viewBox
Viewport_Fill Hash = 0x3270d // viewport-fill
Viewport_Fill_Opacity Hash = 0x32715 // viewport-fill-opacity
Visibility Hash = 0x33c0a // visibility
White_Space Hash = 0x25c0b // white-space
Width Hash = 0x2e105 // width
Word_Spacing Hash = 0x3460c // word-spacing
Writing_Mode Hash = 0x3520c // writing-mode
Unicode_Bidi Hash = 0x3020c // unicode-bidi
Use Hash = 0x31503 // use
Vector_Effect Hash = 0x3180d // vector-effect
Version Hash = 0x32507 // version
ViewBox Hash = 0x32c07 // viewBox
Viewport_Fill Hash = 0x3340d // viewport-fill
Viewport_Fill_Opacity Hash = 0x33415 // viewport-fill-opacity
Visibility Hash = 0x3490a // visibility
White_Space Hash = 0x2690b // white-space
Width Hash = 0x2ee05 // width
Word_Spacing Hash = 0x3530c // word-spacing
Writing_Mode Hash = 0x35f0c // writing-mode
X Hash = 0x4701 // x
X1 Hash = 0x5002 // x1
X2 Hash = 0x32502 // x2
Xml_Space Hash = 0x36c09 // xml:space
X2 Hash = 0x33202 // x2
Xml_Space Hash = 0x37909 // xml:space
Y Hash = 0x1801 // y
Y1 Hash = 0x9e02 // y1
Y2 Hash = 0xc702 // y2

// String returns the hash' name.
var HashMap = map[string]Hash{
"a": A,
"alignment-baseline": Alignment_Baseline,
"baseProfile": BaseProfile,
"baseline-shift": Baseline_Shift,
"buffered-rendering": Buffered_Rendering,
"clip": Clip,
"clip-path": Clip_Path,
"clip-rule": Clip_Rule,
"color": Color,
"color-interpolation": Color_Interpolation,
"color-interpolation-filters": Color_Interpolation_Filters,
"color-profile": Color_Profile,
"color-rendering": Color_Rendering,
"contentScriptType": ContentScriptType,
"contentStyleType": ContentStyleType,
"cursor": Cursor,
"d": D,
"defs": Defs,
"direction": Direction,
"display": Display,
"dominant-baseline": Dominant_Baseline,
"enable-background": Enable_Background,
"feImage": FeImage,
"fill": Fill,
"fill-opacity": Fill_Opacity,
"fill-rule": Fill_Rule,
"filter": Filter,
"flood-color": Flood_Color,
"flood-opacity": Flood_Opacity,
"font": Font,
"font-family": Font_Family,
"font-size": Font_Size,
"font-size-adjust": Font_Size_Adjust,
"font-stretch": Font_Stretch,
"font-style": Font_Style,
"font-variant": Font_Variant,
"font-weight": Font_Weight,
"foreignObject": ForeignObject,
"g": G,
"glyph-orientation-horizontal": Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal,
"glyph-orientation-vertical": Glyph_Orientation_Vertical,
"height": Height,
"href": Href,
"image": Image,
"image-rendering": Image_Rendering,
"kerning": Kerning,
"letter-spacing": Letter_Spacing,
"lighting-color": Lighting_Color,
"line": Line,
"marker": Marker,
"marker-end": Marker_End,
"marker-mid": Marker_Mid,
"marker-start": Marker_Start,
"mask": Mask,
"metadata": Metadata,
"missing-glyph": Missing_Glyph,
"opacity": Opacity,
"overflow": Overflow,
"paint-order": Paint_Order,
"path": Path,
"pattern": Pattern,
"pointer-events": Pointer_Events,
"points": Points,
"polygon": Polygon,
"polyline": Polyline,
"preserveAspectRatio": PreserveAspectRatio,
"rect": Rect,
"rx": Rx,
"ry": Ry,
"script": Script,
"shape-rendering": Shape_Rendering,
"solid-color": Solid_Color,
"solid-opacity": Solid_Opacity,
"stop-color": Stop_Color,
"stop-opacity": Stop_Opacity,
"stroke": Stroke,
"stroke-dasharray": Stroke_Dasharray,
"stroke-dashoffset": Stroke_Dashoffset,
"stroke-linecap": Stroke_Linecap,
"stroke-linejoin": Stroke_Linejoin,
"stroke-miterlimit": Stroke_Miterlimit,
"stroke-opacity": Stroke_Opacity,
"stroke-width": Stroke_Width,
"style": Style,
"svg": Svg,
"switch": Switch,
"symbol": Symbol,
"text-anchor": Text_Anchor,
"text-decoration": Text_Decoration,
"text-rendering": Text_Rendering,
"type": Type,
"unicode-bidi": Unicode_Bidi,
"use": Use,
"vector-effect": Vector_Effect,
"version": Version,
"viewBox": ViewBox,
"viewport-fill": Viewport_Fill,
"viewport-fill-opacity": Viewport_Fill_Opacity,
"visibility": Visibility,
"white-space": White_Space,
"width": Width,
"word-spacing": Word_Spacing,
"writing-mode": Writing_Mode,
"x": X,
"x1": X1,
"x2": X2,
"xml:space": Xml_Space,
"y": Y,
"y1": Y1,
"y2": Y2,

// String returns the text associated with the hash.
func (i Hash) String() string {
return string(i.Bytes())

// Bytes returns the text associated with the hash.
func (i Hash) Bytes() []byte {
start := uint32(i >> 8)
n := uint32(i & 0xff)
if start+n > uint32(len(_Hash_text)) {
return ""
return []byte{}
return _Hash_text[start : start+n]

// ToHash returns the hash whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no
// such hash. It is case sensitive.
// ToHash returns a hash Hash for a given []byte. Hash is a uint32 that is associated with the text in []byte. It returns zero if no match found.
func ToHash(s []byte) Hash {
if len(s) == 0 || len(s) > _Hash_maxLen {
return 0
if 3 < len(s) {
return HashMap[string(s)]
h := uint32(_Hash_hash0)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
@@ -164,132 +280,135 @@ NEXT:
return 0

const _Hash_hash0 = 0x30372d7b
const _Hash_hash0 = 0x2d0dfdc1
const _Hash_maxLen = 28
const _Hash_text = "baseProfiletter-spacinglyph-orientation-verticalignment-base" +

var _Hash_text = []byte("" +
"baseProfiletter-spacinglyph-orientation-verticalignment-base" +
"line-shiftext-anchorx1buffered-renderingclip-patheightext-de" +
"corationclip-rulenable-backgroundisplay1contentScriptTypecon" +
"tentStyleTypecursory2fill-ruleflood-color-interpolation-filt" +
"erscriptext-renderingflood-opacitypefont-familyfont-size-adj" +
"ustop-colorfont-stretchrefeImagefont-stylefont-variantfont-w" +
"eightimage-renderingmarker-endominant-baselinemarker-midmark" +
"er-startmaskerningmetadatamissing-glyph-orientation-horizont" +
"alighting-color-profilepatternpointer-eventshape-renderingpo" +
"intsolid-color-renderingpolygonpolylinepreserveAspectRatiove" +
"rflowhite-spacestop-opacitystroke-dasharraystroke-dashoffset" +
"stroke-linecapaint-orderstroke-linejoinstroke-miterlimitstro" +
"ke-opacitystroke-widthsvgswitchsymbolunicode-bidirectionusev" +
"ector-effectversionviewBox2viewport-fill-opacityvisibilitywo" +
"eightforeignObjectimage-renderingmarker-endominant-baselinem" +
"arker-midmarker-startmaskerningmetadatamissing-glyph-orienta" +
"tion-horizontalighting-color-profilepatternpointer-eventshap" +
"e-renderingpointsolid-color-renderingpolygonpolylinepreserve" +
"AspectRatioverflowhite-spacestop-opacitystroke-dasharraystro" +
"ke-dashoffsetstroke-linecapaint-orderstroke-linejoinstroke-m" +
"iterlimitstroke-opacitystroke-widthsvgswitchsymbolunicode-bi" +
"directionusevector-effectversionviewBox2viewport-fill-opacit" +

