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Error Codes

Ahmad elsaidy edited this page Mar 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

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Create/Update Product

Code Field Description
InvalidParentId parent_id the selected parent id does not exist in DB or the selected parent id and product id are the same (only in update)
SkuReqired sku the sku field is required
SkuExceededMax sku the sku field exceeded 255 characters
SkuMustBeUnique sku the sku field must be unique
BarcodeExceededMax barcode the barcode field exceeded 255 characters
BrandNameExceededMax brand_name the brand name exceeded 255 characters
InvalidProductType type invalid product type, valid values: standard or virtual
NonNumericWeight weight the weight must be a numerical value
WeightExceededMax weight the weight must be less than 10000
InvalidWeightUnit weight_unit invalid weight unit, valid values: lb, kg or oz
NonNumericLength length the length must have numeric value
LengthExceededMax length the length must be less than 10000
NonNumericWidth width the width must be a numerical value
WidthExceededMax width the width must be less than 10000
NonNumericHeight height the height must have a numerical value
HeightExceededMax height the height must be less than 10000
InvalidDimensionUnit dimension_unit invalid dimension unit, valid values: in or cm
ProductNameRequired name the product name field is required
ProductNameExceededMax name the product name exceeded 255 characters
FbaPrepInstructionsExceededMax fba_prep_instructions the fba_prep_instructions exceeded 255 characters
NonNumericCaseQuantity case_quantity the case quantity must be a numerical value
NonNumericCaseLength case_length the case length must be a numerical value
CaseLengthExceededMax case_length the case length must be less than 10000
NonNumericCaseWidth case_width the case width must be a numerical value
CaseWidthExceededMax case_width the case width must be less than 10000
NonNumericCaseHeight case_height the case height must be a numerical value
CaseHeightExceededMax case_height the case height must be less than 10000
InvalidCaseDimensionUnit case_dimension_unit invalid case dimension unit, valid values: in or cm
NonNumericCaseWeight case_weight the case weight must be a numerical value
CaseWeightExceededMax case_weight the case weight must be less than 10000
InvalidCaseWeightUnit case_weight_unit invalid case weight unit, valid values: lb, kg or oz
ImagesIsNotArray images the images must be an array of objects
ImageUrlRequired images.*.url the image url is required
ImageNameExceededMax images.*.name the image name exceeded 255 characters
SortOrderIsNotInteger images.*.sort_order the image sort order must be an integer
DownloadIsNotBoolean images.*.download the download image must be boolean
IsPrimaryIsNotBoolean images.*.is_primary the is_primary field must be boolean
TagsIsNotArray tags the tags must be an array of string
PricingIsNotArray pricing the pricing must be an array of objects
ProductPricingTierIdRequired pricing.*.product_pricing_tier_id the product_pricing_tier_id is required only if product_pricing_tier_name field is empty
InvalidProductPricingTierId pricing.*.product_pricing_tier_id the product_pricing_tier_id does not exist in DB
ProductPricingTierNameRequired pricing.*.product_pricing_tier_name the product_pricing_tier_name is required only if product_pricing_tier_id field is empty
ProductPricingTierNameExceededMax pricing.*.product_pricing_tier_name the product_pricing_tier_name exceeded 255 characters
ProductPriceRequired pricing.*.price the price is required
NonNumericProductPrice pricing.*.price the price must be a numerical value
VendorsIsNotArray vendors the vendors must be an array of objects
VendorIdRequired vendors.*.vendor_id the vendor id is required
InvalidVendorId vendors.*.vendor_id the vendor id does not exist in DB
VendorNameRequired vendors.*.vendor_name the vendor name is required
InvalidVendorName vendors.*.vendor_name the vendor name does not exist in DB
IsDefaultIsNotBoolean vendors.*.is_default the is_default must be boolean
