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Users Drive Files Manage
- API documentation
- Query documentation
- Python Regular Expressions Sub function
- Permission Matches
- Definitions
- Create files
- Update files
- Download files
- Trash files
- Untrash files
- Purge files
- Copy/Move Files
- Shortcuts
- Drive Labels
- Download Google Documents as JSON
- Upload changes to Google Documents
- https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/reference/files
- https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/ref-single-parent
- https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/shared-drives-diffs
- https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/shortcuts
- https://support.google.com/a/answer/6105699
- https://support.google.com/a/answer/7374057
- https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/7338880
- https://developers.google.com/docs/api/reference/rest
<ColorHex> ::= "#<Hex><Hex><Hex><Hex><Hex><Hex>"
<ColorNameGoogle> ::=
<ColorNameWeb> ::=
<ColorName> ::= <ColorNameGoogle>|<ColorNameWeb>
<ColorValue> ::= <ColorName>|<ColorHex>
<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<DriveFileRevisionID> ::= <String>
<DriveFolderID> ::= <String>
<DriveFolderName> ::= <String>
<DriveFolderNameList> ::= "<DriveFolderName>(,<DriveFolderName>)*"
<DriveFolderPath> ::= <String>(/<String>)*
<SharedDriveID> ::= <String>
<SharedDriveName> ::= <String>
<SheetEntity> ::= <String>|id:<Number>
<Time> ::=
<Year>-<Month>-<Day>(<Space>|T)<Hour>:<Minute>:<Second>[.<MilliSeconds>](Z|(+|-(<Hour>:<Minute>))) |
(+|-)<Number>(m|h|d|w|y) |
<FileFormat> ::=
<FileFormatList> ::= "<FileFormat>(,<FileFormat)*"
<MimeTypeShortcut> ::=
<MimeTypeName> ::= application|audio|font|image|message|model|multipart|text|video
<MimeType> ::= <MimeTypeShortcut>|(<MimeTypeName>/<String>)
<DriveFileAttribute> ::=
(contentrestrictions (readonly false)|(readonly true [reason <String>]) [ownerrestricted [<Boolean>]])|
(copyrequireswriterpermission [<Boolean>])|
(description <String>)|
(folderColorRgb <ColorValue>)|
(indexabletext <String>)|
(lastviewedbyme <Time>)|
(mimetype <MimeType>)|
(ocrlanguage <Language>)|
(preservefiletimes [<Boolean>])|
(privateproperty <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue>)|
(publicproperty <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue>)|
(property <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue> [private|public])|
(restricted|restrict [<Boolean>])|
(securityupdate [<Boolean>])|
(starred|star [<Boolean>])|
(trashed|trash [<Boolean>])|
(viewed|view [<Boolean>])|
(shortcut <DriveFileID>)|
(viewerscancopycontent [<Boolean>])|
(writerscanshare|writerscantshare [<Boolean>])
<DriveFileParentAttribute> ::=
(parentid <DriveFolderID>)|
(parentname <DriveFolderName>)|
(anyownerparentname <DriveFolderName>)|
(teamdriveparentid <DriveFolderID>)|
(teamdriveparent <SharedDriveName>)|
(teamdriveparentid <SharedDriveID> teamdriveparentname <DriveFolderName>)|
(teamdriveparent <SharedDriveName> teamdriveparentname <DriveFolderName>)
<DriveFileCreateAttribute> ::=
(createddate|createdtime <Time>)|
(modifieddate|modifiedtime <Time>)|
<DriveFileUpdateAttribute> ::=
(modifieddate|modifiedtime <Time>)|
((addparents <DriveFolderIDList>)|
(addparentname <DriveFolderName>)|
(addanyownerparentname <DriveFolderName>))|
((removeparents <DriveFolderIDList>)|
(removeparentname <DriveFolderName>)|
(removeanyownerparentname <DriveFolderName>))
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefile
[(localfile <FileName>|-)|(url <URL>)]
[(drivefilename|newfilename <DriveFileName>) | (replacefilename <RegularExpression> <String>)*]
[stripnameprefix <String>] [noduplicate]
[(csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*) |
By default, an empty file is created.
