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John Clevenger edited this page Dec 7, 2020 · 21 revisions


This page attempts to provide an organizational overview of the PC² wiki -- that is, to act as a sort of "Table of Contents" for the wiki, while recognizing that wikis are inherently not well-suited to "top-down organization/explanation".

The page provides links to all of the pages within the PC² Wiki, arranged hierarchically by subject. While it's possible that some pages (especially newly-added pages) might be missing from this list, an effort is made to keep the list "current".

The PC² Wiki is conceptually divided into two major sections: the PC2 User's Wiki and the PC2 Developer's Wiki; these are described below.

PC2 User's Wiki

The PC2 User's Wiki has numerous pages documenting a variety of user-interest topics including things like

PC2 Developer's Wiki

The PC2 Developer's Wiki contains the following sections:

PC2 Design, which in turn contains pages on

PC2 Developer's Notes, which contains links to pages on

PC2 Details, which contains links to dozens of low-level design articles, including:

Future Tasks, a list of tasks which potential PC² developers are invited to examine for possible interest.

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