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Bright Antwi Boasiako edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • Constants

    • Archived Status:
      • ARCHIVED_EXCLUDED: retrieve resources without archived. Default
      • ARCHIVED_ONLY: retrieve only archived resources.
      • ARCHIVED_INCLUDED: retrieve both archived and unarchived resources.
    • Table Specifications Status:
      • TS_EXCLUDED: without table specifications. Default
      • TS_ONLY: only table specifications without data.
      • TS_INCLUDED: both table specifications and data.
    • Total(count) Status
      • TOTAL_EXCLUDED: without total resources. Default
      • TOTAL_ONLY: only meta-data(pagination info) without data.
      • TOTAL_INCLUDED: include total(count) resources to pagination info.
  • Functions

    • setConjunction( string $conjunction ): set filter conjunction (and|or)
    • setQuery( string $query ): general search.
    • addFilter( string $key, string $operator, $value = null ): add filter on key
    • addSort( string $key, bool $ascending = true ): add sort by key
    • setLimit( int $limit ): set per-page
    • setPage( int $page ): set page
    • setExcluded( array $exclude ): set excluded fields to prevent return in response
    • setIncluded( array $include ): set included fields to return it only.
    • setArchivedStatus( int $archived ): set archived status
    • setTableSpecificationsStatus( int $tableSpecifications ): set dataTable specification status
    • setTotalStatus( int $total ): set total(count) status
    • setVisibleOnly( int $visible_only ): set visible_only flag
  • Example

    $request = new Request();
    $request->addFilter('sku', 'contains', 'abc');
    $request->setExcluded(['price', 'vendor_pricing']);
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