To upload content to the file use:
localfile <FileName>
- Upload content from<FileName>
localfile -
- Upload content from stdin -
url <URL>
- Upload content downloaded from<URL>
You can specify where the new file is to be located:
parentid <DriveFolderID>
- Folder ID. -
parentname <DriveFolderName>
- Folder name; the folder must be owned by<UserTypeEntity>
. -
anyownerparentname <DriveFolderName>
- Folder name; the folder can be owned by any user,<UserTypeEntity>
must be able to write to the folder. -
teamdriveparentid <DriveFolderID>
- Shared Drive folder ID; when used alone, this indicates a specfic Shared Drive folder. -
teamdriveparent <SharedDriveName>
- Shared Drive name; when used alone, this indicates the root level of the Shared Drive. -
teamdriveparentid <SharedDriveID> teamdriveparentname <DriveFolderName>
- A Shared Drive ID and a folder name on that Shared Drive. -
teamdriveparent <SharedDriveName> teamdriveparentname <DriveFolderName>
- A Shared Drive name and a folder name on that Shared Drive. - If none of the parent options are specified, the parent folder is the root folder.
By default, Google assigns the current time to the attributes createdTime
and modifiedTime
; you can assign your own values
with createdtime <Time>
and modifiedtime <Time>
The option preservefiletimes
, when used with localfile <FileName>
, will set the createdTime
and modifiedTime
attributes from the local file.
On some Linux systems getting the createdtime is problematic.
These are the naming rules:
create drivefile localfile "LocalFile.csv"
- Google Drive file is named "LocalFile.csv" -
create drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" localfile "LocalFile.csv"
- Google Drive file is named "GoogleFile.csv"
If stripnameprefix <String>
is specified, <String>
will be stripped from the front of the Google Drive file name if present.
If noduplicate
is specfied, GAM will issue a warning and not perform the create if a non-trashed item with the same name (regardless of MIME type)
exists in the parent folder.
By default, when files are uploaded from local content, they are created with binary
format, i.e., the data is uploaded
without any conversion. Standard GAM had an option convert
that was passed to the Drive API v2 that it used.
- convert - Whether to convert this file to the corresponding Docs Editors format
Advanced GAM uses Drive API v3 that doesn't support the convert
option; it uses the mimetype
argument to cause conversions.
mimetype gdoc
- Convert the uploaded content to a Google Doc; e.g., convert a Word (.docx) or text (.txt) file to a Google Doc -
mimetype gsheet
- Convert the uploaded content to a Google Sheet; e.g., convert an Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) file to a Google Sheet -
mimetype gpresentation
- Convert the uploaded content to a Google Slides; e.g., convert a PowerPoint (.pptx) file to a Google Slides
By default, the user, file name and id values are displayed on stdout.
- Display just the file ID of the created file on stdout -
- Display just the file webViewLink of the created file on stdout -
- Display just the file editLink of the created file on stdout -
- Add the parent folder ID and MIME type to the output
Alternatively, you can direct the output to a CSV file:
csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
- Write user, file name and id values to a CSV file.-
addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>
- Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output
To retrieve the file ID with returnidonly
fileId=$(gam user [email protected] create drivefile ... returnidonly)
Windows PowerShell
$fileId = & gam user [email protected] create drivefile ... returnidonly
The file ID will only be valid when the return code of the command is 0; program accordingly.
Google Drive folders to GAM are just like files, with the MimeType for a folder. To create a folder FooFolder
in the root of the Drive for user Fred
gam user [email protected] create drivefile drivefilename FooFolder mimetype gfolder
The same, but created in the existing folder BarFolder
gam user [email protected] create drivefile drivefilename FooFolder mimetype gfolder parentname BarFolder
This only works if the folder name for the parent is unique. An alternative is to use the folder ID:
gam user [email protected] create drivefile drivefilename FooFolder mimetype gfolder parentid <FolderID>
Make a CSV file FileNames.csv with at least two columns, primaryEmail and Name.
gam redirect csv ./FileNamesIDs.csv multiprocess [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] csv FileNames.csv gam user "~primaryEmail" create drivefile drivefilename "~Name" csv [other options as desired]
gam redirect csv ./FileNamesIDs.csv multiprocess [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] csv FileNames.csv gam user "~primaryEmail" create drivefile drivefilename "~Name" csv mimetype gfolder [other options as desired]
Add a column mimetype to create files and folders
gam redirect csv ./FileNamesIDs.csv multiprocess [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] csv FileNames.csv gam user "~primaryEmail" create drivefile drivefilename "~Name" csv mimetype "~mimetype" [other options as desired]
This will create a three column CSV file SharedDriveNamesIDs.csv with columns: User,name,id
- There will be a row for each file/folder.
