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Users Drive Transfer

Ross Scroggs edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 29 revisions

Users - Drive - Transfer

API documentation


Drive File Selection

<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= uid:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>
<OldOwnerID> ::= <UserItem>
<NewOwnerID> ::= <UserItem>
<TransferID> ::= <String>


There are two methods for transferring files from one user to another:

  • Gam directly transfers the files.
  • Gam instructs Google to transfer the files in the background.

Gam direct transfers

gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive <UserItem> [select <DriveFileEntity>]
        [(targetfolderid <DriveFolderID>)|(targetfoldername <DriveFolderName>)] [targetuserfoldername <DriveFolderName>]
        [targetuserorphansfoldername <DriveFolderName>]
        [skipids <DriveFileEntity>]
        [keepuser | (retainrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|contentmanager|fileorganizer|none)] [noretentionmessages]
        [nonowner_retainrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|contentmanager|fileorganizer|current|none] [nonowner_targetrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|contentmanager|fileorganizer|current|none|source]
        (orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
        [preview] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

By default, all of the source users files will be transferred except those in the trash. If you want to transfer a subset of the source users files, use the select <DriveFileEntity> option.

This option handles special cases where you want to prevent selected files from being transferred.

  • skipids <DriveFileEntity> - Do not transfer files with the specified IDs.

You can specify the access that the source user retains to the files that it owns. If no option is specified, the source user retains no access to the transferred files.

  • keepuser - The source user retains write access to the files; old style, equivalent to retainrole writer.
  • retainrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|contentmanager|fileorganizer - The source user retains the specified access to the files.
  • retainrole none - The source user retains no access to the files; this is the default.

You can specify the access that the source user retains to the files that it does not own. If no option is specified, the source user retains the same access as specifed with retainrole.

  • nonowner_retainrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|contentmanager|fileorganizer - The source user retains the specified access to the files.
  • nonowner_retainrole current - The source user retains its current access to the files.
  • nonowner_retainrole none - The source user retains no access to the files.

You can specify the access that is assigned to the target user for those files that the source user does not own. If the target user already has access to a file, the following options will not diminish that access. If no option is specified, the target user gets the same access to the files that the source user had.

  • nonowner_targetrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|contentmanager|fileorganizer - The target user gets the specified access to the files.

  • nonowner_targetrole current - The target user maintains its current access to the files.

  • nonowner_targetrole none - The target user gets no access to the files.

  • nonowner_targetrole source - The target user gets the same access to the files that the source user had; this is the default.

  • noretentionmessages - Suppress the role retention messages.

The transferred files are placed into a subfolder of an existing parent folder that belongs to the target user. The parent folder must exist, the subfolder will be created if necessary.

Choose one of the following options to specify an existing target user folder as the parent folder of the subfolder. If neither option is chosen, the root folder of the target user will be the parent folder of the subfolder.

  • targetfolderid <DriveFolderID> - The ID of an existing folder owned by the target user,
  • targetfoldername <DriveFolderName> - The name of an existing folder owned by the target user.

Use the following option to specify the subfolder of the parent folder to receive the transferred files. This folder will be created if necessary. If targetuserfoldername is not specified, the default value #user# old files will be used.

  • targetuserfoldername <DriveFolderName> - The name of a subfolder under the parent folder.
  • targetuserfoldername "" - No subfolder will be created, the transferred files will be transferred to the parent folder.

Use the following option to specify the subfolder of the parent folder to receive the transferred orphaned files. This folder will be created if necessary. If targetuserorphansfoldername is not specified, the default value #user# orphaned files will be used.

  • targetuserorphansfoldername <DriveFolderName> - The name of a subfolder under the parent folder.
  • targetuserorphansfoldername "" - No subfolder will be created, the transferred orphaned files will be transferred to the parent folder.

In <DriveFolderName>, the following substitutions will be made:

  • #user# - Will be replaced by the source users email address.
  • #email# - Will be replaced by the source users email address.
  • #username# - Will be replaced by the portion of the source users email address before the @.

Use the preview option to output a CSV file showing the files to be transferrd without actually performing the transfer. The column headers are: OldOwner, NewOwner, type, id, title.


Use defaults for the parent folder and subfolder; a subfolder named [email protected] old files will be created as a subfolder of the root folder of [email protected]. The source user retains no access to the files.

gam user [email protected] transfer drive [email protected]

Transfer several users files to subfolders named "#username#'s Files" under the existing target parent folder named "Transferred Files".

gam users olduser1,olduser2,olduser3 transfer drive [email protected] targetfoldername "Transferred Files" targetuserfoldername "#username#'s Files" targetuserorphansfoldername" "#username#'s Orphaned Files"

Google background transfers

gam create datatransfer|transfer <OldOwnerID> drive <NewOwnerID>
        [private|shared|all] [privacy_level private|shared|private,shared]

There are two methods for specifying which files are to be transferred; they are equivalent. If neither method is specified, shared is the default.

  • private - Files that are not shared with anyone.
  • shared - Files shared with at least one other user.
  • all - All files.
  • privacy_level private - Files that are not shared with anyone.
  • privacy_level shared - Files shared with at least one other user.
  • privacy_level private,shared - All files.

The transferred files are placed into a subfolder of the root folder of the target (new) user; the subfolder name is the email address of the source (old) user.

A <TransferID> is returned which can be used to monitor the progress of the transfer.

Display data transfers

gam info datatransfer|transfer <TransferID>
gam print datatransfers|transfers [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [olduser|oldowner <UserItem>] [newuser|newowner <UserItem>]
        [status <completed|failed|inprogress|pending>] [delimiter <Character>]

By default, all data transfer operations are printed, use these options to select specific transfers.

  • olduser|oldowner <UserItem>
  • newuser|newowner <UserItem>
  • status completed|failed|inprogress|pending

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