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PC2 JUnits

John Clevenger edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 5 revisions


An important part of the development process for adding bug fixes and improvements to PC2 is creation of JUnit tests. A JUnit is a Java class that supports executing a separate component, called the unit under test (UUT), and verifying that the UUT produces the correct (expected) results when given a specific set of input data. Currently PC2 uses JUnit Version 4, although there are plans to upgrade to support JUnit 5.

It is expected that all Pull Requests submitted for incorporation into PC2 include appropriate JUnit tests; failing to include appropriate JUnit tests could result in rejection of a PR regardless of the merits of the PR otherwise.

New PC2 JUnit tests could be in the form of additions to existing PC2 JUnit test classes (which might typically be the case when a PR modifies an existing PC2 class for which there was already an existing JUnit test), and/or in the form of a completely new set of JUnit test classes.

JUnit Organization in PC2

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