You are building student folders on a Shared Drive as an admin and want to add ACLs to the folders
allowing the student write access and you want a shortcut on the student's My Drive pointing to the folder.
By adding the student's primary email address to the CSV output, it can be used in subsequent commands.
Sustitute for [email protected] and <TeamDriveID>
[email protected],Bob Jones
[email protected], Mary Smith
# Create the student folders on the Shared Drive
gam redirect csv ./StudentFolders.csv multiprocess csv Students.csv gam user [email protected] create drivefile mimetype gfolder drivefilename "~~Name~~ Digital Portfolio" parentid <TeamDriveID> csv addcsvdata primaryEmail "~primaryEmail"
# Add ACLs granting the students write access to their folders; ~User refers to [email protected]
gam csv StudentFolders.csv gam user "~User" add drivefileacl "~id" user "~primaryEmail" role fileorganizer
# Add a shortcut to the folder on the student's My Drive
gam csv StudentFolders.csv gam user "~primaryEmail" create drivefileshortcut "~id" parentid root
Starting at the specified parent folder, GAM steps through the hierarchy of folder names; if a folder with that name already exists within the parent folder, is owned by the user and is not in the trash, it is used, otherwise a new folder is created within the parent folder.
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefolderpath
[pathdelimiter <Character>]
((fullpath <DriveFolderPath) |
(path <DriveFolderPath> [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]) |
(list <DriveFolderNameList> [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]))
[(csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*) |
defaults to /
; if some folder name in fullpath
or path
contains a /
, you can use
pathdelimiter <Character>
to specify a character that does not appear in the folder names to delimit
components of the path.
You must specify the folder hiearchy with one of the following options:
fullpath "My Drive/<DriveFolderPath>"
- Build path in root of My Drive -
fullpath "SharedDrives/<SharedDriveName>/<DriveFolderPath>"
- Build path in root of Shared Drive<SharedDriveName>
path "<DriveFolderPath>" [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]
- Build path in location specified by<DriveFileParentAttribute>
; if omitted,My Drive
is used -
list "<DriveFolderNameList>" [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]
- Use if a folder name contains a/
. Build path in location specified by<DriveFileParentAttribute>
; if omitted,My Drive
is used
By default, the user, folder names and id values are displayed on stdout.
- Display just the folder ID of the last folder on stdout
Alternatively, you can direct the output to a CSV file:
csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
- Write user, folder name and id values to a CSV file.-
addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>
- Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output
Specify path, parent is My Drive
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "Top Folder/Middle Folder/Bottom Folder"
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top Folder(1-4Nr7oF0wAdOw2tjbDMV1bZ003h5Poqq), Created (1/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle Folder(1z3oOPd44XdEJgUnwCi7d60zBh8J_BkVk), Created (2/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom Folder(1C6vwyIaq8sSG9-NSFXCPSBJyY6TccQKS), Created (3/3)
Add an additional folder to the path
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "Top Folder/Middle Folder/Bottom Folder/Sub Folder"
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top Folder(1-4Nr7oF0wAdOw2tjbDMV1bZ003h5Poqq), Exists (1/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle Folder(1z3oOPd44XdEJgUnwCi7d60zBh8J_BkVk), Exists (2/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom Folder(1C6vwyIaq8sSG9-NSFXCPSBJyY6TccQKS), Exists (3/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Sub Folder(1xo6ZOe1Gk4IYKway4aeuznBQUhrixMqO), Created (4/4)
Specify path, parent is folder named "Folder Tree"
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "Top Folder/Middle Folder/Bottom Folder" parentname "Folder Tree"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'Folder Tree' and trashed = false) for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query ('me' in owners and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'Folder Tree' and trashed = false) for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top Folder(1YS6pDXupOTN5TzvOprgSbXj9Gp10z4vK), Created (1/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle Folder(1m6A3a9w0DCkwtjqF0heIwLyQTHI1TIk1), Created (2/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom Folder(1sfC-QPtMg_W1ZpOKL5URylugd0x_nxRt), Created (3/3)
gam user [email protected] show filetree select drivefilename "Folder Tree" fields id
