Reduced crafting recipe requiremetns for Crystal Loom to lower the initial entry cost for crystal crafting.
Woven Crystal recipe has lower requirements.
Basic Medical Station now requires Tungsten rather than Durasteel.
Reduced value of Golden Oak and Honey furniture.
Successfully excavating a fossil now rewards a number of Research Datas equal to the tier of the world.
Updated the warning message when attempting to choose BYOS on an external modded race without the ship patch mod.
Reduced time to live of Wave Gun projectiles to 1.35 seconds.
Densinium EVA description corrected
Clarified production benefit on Sweet frames.
Booster set description corrected
Fixed a typo in reddesert parallax.
Added aridback2 images to urbanwasteland parallax.
Removed atropus chests from bloodstone biomes which still had them.
Added clay subblock to forest, autumnforest, eden, spring and mushroompatch biomes.
Removed unintentional comment in autumnforest.
Added fflabchest to protoworld biomes.
Swapped drydirt and sandstone blocks in dryriverbed.
Replaced boring lowhillssurface terrain in dryriverbed with remixedswampysurface.
Other minor biome related changes that were found after previous release.
Removed obsolete resources (such as Interface Chip) from Tricorder quest rewards.
Tricorder quest about crew bed now gives 1 Custodian Contract.
Tricorder quest about crew deed now gives 1 Red Shirt Contract.
Tricorder quest about mech legs now gives 30 Spare Parts.
Completing all Tutorial quests in Tricorder now gives 2 Colony Deeds and 1 Teleporter Core.
Completing all BYOS quests in Tricoder now gives 1 Small FTL Booster and 1 Small Ship Booster Mk1.
Basic Fishing node now warns that fishing only works on ocean-like planets.
Farming Mastery node now requires Water Generator (was: Heatlamp Tray).
Fixed Raw Meat warning not using the red font in description of Pest.
You can’t perform that action at this time.