var _Hash_table = [1 << 7]Hash{
0x0: 0x2940e, // stroke-linecap
0x1: 0x1140b, // font-family
0x2: 0x23b08, // polyline
0x3: 0x1f707, // pattern
0x4: 0x30104, // rect
0x5: 0x5212, // buffered-rendering
0x7: 0x2f50c, // unicode-bidi
0x8: 0x450b, // text-anchor
0x9: 0x2bb11, // stroke-miterlimit
0xa: 0xc909, // fill-rule
0xb: 0x27310, // stroke-dasharray
0xc: 0xc904, // fill
0xd: 0x1af07, // kerning
0xe: 0x2670c, // stop-opacity
0x10: 0x1a00c, // marker-start
0x11: 0x380e, // baseline-shift
0x14: 0x17c0a, // marker-end
0x15: 0x18511, // dominant-baseline
0x16: 0xc602, // ry
0x17: 0x161a, // glyph-orientation-vertical
0x18: 0x5002, // x1
0x19: 0x20b0f, // shape-rendering
0x1a: 0x32502, // x2
0x1b: 0x11f10, // font-size-adjust
0x1c: 0x2250f, // color-rendering
0x1d: 0x28311, // stroke-dashoffset
0x1f: 0x3520c, // writing-mode
0x20: 0x2e906, // switch
0x21: 0xf70e, // text-rendering
0x22: 0x23407, // polygon
0x23: 0x3460c, // word-spacing
0x24: 0x21f0b, // solid-color
0x25: 0xec06, // filter
0x26: 0x1801, // y
0x27: 0x1be0d, // missing-glyph
0x29: 0x11404, // font
0x2a: 0x4f02, // rx
0x2b: 0x9807, // display
0x2c: 0x2e603, // svg
0x2d: 0x1050d, // flood-opacity
0x2f: 0x14204, // href
0x30: 0x6404, // clip
0x31: 0x3c04, // line
0x32: 0x1620b, // font-weight
0x33: 0x1c61c, // glyph-orientation-horizontal
0x34: 0x6c06, // height
0x35: 0x9e02, // y1
0x36: 0x6904, // path
0x37: 0x31807, // version
0x38: 0x2ac0f, // stroke-linejoin
0x39: 0x4701, // x
0x3a: 0x30803, // use
0x3b: 0x2cc0e, // stroke-opacity
0x3c: 0x15105, // style
0x3d: 0x30b0d, // vector-effect
0x3e: 0x14c0a, // font-style
0x40: 0x16d05, // image
0x41: 0x1e10e, // lighting-color
0x42: 0xd813, // color-interpolation
0x43: 0x27306, // stroke
0x44: 0x2ef06, // symbol
0x47: 0x8811, // enable-background
0x48: 0x33c0a, // visibility
0x49: 0x25508, // overflow
0x4b: 0x31f07, // viewBox
0x4c: 0x2e12, // alignment-baseline
0x4d: 0x5901, // d
0x4e: 0x1560c, // font-variant
0x4f: 0x1ac04, // mask
0x50: 0x21a06, // points
0x51: 0x1b608, // metadata
0x52: 0x710f, // text-decoration
0x53: 0xd81b, // color-interpolation-filters
0x54: 0x2ff09, // direction
0x55: 0x6409, // clip-path
0x56: 0x2da0c, // stroke-width
0x59: 0x35f0d, // solid-opacity
0x5a: 0xd805, // color
0x5b: 0xd20b, // flood-color
0x5c: 0x1601, // g
0x5d: 0x2e105, // width
0x5e: 0x1ea0d, // color-profile
0x61: 0x35c04, // defs
0x62: 0x1370c, // font-stretch
0x63: 0x11004, // type
0x64: 0x8009, // clip-rule
0x66: 0x24313, // preserveAspectRatio
0x67: 0x14507, // feImage
0x68: 0x36c09, // xml:space
0x69: 0xc106, // cursor
0x6a: 0x16d0f, // image-rendering
0x6b: 0x90e, // letter-spacing
0x6c: 0xf206, // script
0x6d: 0x12d0a, // stop-color
0x6e: 0x101, // a
0x70: 0x10b07, // opacity
0x71: 0xb110, // contentStyleType
0x72: 0x1fe0e, // pointer-events
0x73: 0xb, // baseProfile
0x74: 0x11f09, // font-size
0x75: 0x3270d, // viewport-fill
0x76: 0x3300c, // fill-opacity
0x77: 0x25c0b, // white-space
0x79: 0x17c06, // marker
0x7b: 0x2a10b, // paint-order
0x7c: 0xc702, // y2
0x7d: 0x32715, // viewport-fill-opacity
0x7e: 0x1960a, // marker-mid
0x7f: 0xa011, // contentScriptType
0x1: 0x2f303, // svg
0x2: 0x2f606, // switch
0x3: 0x18906, // marker
0x5: 0x1620b, // font-weight