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name = 'Folder Tree') for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query ('me' in owners and name = 'Folder Tree') for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Show 1 Drive File/Folder
Folder Tree: (id: 19-0hkpwj-FKaeQ1B7prozNVQU0PD588b)
Top Folder: (id: 1YS6pDXupOTN5TzvOprgSbXj9Gp10z4vK)
Middle Folder: (id: 1m6A3a9w0DCkwtjqF0heIwLyQTHI1TIk1)
Bottom Folder: (id: 1sfC-QPtMg_W1ZpOKL5URylugd0x_nxRt
Build in root of a Shared Drive
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath fullpath "SharedDrives/TS Shared Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder/Bottom Folder/Sub Folder"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query (mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'TS SD6 Folder' and trashed = false) for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query (mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'TS SD6 Folder' and trashed = false) for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top Folder(1QSJY0CZCz_M8veZPaEqi_zbSjQFfSXDl), Created (1/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle Folder(1JdTD6_5vAEiB1Rnn-fpc12zmjIOu81Aa), Created (2/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom Folder(1lBLgr9umxZ9JM-vZ7QeuPU2b0tR1o8AL), Created (3/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Sub Folder(1-F733sDRWG_lktQr7dyppKdjAw6fAcf7), Created (4/4)
Build in a Shared Drive Folder
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "Top Folder/Middle Folder/Bottom Folder/Sub Folder" teamdriveparent "TS Shared Drive" teamdriveparentname "TS SD6 Folder"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query (mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'TS SD6 Folder' and trashed = false) for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query (mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'TS SD6 Folder' and trashed = false) for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top Folder(1QSJY0CZCz_M8veZPaEqi_zbSjQFfSXDl), Created (1/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle Folder(1JdTD6_5vAEiB1Rnn-fpc12zmjIOu81Aa), Created (2/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom Folder(1lBLgr9umxZ9JM-vZ7QeuPU2b0tR1o8AL), Created (3/4)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Sub Folder(1-F733sDRWG_lktQr7dyppKdjAw6fAcf7), Created (4/4)
Specify list because folder names contain /
, parent is folder named "Slash Folders"
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath list "'Top/Folder','Middle/Folder','Bottom/Folder'" parentname "Slash Folders"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'Slash Folders' and trashed = false) for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query ('me' in owners and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'Slash Folders' and trashed = false) for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top/Folder(1j9gZX6fwbHEjN0GFAFVzuhbG2G9qUOzZ), Created (1/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle/Folder(1tYGwL1cYE29trboqoT6utfrnG-fbN7-4), Created (2/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom/Folder(1HpJ4DU178j4KRai3mIRbndGP5t9ptYye), Created (3/3)
gam user [email protected] show filetree select drivefilename "Slash Folders" fields id
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name = 'Slash Folders') for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query ('me' in owners and name = 'Slash Folders') for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Show 1 Drive File/Folder
Slash Folders: (id: 1kZN9W60ZeRQMTqM4tqnnBniz5AmzmE0x)
Top/Folder: (id: 1j9gZX6fwbHEjN0GFAFVzuhbG2G9qUOzZ)
Middle/Folder: (id: 1tYGwL1cYE29trboqoT6utfrnG-fbN7-4)
Bottom/Folder: (id: 1HpJ4DU178j4KRai3mIRbndGP5t9ptYye)
Specify pathdelimiter "|"
because folder names contain /
, parent is folder named "Slash Folders"
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath pathdelimiter "|" path "Top/Folder|Middle/Folder|Bottom/Folder'" parentname "Slash Folders"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'Slash Folders' and trashed = false) for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query ('me' in owners and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = 'Slash Folders' and trashed = false) for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Path:, Create
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Top/Folder(1j9gZX6fwbHEjN0GFAFVzuhbG2G9qUOzZ), Created (1/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Middle/Folder(1tYGwL1cYE29trboqoT6utfrnG-fbN7-4), Created (2/3)
User: [email protected], Drive Folder Name: Bottom/Folder(1HpJ4DU178j4KRai3mIRbndGP5t9ptYye), Created (3/3)
gam user [email protected] show filetree select drivefilename "Slash Folders" fields id
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name = 'Slash Folders') for [email protected]
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query ('me' in owners and name = 'Slash Folders') for [email protected]...
