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Meta Commands and File Redirection

Ross Scroggs edited this page Sep 11, 2021 · 20 revisions

Meta Commands and File Redirection


Meta commands are used to configure GAM operation. File redirection is used to intelligently redirect output from GAM: CSV data, stdout and stderr.

The meta commands and file redirection must come before all other arguments and in this order, ... indicates that additional GAM arguments may appear.

gam [<Select>] [showsections] [<SelectOutputFilter>|<SelectInputFilter>] [<Config>] [<MultiprocessExit>] [<Redirect>] ...

Meta Commands

Select section

Select a section from gam.cfg and process a GAM command using values from that section.

<Select> ::=
        select <Section> [save] [verify]
  • save
    • Set section = <Section> in the [DEFAULT] section and write configuration data to gam.cfg
  • verify
    • Print the variable values for the selected section
    • Values are determined in this order: Selected section, DEFAULT section, Program default

Display sections

Display all of the sections in gam.cfg and mark the currently selected section with a *.


Select output filter section

Select an output filter section from gam.cfg and process a GAM command using values from that section.

<SelectOutputFilter> ::=
        selectfilter|selectoutputfilter <Section>

The only <VariableNames> recognized in this <Section> are:

  • csv_output_header_filter
  • csv_output_header_drop_filter
  • csv_output_row_filter
  • csv_output_row_drop_filter

Select input filter section

Select an input filter section from gam.cfg and process a GAM command using values from that section.

<SelectInputFilter> ::=
        selectinputfilter <Section>

The only <VariableNames> recognized in this <Section> are:

  • csv_input_row_filter
  • csv_input_row_drop_filter

Set configuration variables

Set variables in gam.cfg.

<Config> ::=
        config (<VariableName> [=] <Value>)* [save] [verify]
  • <VariableName> [=] <Value>
    • Set <VariableName> = <Value> in the current section
    • All <VariableNames> except section are allowed.
    • The = is optional but must be surrounded by spaces if included.
  • save
    • Write configuration data to gam.cfg
  • verify
    • Print the variable values for the current section
    • Values are determined in this order: Current section, DEFAULT section, Program default

You can prefix <Config> with <Select> to set a variable in a particular section.

  • select default <Config> - Set a variable in the DEFAULT section
  • select xyz <Config> - Set a variable in the xyz section

Specify multiprocessing termination return code

Terminate processing of a CSV or batch file when one of the subprocesses returns a matching return code.

<Operator> ::= <|<=|>=|>|=|!=

<ReturnCodeSelection> ::=

:= multiprocessexit

## File Redirection
You can redirect CSV file output and stdout/stderr output to files. By using redirect, you have more control over the output from GAM.

The `multiprocess` subargument allows the multiple processes started by gam csv to write intelligently to a redirected CSV/stdout/stderr file.

You can redirect stdout and stderr to null and stderr can be redirected to stdout.

::= redirect csv [multiprocess] [append] [noheader] [charset ] [columndelimiter ] [quotechar ] [todrive *] | redirect stdout [multiprocess] [append] | redirect stdout null [multiprocess] | redirect stderr [multiprocess] [append] | redirect stderr null [multiprocess] | redirect stderr stdout [multiprocess]

For `redirect csv`, the optional arguments must appear in the order shown.

If you are doing `redirect csv <FileName> multiprocess`, it is more efficient to specify `todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*` as part of
the redirect as verification of the `todrive` settings, which can invole several API calls, is done once rather than in each of the subprocesses.

By setting `<FileName>` to `-`, you can redirect to stdout/stderr rather than a file; this is typically used when `multiprocess` is specified.
* `redirect csv - multiprocess` - Send CSV output to stdout; intelligently aggregate data by process
* `redirect stdout - multiprocess` - Send normal output stdout; intelligently aggregate data by process
* `redirect stderr - multiprocess` - Send `getting` messages and error messages to stderr; intelligently aggregate data by process

If `<FileName>` specifies a relative path, the file will be put in the directory specified by `drive_dir` in gam.cfg.
If `<FileName>` specifies an absolute path, the file will be put in the directory specified.
Specify `./<FileName>` to put the file in your current working directory.

