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Starbound 1.0 release - FrackinUniverse 4.0!!!!!

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@sayterdarkwynd sayterdarkwynd released this 22 Jul 15:40
· 26932 commits to master since this release

There is honestly so much new content in this patch that it's hard to list it all. And so many fixes.

Note that this should be considered a "stable" build at this point but may still have issues cropping up. Report with a log file from starbound/storage/starbound.log and I'll have a look at anything odd you encounter.

Entire contents of the mod converted to 1.0 format. Whew. That was a task. With it come some changes to the general operation of the mod. You’ll get into the swing of things before too long! There will likely be things we’ve missed so please let us know anything broken that you find.

Literally tens of thousands of files edited.

New Biome: Tabula Rasa. This is, like Edens, great for building. But much flatter, and with no life to speak of.

The Science Outpost quest hub is accessed upon character creation in your ship locker. Those of you without new characters (why are you doing that?) can access this item by spawning “sciencebrochure” manually.

Adjustments to some tile-step effects. You likely won’t notice too much difference. Mud does slow less now, however.

All minor quests have changed to RadioMessages when picked up. This cuts out needless quests in favor of informational updates where required.

Numerous improvements to the shoggoth dungeon

Quests reworked. There are currently far less, leaving the player to explore the steps necessary to reach the goals provided. More will be added in time, but with more substance.

All weapons have been rebalanced and converted to activeitems. All weapons now have alt-fire modes as well.

Bane Hammer is now Irradium Hammer

Celerity leggings allow walking on water (WIP). Pearl Fruit also grants this buff.

Numerous additional weapons added in new categories (magnorbs, chakrams, boomerangs, whips, bows etc)

Matter Assembler is now crafted at the Inventor’s Table

Biomes have multiple descriptions on the nav map

Armor UI updated to allow extra room for FU set buffs

Biomes tinkered with in many areas (primarily dungeon composition)

Vanilla EPP backpacks now provide only their listed benefit, and NOT additional protections. This will make you need to pick and choose your pack, or have proper selections of augments to make up for the rest.

Vanilla light packs now provide Augment slots

Added many new augments for FU effects. They can be crafted at the Nanofabricator. More coming soon.

Fission Generator now shuts off when batteries are almost full, but will kick on again when they reach 90% capacity in order to refill. It also now properly emits radiation

Several monsters have been converted into the final 1.0 style. You'll find raptors far more interesting to fight and experience now!

its not a complete list by any means. That's just what I recall.