User: [email protected], Show 1 Drive File/Folder
Slash Folders: (id: 1kZN9W60ZeRQMTqM4tqnnBniz5AmzmE0x)
Top/Folder: (id: 1j9gZX6fwbHEjN0GFAFVzuhbG2G9qUOzZ)
Middle/Folder: (id: 1tYGwL1cYE29trboqoT6utfrnG-fbN7-4)
Bottom/Folder: (id: 1HpJ4DU178j4KRai3mIRbndGP5t9ptYye)
Make a CSV file FolderPaths.csv containing the folder hierarchies.
You can't use gam csv
as the parallel processes will interfere with each other; you must use gam loop
for serial processing.
gam loop FolderPaths.csv gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "~path"
To create the hierarchies for multiple users, make a batch file FolderPaths.bat that contains a line for each user.
gam loop FolderPaths.csv gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "~path"
gam loop FolderPaths.csv gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath path "~path"
Execute the batch file.
gam redirect stdout CreateFolderPaths.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout batch FolderPaths.bat
gam <UserTypeEntity> update drivefile <DriveFileEntity> [copy] [returnidonly|returnlinkonly]
[(localfile <FileName>|-)|(url <URL>)]
[retainname | (newfilename <DriveFileName>) | (replacefilename <RegularExpression> <String>)*]
[stripnameprefix <String>]
[(gsheet|csvsheet <SheetEntity> [clearfilter])|(addsheet <String>)]
[charset <Charset>] [columndelimiter <Character>]
By default, an existing file's attributes are updated.
To upload content to the file use:
localfile <FileName>
- Upload content from<FileName>
localfile -
- Upload content from stdin -
url <URL>
- Upload content downloaded from<URL>
You can change where the new file is to be located; this removes all other parent folders:
parentid <DriveFolderID>
- Folder ID. -
parentname <DriveFolderName>
- Folder name; the folder must be owned by<UserTypeEntity>
. -
anyownerparentname <DriveFolderName>
- Folder name; the folder can be owned by any user,<UserTypeEntity>
must be able to write to the folder. -
teamdriveparentid <DriveFolderID>
- Shared Drive folder ID; when used alone, this indicates a specfic Shared Drive folder. -
teamdriveparent <SharedDriveName>
- Shared Drive name; when used alone, this indicates the root level of the Shared Drive. -
teamdriveparentid <SharedDriveID> teamdriveparentname <DriveFolderName>
- A Shared Drive ID and a folder name on that Shared Drive. -
teamdriveparent <SharedDriveName> teamdriveparentname <DriveFolderName>
- A Shared Drive name and a folder name on that Shared Drive.
You can add/remove parent folders without affecting other parent folders.
addparents|removeparents <DriveFolderIDList>
- Specify the parent folders by ID. -
addparentname|removeparentname <DriveFolderName>
- Perform the query:"'me' in owners and name='<DriveFolderName>'"
to convert<DriveFolderName>
to its<DriveFolderID>
. -
addanyownerparentname|removeanyownerparentname <DriveFolderName>
- Perform the query:"name='<DriveFolderName>'"
to convert<DriveFolderName>
to its<DriveFolderID>
From the Google Drive API documentation.
- If the item's owner makes a request to add a single parent, the item is removed from all current folders and placed in the requested folder.
- Other requests that increase the number of parents fail, except when the canAddMyDriveParent file capability is true and a single parent is being added.
By default, Google assigns the current time to the attribute modifiedTime
; you can assign your own value
with modifiedtime <Time>
preservefiletimes localfile <FileName>
is set to that oflocalfile <FileName>
retains its current value
These are the naming rules when updating from a local file:
update drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" localfile "NewLocalFile.csv"
- Google Drive file "GoogleFile.csv" is renamed "NewLocalFile.csv" -
update drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" newfilename "NewGoogleFile.csv" localfile "NewLocalFile.csv"
- Google Drive file "GoogleFile.csv" is renamed "NewGoogleFile.csv" -
update drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" retainname localfile "NewLocalFile.csv"
- Google Drive file "GoogleFile.csv" is not renamed
To simply rename a file, use newfilename <String>
update drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" newfilename "NewGoogleFile.csv"
- Google Drive file "GoogleFile.csv" is renamed "NewGoogleFile.csv"
For more complex renaming, use replacefilename <RegularExpression> <String>
update drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" replacefilename "Google" "Boggle"
- Google Drive file "GoogleFile.csv" is renamed "BoggleFile.csv" -
update drivefile drivefilename "GoogleFile.csv" replacefilename "^(.+)$" "New\1"
- Google Drive file "GoogleFile.csv" is renamed "NewGoogleFile.csv"
If retainname
is not specified and stripnameprefix <String>
is specified, <String>
will be stripped from the front of the Google Drive file name if present.
You can update a specific sheet within a Google spreadsheet or add a new sheet to the spreadsheet
gsheet|csvsheet <String>
- Specify a sheet by name in a Google Sheets file to be updated -
gsheet|csvsheet id:<Number>
- Specify a sheet by ID in a Google Sheets file to be updated-
- When updating a sheet, this option causes GAM to clear the spreadsheet basic filter so hidden data will be overwritten
addsheet <String>
- Specify a sheet name to be added to the Google Sheets file -
charset <Charset>
- Specify the character set of the local file; if not specified, the value ofcharset
will be used -
columndelimiter <Character>
- Columns are separated by<Character>
; if not specified, the value ofcsv_input_column_delimiter
will be used If you want the Google spreadsheet to retain its name, specify:retainname localfile LocalFile.csv
By default, the user, file name, updated file name and id values are displayed on stdout.
- Display just the file ID of the updated file on stdout -
- Display just the file webViewLink of the updated file on stdout
To retrieve the file ID with returnidonly
fileId=$(gam user [email protected] update drivefile <DriveFileEntity> copy ... returnidonly)
Windows PowerShell
$fileId = & gam user [email protected] update drivefile <DriveFileEntity> copy ... returnidonly
The file ID will only be valid when the return code of the command is 0; program accordingly.
By default, a file or folder is updated. Use the copy
option to copy a file or folder.
gam <UserTypeEntity> get drivefile <DriveFileEntity> [revision <DriveFileRevisionID>]
[(format <FileFormatList>)|(gsheet|csvsheet <SheetEntity>)] [exportsheetaspdf <String>]
[targetfolder <FilePath>] [targetname <FileName>|-]
[donotfollowshortcuts [<Boolean>]] [overwrite [<Boolean>]] [showprogress [<Boolean>]]
By default, Google Docs/Sheets/Slides are converted to Open Office format when downloaded. If you want a different format for these files or are downloading a different type of file, you must specify the format.
format <FileFormatList>
- Specify a list of formats, the downloaded file will be converted to the first applicable format -
gsheet|csvsheet <String>
- Specify a sheet by name in a Google Sheets file to be downloaded in the specified format from above or CSV by default -
gsheet|csvsheet id:<Number>
- Specify a sheet by ID in a Google Sheets file to be downloaded in the specified format from above or CSV by default
You can download Google Sheets into PDF files; exportsheetaspdf <String>
specifies formatting options.
- All sheets will be downloaded, use
gsheet|csvsheet <String>|id:<Number>
to download a specific sheet - Page order: &pageorder=1|2
- 1 = Down, then over
- 2 = Over, then down
- Paper size: &size=A3|A4|A5|B4|B5|letter|tabloid|legal|statement|executive|folio
- Scale: &scale=1|2|3|4
- 1 = Normal 100%
- 2 = Fit to width
- 3 = Fit to height
- 4 = Fit to Page
- Orientation: &portrait=true|false
- false = landscape
- Fit to width: &fitw=true|false
- false = actual size
- Horizontal alignment: &horizontal_alignment=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER
- Vertical alignment: &vertical_alignment=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM
- Top margin: &top_margin=0.00
- All four margins must be set
- Bottom margin: &bottom_margin=0.00
- Left margin: &left_margin=0.00
- Right margin: &right_margin=0.00
- Print sheet names: &sheetnames=true|false
- Print notes: &printnotes=true|false
- Print title: &printtitle=true|false
- Print page numbers: &pagenum=CENTER|UNDEFINED
- CENTER = include page numbers, but they always seem to be in the bottom right
- UNDEFINED = do not include page numbera
- Print gridlines: &gridlines=true|false
- Frozen columns: &fzc=true|false
- Frozen rows: &fzr=true|false
- Range: &r1=0&c1=0&r2=1&c2=1
- Rows and columns are numbered from 0
- r1 - top row
- c1 - left column
- r2 - bottom row + 1
- c2 - right column +1
If you make a mistake in
exportsheetaspdf <String>
, the download will fail with HTTP error 400 or 500.