SupplierSkuExceededMax vendors.*.supplier_sku the supplier sku exceeded 255 characters
LeadtimeIsNotInteger vendors.*.leadtime the leadtime must be an integer
NonNumericLeadtime vendors.*.minimum_order_quantity the minimum order quantity must be a numerical value
PricingIsNotArray vendors.*.pricing the pricing must be an array of objects
VendorPricingTierIdRequired vendors.*.pricing.*.vendor_pricing_tier_id the vendor_pricing_tier_id is required only if vendor_pricing_tier_name field is empty
InvalidVendorPricingTierId vendors.*.pricing.*.vendor_pricing_tier_id the vendor_pricing_tier_id does not exist in DB
VendorPricingTierNameRequired vendors.*.pricing.*.vendor_pricing_tier_name the vendor_pricing_tier_name is required only if vendor_pricing_tier_id field is empty
VendorPricingTierNameExceededMax vendors.*.pricing.*.vendor_pricing_tier_name the vendor_pricing_tier_name exceeded 255 characters
VendorPriceRequired vendors.*.pricing.*.price the price is required
NonNumericVendorPrice vendors.*.pricing.*.price the price must be a numerical value
CategoriesIsNotArray categories the categories must be an array of objects
CategoryIdRequired categories.*.category_id the category id is required
IsPrimaryIsNotBoolean categories.*.is_primary the is_primary must be boolean
AttributeGroupsIsNotArray attribute_groups the attribute groups must be an array of integers
InvalidAttributeGroup attribute_groups.* the attribute group id does not exist in DB
AttributesIsNotArray attributes the attributes must be an array of objects
AttributeIdRequired attributes.*.id the attribute id is required only if attribute name field is empty
InvalidAttributeId attributes.*.id the attribute id does not exist in DB
AttributeNameRequired attributes.*.name the attribute name is required only if attribute id field is empty
AttributeNameExceededMax attributes.*.name the attribute name exceeded 255 characters
AttributeValueRequired attributes.*.value the attribute value is required
VariationsIsNotArray variations the variations must be an array of objects
VariationIdRequired variations.*.id the variation id is required only if variation sku is empty
InvalidVariationId variations.*.id the variation id does not exist in DB
VariationSkuRequired variations.*.sku the variation sku is required only if variation id is empty
VariationSkuExceededMax variations.*.sku the variation sku exceeded 255 characters
VariationSkuMustBeUnique variations.*.sku the variation sku must be unique
VariationImagesIsNotArray variations.*.images the variation images must be an array of objects
VariationImageUrlRequired images.*.url the variation image url is required
VariationImageNameExceededMax images.*.name the variation image name exceeded 255 characters
VariationImageSortOrderIsNotInteger images.*.sort_order the variation image sort order must be an integer
VariationImageDownloadIsNotBoolean images.*.download the variation download image must be boolean
VariationImageIsPrimaryIsNotBoolean images.*.is_primary the variation image is primary must be boolean
VariationAttributesIsNotArray variations.*.attributes the variation attributes must be an array of objects
VariationAttributeIdRequired variations.*.attributes.*.id the variation attribute id is required only if attribute name is empty
InvalidVariationAttributeId variations.*.attributes.*.id the variation attribute id does not exist in DB
VariationAttributeNameRequired variations.*.attributes.*.name the variation attribute name is required only if attribute id field is empty
VariationAttributeNameExceededMax variations.*.attributes.*.name the variation attribute name exceeded 255 characters
VariationAttributeValueRequired variations.*.attributes.*.value the variation attribute value is required
ParentIdMustNotBeVariation parent_id the selected parent_id can not be the same as parent id because it's a variation
SupplierSkuMustBeUniqueByVendor vendors.*.supplier_sku the selected supplier sku has already been taken by this vendor
InvalidCategoryId categories.*.category_id the category id does not exist in DB
CategoryIdIsNonLeaf categories.*.category_id the selected category id is non-leaf, you cannot assign a product to a non-leaf category

