- CSS: fix order in background-position:center left; see #222
- JS: support different ECMAScript version to toggle optimizations, merge with NoNullishOperator and add NoOptionalCatchParameter, fixes #540
- HTML: make mediatype parameters case sensitive, fixes #545
- HTML: fix last commit, see #545
- HTML: don't replace & by & when followed by what could be an entity, even though it is not terminated by a semicolon (as the spec requires), fixes #546
- CSS: limit too many nested functions
- SVG: don't remove rect with zero width or height, fixes #557
- cmd: copy file if minify fails, fixes #560
- cmd: add --incluce/--exclude filters, and allow comma-separated patterns for --match/--include/--exclude, see #560
- cmd: throw error when using multiple input files (such as when using *) to a non-existing output directory in line with cp behaviour, fixes #562