- For installation guide, go to installation.md
- For notes on how to use your own environment, how to edit envs, etc. go to notes.md
cd scripts
Each of those scripts does something similar to the following (but for multiple seeds):
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=1 --yaml_file='swimmer_forward'
python mbmf.py --run_num=1 --which_agent=2
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=0 --save_trpo_run_num=1 --which_agent=2 --num_workers_trpo=2 --std_on_mlp_policy=0.5
python plot_mbmf.py --trpo_dir=[trpo_dir] --std_on_mlp_policy=0.5 --which_agent=2 --run_nums 1 --seeds 0
Note that [trpo_dir] above corresponds to where the TRPO runs are saved. Probably somewhere in ~/rllab/data/...
Each of these steps are further explained in the following sections.
Need to specify:
--yaml_file Specify the corresponding yaml file
--seed Set random seed to set for numpy and tensorflow
--run_num Specify what directory to save files under
--use_existing_training_data To use the data that already exists in the directory run_num instead of recollecting
--desired_traj_type What type of trajectory to follow (if you want to follow a trajectory)
--num_rollouts_save_for_mf Number of on-policy rollouts to save after last aggregation iteration, to be used later
--might_render If you might want to visualize anything during the run
--visualize_MPC_rollout To set a breakpoint and visualize the on-policy rollouts after each agg iteration
--perform_forwardsim_for_vis To visualize an open-loop prediction made by the learned dynamics model
--print_minimal To not print messages regarding progress/notes/etc.
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=0 --yaml_file='cheetah_forward'
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=1 --yaml_file='swimmer_forward'
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=2 --yaml_file='ant_forward'
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=3 --yaml_file='hopper_forward'
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=4 --yaml_file='cheetah_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='straight' --visualize_MPC_rollout
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=4 --yaml_file='cheetah_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='backward' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=4 --yaml_file='cheetah_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='forwardbackward' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=5 --yaml_file='swimmer_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='straight' --visualize_MPC_rollout
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=5 --yaml_file='swimmer_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='left_turn' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=5 --yaml_file='swimmer_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='right_turn' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=6 --yaml_file='ant_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='straight' --visualize_MPC_rollout
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=6 --yaml_file='ant_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='left_turn' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=6 --yaml_file='ant_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='right_turn' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
python main.py --seed=0 --run_num=6 --yaml_file='ant_trajfollow' --desired_traj_type='u_turn' --visualize_MPC_rollout --use_existing_training_data --use_existing_dynamics_model
Need to specify:
--save_trpo_run_num number Number used as part of directory name for saving mbmf TRPO run (you can use 1,2,3,etc to differentiate your different seeds)
--run_num Specify what directory to get relevant MB data from & to save new MBMF files in
--which_agent Specify which agent (1 ant, 2 swimmer, 4 cheetah, 6 hopper)
--std_on_mlp_policy Initial std you want to set on your pre-initialization policy for TRPO to use
--num_workers_trpo How many worker threads (cpu) for TRPO to use
--might_render If you might want to visualize anything during the run
--visualize_mlp_policy To visualize the rollout performed by trained policy (that will serve as pre-initialization for TRPO)
--visualize_on_policy_rollouts To set a breakpoint and visualize the on-policy rollouts after each agg iteration of dagger
--print_minimal To not print messages regarding progress/notes/etc.
--use_existing_pretrained_policy To run only the TRPO part (if you've already done the imitation learning part in the same directory)
Note that the finished TRPO run saves to ~/rllab/data/local/experiments/
python mbmf.py --run_num=1 --which_agent=2 --std_on_mlp_policy=1.0
python mbmf.py --run_num=0 --which_agent=4 --std_on_mlp_policy=0.5
python mbmf.py --run_num=3 --which_agent=6 --std_on_mlp_policy=1.0
python mbmf.py --run_num=2 --which_agent=1 --std_on_mlp_policy=0.5
Run pure TRPO, for comparisons.
Need to specify command line args as desired
--seed Set random seed to set for numpy and tensorflow
--steps_per_rollout Length of each rollout that TRPO should collect
--save_trpo_run_num Number used as part of directory name for saving TRPO run (you can use 1,2,3,etc to differentiate your different seeds)
--which_agent Specify which agent (1 ant, 2 swimmer, 4 cheetah, 6 hopper)
--num_workers_trpo How many worker threads (cpu) for TRPO to use
--num_trpo_iters Total number of TRPO iterations to run before stopping
Note that the finished TRPO run saves to ~/rllab/data/local/experiments/
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=0 --save_trpo_run_num=1 --which_agent=4 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=0 --save_trpo_run_num=1 --which_agent=2 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=0 --save_trpo_run_num=1 --which_agent=1 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=0 --save_trpo_run_num=1 --which_agent=6 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=50 --save_trpo_run_num=2 --which_agent=4 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=50 --save_trpo_run_num=2 --which_agent=2 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=50 --save_trpo_run_num=2 --which_agent=1 --num_workers_trpo=4
python trpo_run_mf.py --seed=50 --save_trpo_run_num=2 --which_agent=6 --num_workers_trpo=4
-Need to specify the commandline arguments as desired (in plot_mbmf.py)
-Examples of running the plotting script:
cd plotting
python plot_mbmf.py --trpo_dir=[trpo_dir] --std_on_mlp_policy=1.0 --which_agent=2 --run_nums 1 --seeds 0
python plot_mbmf.py --trpo_dir=[trpo_dir] --std_on_mlp_policy=1.0 --which_agent=2 --run_nums 1 2 3 --seeds 0 70 100
Note that [trpo_dir] above corresponds to where the TRPO runs are saved. Probably somewhere in ~/rllab/data/...
Dynamics model training and validation losses per aggregation iteration
IPython notebook: plotting/plot_loss.ipynb
Example plots: docs/sample_plots/... -
Visualize a forward simulation (an open-loop multi-step prediction of the elements of the state space)
IPython notebook: plotting/plot_forwardsim.ipynb
Example plots: docs/sample_plots/... -
Visualize the trajectories (on policy rollouts) per aggregation iteration
IPython notebook: plotting/plot_trajfollow.ipynb
Example plots: docs/sample_plots/...