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Sample Contests

John Clevenger edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Every PC2v9 distribution contains a number of built-in sample contests that can be loaded. This makes it easy to try out the system without having to configure your own contest.

Each sample contest is stored in a subfolder beneath the samps/contests folder, in a set of files organized in a CDP format.

List of Sample Contests

The following sample contests are defined in every PC2v9 distribution.

Location Description
ccs1 CLICS Sample One
ccs2 CLICS Sample Two
mini Mini Contest PC2 Style
sumithello sumit and hello-world problems
sumitMTC sumit with Multiple Test Case data

Loading a Sample Contest via the Server Command Line

Any sample contest can be loaded when a PC2v9 Server is first started. This is accomplished by adding the option --load to the Server startup command, followed by an indicator of which sample contest should be loaded. (Note that the command line --load option is only supported when starting a PC2v9 Server -- although there are also ways to load sample contests via the PC2v9 Admin; see below).

The --load option will only load a contest configuration when the server is first started. Once a configuration has been loaded into the Server, any subsequent startup of the Server will ignore a --load option. This allows you to use the --load option in a script or via the -F option and --load will not overwrite existing configuration information. (If you want to reload a contest configuration and reset/overwrite the previously-loaded config values, use the Admin "Load" feature.)

The --load option accepts one of three argument forms to specify the location of the contest configuration to be loaded:

--load DIR

The meanings of the trailing argument forms are as follows.

Location Description
DIR path to the CDP directory which contains config/contest.yaml
SAMPLE_NAME directory name for sample contest, ex. sumithello
CONTEST_YAML_FILE the location of the contest.yaml file in a CDP

Loading a Sample Contest via the Sample Contests tab

Certain PC2v9 GUI displays contain a special tab titled Sample Contests. Selecting the Sample Contests tab displays a grid containing each of the available sample contests (as listed in the table above). Selecting a sample contest from the grid and then clicking the Load button displays a summary of the characteristics of the selected contest, and then allows loading the contest configuration (overriding any previously-loaded contest settings).

Note: the Sample Contests display is under development, and therefore may not appear on any publicly-released GUIs.

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