If you start with a new project please use this SDK: https://github.com/secuconnect/secuconnect-php-sdk
- PHP 7.4.0 and later.
- Composer.
- If you are using a bytecode cache, such as APC activate the storage and load of PHPDoc comments. (For more information see f.e.: http://php.net/manual/de/opcache.configuration.php#ini.opcache.save-comments ).
You can install the bindings via Composer. Add this to your composer.json
"require": {
Then install via:
composer install
To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:
Simple usage with client credentials looks like:
include "vendor/autoload.php";
$config = array();
$credentials = new ClientCredentials('your-id','your-secret')
$fp = fopen("/tmp/secucard_php_test.log", "a");
$logger = new secucard\client\log\Logger($fp, true);
// general storage, here used shared for tokens and internal caching, but recommendation is to split up in two
$store = new FileStorage('your-storage-file-path');
// create Secucard client
$secucard = new SecucardConnect($config, $logger, $store, $store, $credentials);
// use secucard client to get available loyalty/cards list
$list = $secucard->Loyalty->Cards->getList();
Please see http://developer.secuconnect.com/doc/guide for up-to-date documentation.
In order to run tests first install PHPUnit via Composer:
composer update --dev
To run the test suite: