SKSE plugin that adds photomode for Skyrim Special Edition
- CMake
- Add this to your
- Add this to your
- PowerShell
- Vcpkg
- Add the environment variable
with the value as the path to the folder containing vcpkg
- Add the environment variable
- Visual Studio Community 2022
- Desktop development with C++
- CommonLibSSE
- You need to build from the powerof3/dev branch
- Add this as as an environment variable
- Open
x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
- Run
- Close the cmd window
git clone
cd PhotoMode
# pull commonlib /extern to override the path settings
git submodule init
# to update submodules to checked in build
git submodule update
cmake --preset vs2022-windows-vcpkg-se
cmake --build build --config Release
cmake --preset vs2022-windows-vcpkg-ae
cmake --build buildae --config Release