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Issues fixed in 5.0.0 release
Michael Bessolov edited this page Feb 1, 2022
1 revision
- BAP-14669: Slow performance on entity view with Activity List
- BAP-15117: Associated account name cannot be used in opportunity email template
- BAP-15978: Email notification rule can be created without any recipients specified
- BAP-16646: Missing documentation for calls activity target
- BAP-17020: JSON API "include" works wrong for entities with "exclusion_policy: all"
- BAP-18542: Wrong rendering of translated labels
- BAP-18855: Validation of the calendar event's organizer display name
- BAP-19573: Widget request loses parameters during request
- BAP-19662: Zendesk sync fails
- BAP-19779: Storage type unexpectedly changes from "table column" to "serialized field" when editing entity fields
- BAP-19938: doctrine:schema:validate returns error
- BAP-20070: Widget resizes when an error flash message is displayed
- BAP-20134: Boolean fields cannot be added to search index
- BAP-20186: Storefront landing page API exposes non-rendered Twig instructions and internal fields
- BAP-20206: File entity "filename" column is nullable
- BAP-20207: Incorrect root job status calculation
- BAP-20268: Inline edit control on Translations grid has an inappropriate size and layout
- BAP-20269: Impossible to add a Discount of percent type via API
- BAP-20271: Use "Accept" header instead of "Content-Type" in API GET requests
- BAP-20287: Excessive div tags are added to code in WYSIWYG editor
- BAP-20299: Text block in WYSIWYG editor is not editable after file adding
- BAP-20310: Wrong logging level used by default
- BAP-20322: 500 Internal server error at attempt to generate an OAuth access token for Password grant application type with incorrect client_id
- BAP-20324: Incorrect user avatar source is used on the profile page in back-office
- BAP-20340: PATCH request with incorrect data to /api/customerusers terminates /api/doc session
- BAP-20384: Schema Update fails after reducing column size for custom fields
- BAP-20385: New product attribute data audit log shows wrong attribute state
- BAP-20402: Importing all resources of standard checkout workflow into a custom workflow does not work for guest checkout
- BAP-20403: Using a command oro:entity-extend:update-config out of shema update context
- BAP-20409: Cannot create a report using filter with multiple condition groups applied to related entities
- BAP-20410: Locale column size is too short in oro_address_type_translation table
- BAP-20412: JS error on email expanding in entity activity section
- BAP-20414: Serialized fields do not work with multi-host operations
- BAP-20425: Datagrid Date Filter unnecessarily applies timezone
- BAP-20434: Date picker in datagrid filters slipped to top in narrow browser window
- BAP-20439: lcobucci/jwt package requires ext-sodium php extension
- BAP-20446: Inline editing validation stop working after page reload
- BAP-20454: Row subtotal is displayed with floating-point precision errors in quick order form
- BAP-20456: Filters are not applied to grouped columns in reports
- BAP-20467: Deleted OneToMany attribute makes entity api unavailable
- BAP-20469: Email template plain text editor removes some diacritic characters
- BAP-20478: Incorrect tags visibility across organizations
- BAP-20488: Export of report only repeats the first batch of records multiple times
- BAP-20492: Incorrect API request JSON data validation message
- BAP-20500: Duplicate processing of changed field for DataAudit
- BAP-20506: Import button is visible when write permissions are set to "None"
- BAP-20507: Out of memory in GridFS guessContentType
- BAP-20515: Oauth application is not created after upgrade from 4.1.x to 4.2.x
- BAP-20518: Product description on storefront product view page has no styles after it is moved from general attribute group
- BAP-20520: Empty environment variables cannot be used in config files
- BAP-20535: Excessive data hydrations in navigation menu rendering
- BAP-20540: Incorrect translation key for OperationAlreadyExistsException
- BAP-20541: Temporary files are stored forever when using gaufrette adapter
- BAP-20542: Impossible to enable API for entity disabled in Resources/config/oro/entity.yml
- BAP-20546: The meta properties are ignored in POST and PATCH API requests
- BAP-20550: BAPRM cookie is removed after task opening
- BAP-20558: gridfs-config dependency is in wrong section of composer.json