Archive/Unarchived Product

Code Field Description
ProductIsAlreadyArchived id the selected product is already archived
ProductIsAlreadyUnarchived id the selected product is already unarchived

Delete Product

Code Field Description
SalesOrderLineIsLinked id there are one or many sales orders currently used by this product or its children (if was variation)
PurchaseOrderLineIsLinked id there are one or many purchase orders currently used by this product or its children (if was variation)
InventoryMovementIsLinked id there are one or many inventory movements currently used by this product or its children (if was variation)
InBundlingProductIsLinked id this product or its children currently used as a component in bundle product

Set default vendor for Product

Code Field Description
ProductIdRequired product_id the product id field is required
InvalidProductId product_id the selected product id does not exist in DB
VendorIdRequired vendor_id the selected vendor id field is required
InvalidVendorId vendor_id the selected vendor id does not exist in DB

Add/Update Attributes to Product

Code Field Description
AttributesRequired attributes the attributes field is required
AttributesIsNotArray attributes the attributes must be an array of objects
IdRequired attributes.*.id the attribute id is required only if attribute name field is empty
InvalidAttributeId attributes.*.id the attribute id does not exist in DB
NameRequired attributes.*.name the attribute name is required only if attribute id field is empty
NameExceededMax attributes.*.name the attribute name exceeded 255 characters
ValueRequired attributes.*.value the attribute value is required

Delete Attributes from Product

Code Field Description
AttributesRequired attributes the attributes field is required
AttributesIsNotArray attributes the attributes must be an array of integers
InvalidAttribute attributes.* the attribute id does not exist in DB

Create/Update Images to Product

Code Field Description
ImageRequired image the image field is required
NameExceededMax name the image name exceeded 255 characters
SortOrderIsNotInteger sort_order the image sort order must be an integer
IsPrimaryIsNotBoolean is_primary the is_primary field must be boolean
DownloadIsNotBoolean download the download image must be boolean
UnresolvableImage image The image url failed to resolve

Product Brands

Code Field Description
NameRequired name the brand name field is required
NameExceededMax name the brand name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the brand name field must be unique
ProductBrandIsAlreadyArchived id the selected brand is already archived
ProductBrandIsAlreadyUnarchived id the selected brand is already unarchived

Product Pricing Tiers

Code Field Description
NameRequired name the name field is required
NameExceededMax name the name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the name field must be unique
CurrencyCodeRequired currency_code the currency code field is required
InvalidCurrencyCode currency_code the currency code does not exist in DB, must add to currencies before
ProductPricingTierIsAlreadyArchived id the selected product pricing tier is already archived
ProductPricingTierIsAlreadyUnarchived id the selected product pricing tier is already unarchived
ProductPricingTierIsUnacceptable id can't archive default product pricing tier or set archived product pricing tier as default


Code Field Description
NameRequired name the vendor name field is required
NameExceededMax name the vendor name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the vendor name field must be unique
CompanyNameExceededMax company_name the company name field exceeded 255 characters
PrimaryContactNameExceededMax primary_contact_name the primary_contact_name field exceeded 255 characters
EmailExceededMax email the email field exceeded 255 characters
EmailMustBeValidEmail email the email field must be a valid email
PurchaseOrderEmailExceededMax purchase_order_email the purchase_order_email field exceeded 255 characters
PurchaseOrderEmailMustBeValidEmail purchase_order_email the purchase_order_email field must be a valid email
PhoneExceededMax phone the phone field exceeded 255 characters
WebsiteExceededMax website the website field exceeded 255 characters
LeadtimeIsNotInteger leadtime the leadtime must be an integer
NonNumericMinimumOrderQuantity minimum_order_quantity the minimum_order_quantity must be a numerical value
NonNumericMinimumPurchaseOrder minimum_purchase_order the minimum_purchase_order must be a numerical value
IsSupplierRequired is_supplier the is_supplier field is required
IsSupplierIsNotBoolean is_supplier the is_supplier must be boolean
VendorIsAlreadyArchived id the selected vendor is already archived
VendorIsAlreadyUnarchived id the selected vendor is already unarchived

Vendor Pricing Tiers

Code Field Description
NameRequired name the name field is required
NameExceededMax name the name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the vendor pricing tier name field must be unique
CurrencyCodeRequired currency_code the currency code field is required
InvalidCurrencyCode currency_code the currency code does not exist in DB, must add to currencies before
VendorPricingTierIsAlreadyArchived id the selected product pricing tier is already archived
VendorPricingTierIsAlreadyUnarchived id the selected product pricing tier is already unarchived
VendorPricingTierIsUnacceptable id can't archive default vendor pricing tier or set archived vendor pricing tier as default

