This repository holds the Unity Project that simulates an rgbd camera meaning that it publishes into Ros 4 topics
# rgb compress image
# rgb camera info
# depth compressed image (32FC1)
# depth camera info
Then ROS subscribes to this topics and can decompress the rgb and depth images (using different decompression libraries) into the following topics
# rgb image
# depth image
By combining the rgb + depth images and the camera info it is possible to extract a colored pointcloud into ros. The current depth_image_to_pc2 library can only combine depth + cam info to publish a non colored pointcloud.
On the image_transfer folder i have the libraries that can compress/decompress rgb and depth images and construct a non colored pointcloud by combining depth + cam info.
This libraries have been taken and modified from the image_transport ros package (i made them into libraries for a simple implementation)
See the unity_compress_subscriber
I would like a pull request where someone fixes the Unity scripts in order to publish correctly the compress depth image with format 32FC1
I have also included some scripts from this repo
However the format of the depth image it construct through the shader is rgb format instead of the 32FC1 which i was able to compress like a normal rgb image and send it to Ros. However this is not a proper ros depth image.
Missing implementation
- Create Unity Shader that gives 32FC1 format
- Create Encode function that compresses this depth image (in the same way as ros)
Robot Operating System (ROS) (middleware for robotics)
Unity 2020.3.25
It is recommended to use Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic
# source global ros
source /opt/ros/<your_ros_version>/setup.bash
# Clone the latest version of this repository
git clone
# Install dependencies of all packages.
sudo apt update -qq
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
# build the workspace
# activate the workspace
source devel/setup.bash
# configure tcp ip for unity robotics hub
# at unity_bringup/config/config.yaml
# MAIN Launch file (change the ip for the ros-tcp-endpoint)
# and in Unity from the Robotics panel
roslaunch unity_bringup unity_bringup.launch ROS_IP:=