0x6: 0x1801, // y
0x7: 0x33d0c, // fill-opacity
0x8: 0x2e70c, // stroke-width
0x9: 0x33415, // viewport-fill-opacity
0xa: 0x9807, // display
0xb: 0xb110, // contentStyleType
0xc: 0x30c09, // direction
0xd: 0x20407, // pattern
0xf: 0x1f70d, // color-profile
0x10: 0xc602, // ry
0x12: 0x1ad0c, // marker-start
0x13: 0x1050d, // flood-opacity
0x14: 0x36c0d, // solid-opacity
0x15: 0x90e, // letter-spacing
0x16: 0x17a05, // image
0x17: 0x1890a, // marker-end
0x18: 0x2c811, // stroke-miterlimit
0x19: 0x20b0e, // pointer-events
0x1a: 0x12d0a, // stop-color
0x1b: 0x1b904, // mask
0x1c: 0xc904, // fill
0x1d: 0xc909, // fill-rule
0x1f: 0x26208, // overflow
0x20: 0x1a30a, // marker-mid
0x21: 0x1bc07, // kerning
0x22: 0xa011, // contentScriptType
0x23: 0x4f02, // rx
0x24: 0x1560c, // font-variant
0x25: 0x3020c, // unicode-bidi
0x26: 0x2a10e, // stroke-linecap
0x27: 0xc106, // cursor
0x28: 0x25013, // preserveAspectRatio
0x29: 0x14507, // feImage
0x2a: 0x2e12, // alignment-baseline
0x2b: 0x33202, // x2
0x2c: 0x450b, // text-anchor
0x2d: 0x1d31c, // glyph-orientation-horizontal
0x2e: 0xf206, // script
0x2f: 0x3180d, // vector-effect
0x30: 0x1370c, // font-stretch
0x31: 0x36904, // defs
0x32: 0x29011, // stroke-dashoffset
0x33: 0x6c06, // height
0x34: 0xd81b, // color-interpolation-filters
0x36: 0x2ae0b, // paint-order
0x37: 0x19211, // dominant-baseline
0x38: 0x11404, // font
0x39: 0x24808, // polyline
0x3a: 0x32c07, // viewBox
0x3b: 0x4701, // x
0x3c: 0x11004, // type
0x3d: 0x28010, // stroke-dasharray
0x3e: 0x5002, // x1
0x3f: 0x5901, // d
0x42: 0x8811, // enable-background
0x43: 0x30e04, // rect
0x44: 0x2180f, // shape-rendering
0x46: 0x37909, // xml:space
0x47: 0x161a, // glyph-orientation-vertical
0x48: 0x31503, // use
0x49: 0x3490a, // visibility
0x4a: 0x16d0d, // foreignObject
0x4b: 0x710f, // text-decoration
0x4c: 0x15105, // style
0x4f: 0x17a0f, // image-rendering
0x50: 0x24107, // polygon
0x51: 0x5212, // buffered-rendering
0x52: 0x1601, // g
0x53: 0x1140b, // font-family
0x54: 0x14204, // href
0x55: 0xec06, // filter
0x56: 0x1c308, // metadata
0x57: 0x1ee0e, // lighting-color
0x58: 0xf70e, // text-rendering
0x59: 0x35f0c, // writing-mode
0x5a: 0x10b07, // opacity
0x5b: 0x9e02, // y1
0x5c: 0xd20b, // flood-color
0x5d: 0x2690b, // white-space
0x60: 0x101, // a
0x61: 0xb, // baseProfile
0x62: 0x14c0a, // font-style
0x63: 0x3340d, // viewport-fill
0x65: 0x8009, // clip-rule
0x67: 0x6904, // path
0x68: 0xd813, // color-interpolation
0x69: 0x2d90e, // stroke-opacity
0x6a: 0x2b90f, // stroke-linejoin
0x6b: 0x2ee05, // width
0x6d: 0x2320f, // color-rendering
0x6e: 0xc702, // y2
0x6f: 0x3c04, // line
0x70: 0x1cb0d, // missing-glyph
0x71: 0x2740c, // stop-opacity
0x72: 0x11f09, // font-size
0x73: 0x380e, // baseline-shift
0x74: 0x3530c, // word-spacing
0x75: 0x2fc06, // symbol
0x76: 0x11f10, // font-size-adjust
0x77: 0xd805, // color
0x79: 0x28006, // stroke
0x7b: 0x22706, // points
0x7c: 0x32507, // version
0x7d: 0x6409, // clip-path
0x7e: 0x22c0b, // solid-color
0x7f: 0x6404, // clip
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions svg/svg.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -248,6 +248,12 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
return err