Vendor Products

Code Field Description
VendorIdRequired vendor_id the vendor id field is required
InvalidVendorId vendor_id the selected vendor id does not exist in DB
ProductIdRequired product_id the product id field is required
InvalidProductId product_id the selected product id does not exist in DB
ProductIdMustBeUnique product_id the selected product id must be unique by this vendor
SupplierSkuExceededMax supplier_sku the supplier sku field exceeded 255 characters
SupplierSkuMustBeUnique supplier_sku the selected supplier sku must be unique by this vendor
LeadtimeIsNotInteger leadtime the leadtime must be an integer
NonNumericMinimumOrderQuantity minimum_order_quantity the minimum_order_quantity must be a numerical value
IsDefaultIsNotBoolean is_default the is_default field must be boolean

Product Categories

Code Field Description
InvalidParentID parent_id the selected parent id does not exist in DB
NameRequired name the name field is required
NameExceededMax name the name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the product category name field must be unique to the same parent
AttributeGroupsIsNotArray attribute_groups the attribute groups must be an array of integers
InvalidAttributeGroup attribute_groups.* the attribute group id does not exist in DB
CategoryIsNonLeaf id the selected category is a non-leaf category (You can not delete a non-leaf category)
ProductCategoryIsAlreadyArchived id the selected category is already archived
ProductCategoryIsAlreadyUnarchived id the selected category is already unarchived

Reassign New Category to Products

Code Field Description
OldCategoryIdRequired old_category_id the old_category_id field is required
NewCategoryIdRequired new_category_id the new_category_id field is required
InvalidOldCategoryId old_category_id the selected old category id does not exist in DB
InvalidOldNewCategoryId new_category_id the selected new category id does not exist in DB
OldCategoryIdIsNonLeaf old_category_id the selected old category id is non-leaf, you cannot assign a product to a non-leaf category
NewCategoryIdIsNonLeaf new_category_id the selected new category id is non-leaf, you cannot assign a product to a non-leaf category

Assign Category to Product

Code Field Description
CategoryIdRequired category_id the category id field is required
InvalidCategoryId category_id the selected category id does not exist in DB
CategoryIdIsNonLeaf category_id the selected category is a non-leaf category (you cannot assign a product to a non-leaf category)
ProductIdRequired product_id the product id field is required
InvalidProductId product_id the selected product id does not exist in DB
IsPrimaryIsNotBoolean is_primary the is_primary field must be boolean

Attribute Groups

Code Field Description
InvalidParentID parent_id the selected parent id does not exist in DB
NameRequired name the name field is required
NameExceededMax name the name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the attribute group name field must be unique to the same parent
AttributesIsNotArray attributes the attributes must be an array of integers
InvalidAttribute attributes.* the attribute id does not exist in DB
AttributeAssignedToAnotherAttributeGroup attributes.* the selected attribute id assigned to another attribute group, the attribute can only be assigned to one attribute group
AttributeGroupIdIsLinked id the selected attribute group id have associations with other resources


Code Field Description
NameRequired name the name field is required
NameExceededMax name the name field exceeded 255 characters
NameMustBeUnique name the attribute name field must be unique
InvalidType type invalid attribute type, valid values: string, longtext, date, datetime, numeric, integer or checkbox
DisplayOptionsIsNotArray display_options the display_options must be an object
SortOrderIsNotInteger display_options.sort_order the sort order must be an integer
HasOptionsIsNotBoolean display_options.has_options the has_options field must be boolean
OptionValuesRequired option_values the option_values field id required only if has_options is true
OptionValuesIsNotArray option_values the option_values must be an array of object
ValueRequired option_values.*.value the value field id required
ValueExceededMax option_values.*.value the value field exceeded 255 characters
SortOrderIsNotInteger option_values.*.sort_order the sort order must be an integer
ValidationIsNotArray validation the validation must be an array