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Example configurations

Matt P edited this page May 19, 2021 · 11 revisions

There are lots of ways you can configure Posterr, but outside of effects and themes, there are two approaches:

  • Lots of on-demand titles, but fewer views of what is playing.
  • Less on-demand titles, and more frequent views of what is playing.

Then for Sonarr and Radarr:

  • Depending on your Sonarr titles, you can show every scheduled release or just season premieres
  • With Radarr, you can set it as far ahead as you want.

These are the relevant settings that I run on mine:

Slide Duration: 12 seconds
Enable Background Artwork: On
TV Themes: On
Movie Themes: On
Slide Transition: Fade
Shuffle Slides: On
Plex Libraries for On-demand Titles: movies,tv shows,anime  (so 21 slides in total here)
Number On-demand: 7
On-demand Refresh": 15 minutes (gives me a new set of on-demand slides every 15 minutes)
Sonarr Days Ahead: 30
Sonarr Show Premieres: On
Radarr Days Ahead: 30

A note about Sonarr: Being that shows are generally weekly, if you turn off the Premieres option, then setting the Days ahead to anything more than a week, will start giving you duplicates for weekly shows (except for the air date text).

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