A lightweight and simple ontology to reconcile and trace knowledge in pharmacogenomics (PGx).
PGxO is also available on the NCBO BioPortal.
A full description of the motivation, implementation and instantiation of PGxO is available in [2].
When citing PGxO, please use [2].
Documentation is available in the doc/
- pgxo.html: HTML documentation of PGxO
- pgxo-overview.pdf: Figure presenting PGxO main concepts and relations.
- MIRO.md: Minimum Information for the Reporting of an Ontology (MIRO) associated with PGxO.
- pgxo_with_instances.owl: An instantiated version of PGxO.
- global-fig.pdf: Global figure presenting the instantiation of PGxO.
Mappings are available in the mappings/
- mapp1.owl: Mappings from PGxO to four ontologies related to PGx (SO-PHARM, PO, PHARE and Genomic CDS).
- mapp2.owl: Mappings from PGxO to three large spectrum ontologies (MeSH, NCIt and SNOMED CT).
PGxO is under Creative Commons BY NC 4.0.
- Monnin, P., Jonquet, C., Legrand, J., Napoli, A., & Coulet, A. (2017, October). PGxO: A very lite ontology to reconcile pharmacogenomic knowledge units. In Methods, tools & platforms for Personalized Medicine in the Big Data Era. Link
- Monnin, P., Legrand, J., Husson, G., Ringot, P., Tchechmedjiev, A., Jonquet, C., Napoli, A., & Coulet, A. PGxO and PGxLOD: a reconciliation of pharmacogenomic knowledge of various provenances, enabling further comparison. BMC Bioinformatics 20-S(4): 139:1-139:16 (2019). Link
author="Monnin, Pierre
and Legrand, Jo{\"e}l
and Husson, Graziella
and Ringot, Patrice
and Tchechmedjiev, Andon
and Jonquet, Cl{\'e}ment
and Napoli, Amedeo
and Coulet, Adrien",
title="PGxO and PGxLOD: a reconciliation of pharmacogenomic knowledge of various provenances, enabling further comparison",
journal="BMC Bioinformatics",
PGxO is supported by the PractiKPharma project (http://practikpharma.loria.fr/), funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) under grant ANR-15-CE23-0028.