By default, when getting a drivefile, it is downloaded to the directory specified in gam.cfg/drive_dir
targetfolder <FilePath>
- Specify an alternate location for the downloaded file.
By default, when getting a drivefile, the local name is the same as the Google Drive name.
targetname <FileName>
- Specify an alternate name for the downloaded file. -
targetname -
- The drivefile will be written to stdout
The strings #email#
, #user#
and #username#
will be replaced by the the user's full emailaddress or just the name portion
in targetfolder <FilePath>
and targetname <FileName>
Shortcuts can not be downloaded so, by default, if <DriveFileEntity>
is a shortcut, GAM follows the shortcut and downloads the referenced file.
If you do not want this behavior and want GAM to report an error, use the option donotfollowshortcuts
By default, when getting a drivefile, an existing local file will not be overwritten; a numeric prefix is added to the filename.
- Overwite an existing file -
overwrite true
- Overwite an existing file -
overwrite false
- Do not overwite an existing file; add a numeric prefix and create a new file
When getting a drivefile, you can show download progress information with the showprogress
- Show download progress information -
showprogress true
- Show download progress information -
showprogress false
- Do not show download progress information
Suppose you have a Google Sheets file UserSheet with multiple sheets, one of which is named NewUsers; it has a column labelled primaryEmail.
The following command will download the sheet and show the name for each user in the column.
gam user [email protected] get drivefile drivefilename UserSheet csvsheet NewUsers targetname - | gam redirect stdout - multiprocess csv - gam info user ~primaryEmail name nogroups nolicenses
- The
redirect stdout - multiprocess
option produces clean output from the multiple processes
Move a file or folder to the trash. If a folder is moved to the trash, all of its child files and folders are moved to the trash.
gam <UserTypeEntity> trash drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|del drivefile <DriveFileEntity> trash
Remove a file or folder from the trash. If a folder is removed from the trash, all of its child files and folders are removed from the trash.
gam <UserTypeEntity> untrash drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|del drivefile <DriveFileEntity> untrash
Purging a file permanently deletes it; it can not be recovered. If a folder is purged, all of its child files and folders are purged.
gam <UserTypeEntity> purge drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|del drivefile <DriveFileEntity> purge
gam <UserTypeEntity> get document <DriveFileEntity>
[viewmode default|suggestions_inline|preview_suggestions_accepted|preview_without_suggestions]
[targetfolder <FilePath>] [targetname <FileName>]
[donotfollowshortcuts [<Boolean>]] [overwrite [<Boolean>]]
By default, when getting a document, it is downloaded to the directory specified in gam.cfg/drive_dir
targetfolder <FilePath>
- Specify an alternate location for the downloaded document.
By default, when getting a document, the local name is the same as the Google Document name.
targetname <FileName>
- Specify an alternate name for the downloaded file.
The strings #email#
, #user#
and #username#
will be replaced by the the user's full emailaddress or just the name portion
in targetfolder <FilePath>
and targetname <FileName>
Shortcuts can not be downloaded so, by default, if <DriveFileEntity>
is a shortcut, GAM follows the shortcut and downloads the referenced file.
If you do not want this behavior and want GAM to report an error, use the option donotfollowshortcuts
By default, when getting a document, an existing local file will not be overwritten; a numeric prefix is added to the filename.
- Overwite an existing file -
overwrite true
- Overwite an existing file -
overwrite false
- Do not overwite an existing file; add a numeric prefix and create a new file
See: https://developers.google.com/docs/api/reference/rest/v1/documents/request
gam <UserTypeEntity> update docuument <DriveFileEntity>
((json [charset <Charset>] <SpreadsheetJSONUpdateRequest>) |
(json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]))
The JSON data can be read from a command line argument or a file. On the command line, the JSON data is enclosed in single quotes; these should not be present when the JSON data is read from a file.
The output is formatted for human readability. Use the following option to produce JSON output for program parsing.
- Display output in JSON format.
Replace Foo with Goo in a document.
