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Skatun edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 51 revisions

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The new layout is here - slightly outdated

  • Areal Hus
Etasje Totalt P-ROM S-ROM Primærareal (P-ROM) Sekundærareal (S-ROM)
Loft 32 32 0 Kontor
Etasje 90 89 1 Bad,Stue/kjøkken,Soverom,Soverom2,Gang,Vaskerom Kott
sum 122 121 1
  • Areal Garasje
Etasje Totalt P-ROM S-ROM Primærareal (P-ROM) Sekundærareal (S-ROM)
Garasje 26 26 0 Garasje
sum 26 26 0


And the orignal layout can be found here and some more information about the original house can be found here

Old house


So far we have renovated 2 * Bedroom , Bathroom, washing room and partly the living room. A new hanging chimney is the highlight as well as the balanced HVAC and completly new electrical with the latest in smart home technology with voice assistant. In total this have put us back 1.5 million NOK, for those of interest head over here for the expenses.

Planned extension

Head over here for more details Room sketcher

It is important that the extension is in respect with current laws for the Area.



Head over here for more details We already started the landscaping with taking down a lot of bushes and trees. The main goal for the landscaping is to make it joyful place where bothe the kids and us can play, enjoy time with friends and family as well as that its maintaince free. The maintaince should ideally just be high pressure washing the rocks every other year. This is also why we started cleaning of the tricky spots on our rocks with escavator and prepering the lawn for robot mower. The idea is that we would be able to grow most of our own food in the future, currently we do grow quite a bit as well as having fruit trees. This means we need to set aside some space for the vegie garden as well as a green house.

A lot of our actiovities takes place on the water and therefore its important that the harbour gets included in the landscaping.

We do have kids play house ( its second hand... but similiar), in addition we would like to get a trampoline in the ground, a pool, a spa , a diving tower shaped as a light house, wakeboard park, a boat house for for kayak and SUP and a spot to play football.





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