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  • The Commit Company



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Hello World, I'm

Typing SVG

πŸ’« More About Me:

πŸ”­ I’m currently working on Raven, Emotive Software and Personal Projects
🌱 I’m currently learning Frappe Framework, Mobile App Development using React Native, and Go for self-learning
πŸ’¬ Ask me about Raven, Typescript, Python, React.js

🌏 Connect With Me:

LinkedIn X

πŸ’» Tech Stack:


JavaScript Python TypeScript C++ HTML5 Java Go


Frappe FastAPI Flask Express.js Django Ionic Next JS


MongoDB Postgres MariaDB MySQL


React jQuery

Component/UI Libraries/ Styling:

CSS3 TailwindCSS Radix UI Chakra ShadCN MUI Bootstrap Styled Components

Cloud/ Hosting Platforms:

Heroku Netlify Render Vercel

Runtime and Container:

NodeJS Docker



Other Technologies:

GraphQL Plotly

πŸ“Š GitHub Stats:

prathameshkurunkar7's Github Stats

Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

Prathamesh Kurunkar's Activity Graph

πŸ“ My Blogs:

Transitioning from MNC to Startup: My Experience @ The Commit Company
Transitioning from MNC to Startup: My Experience @ The Commit Company Breaking out from comfort zone, I embarked on an exhilarating journey from MNC to startup at The Commit Company.

Pinned Loading

  1. The-Commit-Company/raven The-Commit-Company/raven Public

    Simple, open source team messaging platform

    TypeScript 354 143

  2. Socialet/web-backend Socialet/web-backend Public

    Python 1 3

  3. Supermarket-Sales-Forecasting-And-Analysis Supermarket-Sales-Forecasting-And-Analysis Public

    Sales Forecaster and Analyzer for supermarket sales dataset to achieve better inventory optimization built into a live web application.

    Jupyter Notebook 4 1

  4. Notify Notify Public

    A full stack Notes taking application inspired from Google Keep and built in the very popular MERN stack.

    JavaScript 5

  5. SourceZilla SourceZilla Public

    JavaScript 1

  6. ace-desk ace-desk Public

    JavaScript 1