If the pattern `{{Section}}` appears in `<FileName>`, it will be replaced with the name of the current section of gam.cfg.

### Examples - redirect CSV
Suppose that you have a CSV file CourseList.csv with a column labeled CourseId that contains course Ids. You want a single CSV file with participant information for these courses.

gam redirect csv ./CourseInfo.csv multiprocess csv CourseList.csv gam print course-participants course ~CourseId

`redirect csv ./CourseInfo.csv multiprocess` causes gam to collect output from all of the processes started by `csv CourseList.csv gam print course-participants course ~CourseId` and produces a single CSV file CourseInfo.csv.

Generate a list of CrOS devices and update an existing sheet in a Google spreadsheet. The file ID and sheet IDs are preserved so other appplications can access the data using the file ID and sheet ID.
By setting 'tdtimestamp true`, the file name will the updated to reflect the time of execution, but the file ID will not change.

gam redirect csv - todrive tdtitle "CrOS" tdtimestamp true tdfileid 12345-mizZ6Q2vP1rcHQH3tAZQt_NVB2EOxmS2SU3yM tdsheet id:0 tdupdatesheet true print cros fields deviceId,notes,orgUnitPath,serialNumber,osversion

For a collection of users, generate a list of files shared with anyone; combine the output for all users into a single file.

gam redirect csv - multiprocess todrive tdtitle AnyoneShares-All csv Users.csv gam user ~primaryEmail print filelist fields id,name,permissions pm type anyone em

For a collection of users, generate a list of files shared with anyone; generate a separate file for each user.
The two forms of the command are equivalent.

gam csv Users.csv gam redirect csv - todrive tdtitle "AnyoneShares-primaryEmail" user ~primaryEmail print filelist fields id,name,permissions pm type anyone em

gam csv Users.csv gam user ~primaryEmail print filelist fields id,name,permissions pm type anyone em todrive tdtitle "AnyoneShares-primaryEmail"

### Examples - Redirect stdout
The output from each of the `gam info user ~primaryEmail` commands will be combined into the single file Users.txt.
The value of `show_multiprocess_info` from `gam.cfg` controls whether information identifying the processes is also shown.

$ gam config show_multiprocess_info false redirect stdout ./Users.txt multiprocess csv Users.csv gam info user ~primaryEmail $ more Users.txt User: [email protected] (1/1) Settings: First Name: Test Last Name: User1 Full Name: Test User1 ... User: [email protected]@ (1/1) Settings: First Name: Test Last Name: User2 Full Name: Test User2 ...

$ gam config show_multiprocess_info true redirect stdout ./Users.txt multiprocess csv Users.csv gam info user ~primaryEmail $ more Users.txt stdout: 0, Start: 2017-01-26T11:35:00.897773-08:00, RC: 0, Cmd: /Users/admin/gam config show_multiprocess_info true redirect stdout ./Users.txt multiprocess csv Users.csv gam info user ~primaryEmail stdout: 1, Start: 2017-01-26T11:35:00.902709-08:00, RC: 0, Cmd: gam info user [email protected] User: [email protected] (1/1) Settings: First Name: Test Last Name: User1 Full Name: Test User1 ... stdout: 1, End: 2017-01-26T11:35:02.656837-08:00, RC: 0, Cmd: gam info user [email protected] stdout: 2, Start: 2017-01-26T11:35:00.910729-08:00, RC: 0, Cmd: gam info user [email protected] User: [email protected]@ (1/1) Settings: First Name: Test Last Name: User2 Full Name: Test User2 ... stdout: 2, End: 2017-01-26T11:35:02.849646-08:00, RC: 0, Cmd: gam info user [email protected] stdout: 0, End: 2017-01-26T11:35:02.907141-08:00, RC: 0, Cmd: /Users/admin/gam config show_multiprocess_info true redirect stdout ./Users.txt multiprocess csv Users.csv gam info user ~primaryEmail

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