This is an old project, no longer maintained or worked on. This was developed as a college project for a Hackathon, the code is now available for reference purpose only.
Fellow Contributors:
Wherever full URLs are provided in responses they will be rendered as if service is running on 'http://localhost:3030'.
git clone
cd ace-desk
npm install && npm run install-client
npm run client (in separate terminal)
npm run dev
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- React.js
- Node.js
- Redux
- Mongoose
Open Functionalities require no Authentication.
- Home
- Login
Closed endpoints require a valid JWT Token to be included in the header of the request.(After Sucessful Login process)
- Profile Info
Each endpoint manipulates or displays information related to the User whose Token is provided with the request,with respect to his role the authorization is then decided and the user is redirected their particular Dashboard:
- Admin Dashboard
- Employee Management
- Department Management
- Teams and Project Management
- Attendances Management
- Scheduling & Planning
- Leaves Handling
- Policies Handling
- Payroll Management
- Loans and Bonus Management
Endpoints for viewing and manipulating the Accounts that the Authenticated User has permissions to access.
- Employee Dashboard
- Mark Attendance
- Apply Leaves
- Delete Applied Leaves
- Apply Loans and Bonus
- Delete Loans and Bonus