if tag == ForeignObject {
if err := printTag(w, tb, tag); err != nil {
return err
case xml.StartTagCloseVoidToken:
tag = 0
if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil {
@@ -301,6 +307,43 @@ func (o *Minifier) shortenRect(tb *TokenBuffer, t *Token) {


func printTag(w io.Writer, tb *TokenBuffer, tag Hash) error {
level := 0
for {
t := *tb.Peek(0)
if level == 0 && t.Hash == tag && (t.TokenType == xml.EndTagToken || t.TokenType == xml.StartTagCloseVoidToken) {
switch t.TokenType {
case xml.ErrorToken:
case xml.StartTagToken:
if t.Hash == tag {
case xml.StartTagCloseVoidToken:
if t.Hash == tag {
if level == 0 {
case xml.EndTagToken:
if t.Hash == tag {
if level == 0 {
if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil {
return err
return nil

func skipTag(tb *TokenBuffer) {
level := 0
for {
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion svg/svg_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ func TestSVG(t *testing.T) {
{`<rect x="5" y="10" width="30%" height="100%"/>`, `<rect x="5" y="10" width="30%" height="100%"/>`},
{`<svg contentStyleType="text/json ; charset=iso-8859-1"><style>{a : true}</style></svg>`, `<svg contentStyleType="text/json;charset=iso-8859-1"><style>{a : true}</style></svg>`},
{`<metadata><dc:title /></metadata>`, ``},
{`<metadata><dc:title />`, ``},

// from SVGO
{`<!DOCTYPE bla><?xml?><!-- comment --><metadata/>`, ``},
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ func TestSVG(t *testing.T) {
{`<path stroke="url(#UPPERCASE)"/>`, `<path stroke="url(#UPPERCASE)"/>`}, // #117
{`<rect height="10"/><path/>`, `<path/>`}, // #244
{`<rect height="10"><path/></rect>`, ``}, // #244
{`<rect height="10"><path/></g>`, ``}, // #244
{`<foreignObject><div></div></foreignObject>`, `<foreignObject><div></div></foreignObject>`}, // #291

// go fuzz
{`<0 d=09e9.6e-9e0`, `<0 d="09e9.6e-9e0"`},

0 comments on commit 70116ed

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