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DaWiHs edited this page May 14, 2019 · 3 revisions

What it is?

Remember Mann Up from TF2? Partying up with other players to attempt on some difficulties of Tour of Duty on different maps. Here it is likely similar, but you can attempt to do it alone from beginning to the end. So now...

How to start it?

When You will find Saxton Hale in Mann Co. "Building" somewhere near a village, he will be able to sell You at start a Beginner Tour of Duty Ticket for, mostly, Australium bars.

IMAGE: TourOfDuty_Beginner_Shop


It is recommended to have some space prepared before invasion. Consider making wide hallways, with glass for eg. to see enemies coming, with corners and turns, to let you hide, reload and recover over time. Think of placing some dispensers to be able to recover yourself with iron/diamonds inside to also repair armor/weapons in hand. Sentries will be helpful too, though remember to place them wisely, as one sentry can get quickly destroyed by mercs, but two sentries guarding one entrance from both sides will be a hard opponent. Using sniper rifle charge to insta-kill medics may be a good idea, but watch out for enemy snipers as they may shoot You from a very long range.


Using Tour of Duty Ticket will start the invasion, indicated by a notification and boss bar, which consist of several waves (~4-5 waves), and robots start to spawn. Here, both mercenaries - RED and BLU - will attack robots on sight. Medic Robots here are more likely to spawn than usual, healing allies all time. Sometimes giant robots may appear, which have more health and bigger size, close combat is not preferred then, especially with pyros.

Killing enemies shorten boss bar, and on end of wave killing last enemy, will vaporize other robots and give participants a reward: Weapon, Crafting Material or Kit Fabricator or something else.

Event will end after defeating all waves or after a game day or more/less. Finishing Invasion will give You higher reward. Rewards, waves count and enemies scale with difficulty of Invasion:

  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced
  4. Expert
  5. Nightmare

Kits and Robot Parts

To create a Killstreak Kit you need a Kit Fabricator and robot parts listed in its description in inventory. For example, to create Killstreak Kit (+4% damage bonus) You need 12 Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace in inventory. Hold fabricator in hand and use it. Should produce 1x Killstreak Kit (+4% damage bonus).

IMAGE: KitFabricator_Damage4

IMAGE: KillstreakKit_Damage4

To create higher tier Killstreak Kit (from 4% damage to 5%), hold Specialized Kit Fabricator in hand, have robot parts in inventory and lower tier Killstreak Kit.

IMAGE: SpecKitFabricator_Damage5

IMAGE: SpecKillstreakKit_Damage5

To combine killstreak kit with a weapon, place a tf2 weapon in TF2 Crafting Table with kit You want to add. Note that only one kit may be on one weapon, and applying new kit will destroy previous.


Killing enemies will drop experience, which can be used at Upgrade Stations located in Mann Co. or placed by players from crafting, to enhance weapons and PDA (Building boxes can't be upgraded). Different weapons have different exp cap, that can be used in upgrades.



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