File Update.json contains:
{ "requests": [{"replaceAllText": {"replaceText": "Goo", "containsText": {"text": "Foo", "matchCase": "True"}}}]}
gam user [email protected] update sheet <DriveFileItem> json file Update.json
Need more help? Ask on the GAM Discussion Group
Update History
- How to Install GAM7
- How to Uograde GAMADV-XTD3 to GAM7
- How to Upgrade Legacy GAM to GAM7
- How to Update GAM7
- Install GAM as Python Library
- GAM7 on Chrome OS Devices
- GAM7 on Android Devices
- Google Network Addresses
- HTTPS Proxy
- SSL Root CA Certificates
- How to Uninstall GAM7
- Authorization
- GAM Configuration
- Running GAM7 securely on a Google Compute Engine
- Using GAM7 with a delegated admin service account
- Using GAM7 with a YubiKey
Notes and Information
- Upgrade Benefits
- Questions? Visit the GAM Discussion Forum
- GAM Public Chat Room
- Scripts
- Other Resources
- Drive REST API v3
- BNF Syntax
- GAM Return Codes
- Python Regular Expressions
- Rclone
Command Processing
- Bulk Processing
- Command Line Parsing
- Command Logging and Progress
- Command data from Google Docs/Sheets/Storage
- CSV Special Characters
- CSV Input Filtering
- CSV Output Filtering
- Meta Commands and File Redirection
- Permission matches
- Tag Replace
- Todrive
Client Access
- Addresses
- Administrators
- Alert Center
- Aliases
- Calendars
- Calendars - Access
- Calendars - Events
- Chrome Auto Update Expiration Counts
- Chrome Browser Cloud Management
- Chrome Device Needs Attention Counts
- Chrome Installed Apps
- Chrome Policies
- Chrome Printers
- Chrome Profile Management
- Chrome Version Counts
- Chrome Version History
- ChromeOS Devices
- Classroom - Courses
- Classroom - Guardians
- Classroom - Invitations
- Classroom - Membership
- Cloud Channel
- Cloud Identity Devices
- Cloud Identity Groups
- Cloud Identity Groups - Membership
- Cloud Identity Policies
- Cloud Storage
- Context Aware Access Levels
- Customer
- Domains
- Domains - Verification
- Domain People - Contacts & Profiles
- Domain Shared Contacts - Global Address List
- Email Audit Monitor
- Find File Owner
- Google Data Transfers
- Groups
- Groups - Membership
- Inbound SSO
- Licenses
- Mobile Devices
- Organizational Units
- Reports
- Reseller
- Resources
- Send Email
- Schemas
- Shared Drives
- Sites
- Unmanaged Accounts
- Users
- Users - Application Specific Passwords
- Users - Backup Verification Codes
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - Contacts - Delegates
- Users - Deprovision
- Users - Group Membership
- Users - Photo
- Users - Profile Sharing
- Users - Signout and Turn off 2-Step Verification
- Users - Tokens
- Vault - Takeout
- Version and Help
Special Service Account Access
Service Account Access
- Users - Analytics Admin
- Users - Calendars
- Users - Calendars - Access
- Users - Calendars - Events
- Users - Chat
- Users - Classification Labels
- Users - Contacts
- Users - Drive - File Selection
- Users - Drive - Activity/Settings
- Users - Drive - Cleanup
- Users - Drive - Comments
- Users - Drive - Copy/Move
- Users - Drive - Files-Display
- Users - Drive - Files-Manage
- Users - Drive - Orphans
- Users - Drive - Ownership
- Users - Drive - Permissions
- Users - Drive - Query
- Users - Drive - Revisions
- Users - Drive - Shortcuts
- Users - Drive - Transfer
- Users - Forms
- Users - Gmail - Client Side Encryption
- Users - Gmail - Delegates
- Users - Gmail - Filters
- Users - Gmail - Forwarding
- Users - Gmail - Labels
- Users - Gmail - Messages/Threads
- Users - Gmail - Profile
- Users - Gmail - S/MIME
- Users - Gmail - SendAs/Signature/Vacation
- Users - Gmail - Settings
- Users - Keep - Notes
- Users - Looker Studio
- Users - Meet
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - People - Contacts & Profiles
- Users - Profile Photo
- Users - Shared Drives
- Users - Spreadsheets
- Users - Tasks
- Users - YouTube