- BAP-20560: Error updating lead phone number using inline editing in Leads grid
- BAP-20603: Possible out of memory exception in SendImportNotificationMessageProcessor
- BAP-20606: Some Redis cache eviction configurations may corrupt workflow transitions and process triggers cache
- BAP-20609: Unhighlight validation error leads to JS error in dev console
- BAP-20620: Office365 integration cannot process oauth tokens longer than 2048 bytes
- BAP-20627: Non-unique enum value translations prevent showing some product variants
- BAP-20640: Incorrect output encoding from WYSIWYGValidator/ErrorCollector
- BAP-20641: Empty blocks in layout caches when cache expires in the same web request
- BAP-20645: Month pagination arrows are missing in date filter in RTL mode
- BAP-20647: QTY field validation error contains duplicated messages on shopping list edit page
- BAP-20661: Cannot run demo fixtures after clean install
- BAP-20674: Translation cache may not be updated due to wrong file stat cache
- BAP-20682: Incorrect logging in functional and unit tests
- BAP-20686: Root job status calculator may produce duplicated dependent jobs
- BAP-20687: Fix tests class namespaces that not compliant with PSR-4
- BAP-20692: Address text overlays action icons on iPhone X
- BAP-20693: Office365 email synchronization may fail because of message_id field length limit
- BAP-20699: Installation fails on "Check system requirements" step when using Redis cluster
- BAP-20709: GrapesJS style isolation inccorect with tag selector
- BAP-20715: Installer can't find installed Libraries jpegoptim and pngquant
- BAP-20721: Incorrect buttons position on the Password Reset form
- BAP-20724: Tag are not displayed and cannot be edited in My Emails grid
- BAP-20732: Initializing doctrine Inflector as new object performance problem
- BAP-20738: No translation for oro.google_integration.system_configuration.fields.sso_domains.tooltip key
- BAP-20750: composer install with --no-dev parameter leads to application install fail in master branch
- BAP-20755: MS integration popup window closing leads to UI error
- BAP-20761: "Parent Customer" autocomplete skips 11th suggested result
- BAP-20772: User's Email sync form displays Twig Template Name error at connection
- BAP-20774: Ownership restriction modified by ACL walker in Elasticsearch query produces errors
- BAP-20783: Field "Authorized redirect URIs" is absent in Google Integration settings
- BAP-20785: Unchanged decimal/money field updates generate unnecessary dataaudit messages
- BAP-20792: Doublication for the calendar events with attendees during sync with Microsoft 365
- BAP-20794: Impossible to turn off twig cache
- BAP-20799: Wrong error log level for out of memory and fatal errors
- BAP-20810: MS Calendar integration corrupts "oro_calendar_recurrence" records
- BAP-20813: Prohibitive ACL mode used instead of permissive in workflow permissions in user roles
- BAP-20814: The calendar events grid "Invitation Status" column does not deliver real attendees response situation
- BAP-20815: Calendar events grid confuse users with representing of edited particular days of recurrent events
- BAP-20833: Datagrid option "acl_apply_permission" is not applied to datagrid results
- BAP-20840: Locked user is able to sign-in via SSO
- BAP-20848: Unwanted script execution possible in email template preview
- BAP-20849: OAuth2 server error during exception handling
- BAP-20851: Recurrent error during sync of some Microsoft 365 IMAP folders
- BAP-20869: Impossible to import empty attribute value
- BAP-20888: Translation cache is not up-to-date after install
- BAP-20913: Delete grid row action conceals extra row if "Select All" was used before
- BAP-20915: Redis lock critical errors in prod.log
- BAP-20919: Localized field changes are not recorded in change history
- BAP-20920: Changes in only one of multiple multi-select attributes are recorded in change history
- BAP-20922: Unexpected HTML escaping of some symbols in CSV file for enum fields
- BAP-20937: OAuth2 Client Credentials token provide access based on Current Organization in user's UI
- BAP-20943: "include" usage in API request leads to config options ignore
- BAP-20958: The "meta" filter is added even if it is disabled for API resource
- BAP-20959: "self" HATEOAS link must not be added to API resource without "get" action
- BAP-20983: Email contexts are lost after mailbox sync update from IMAP to Office 365
- BAP-20988: Error when updating CustomerUser email having workflow for this entity
- BAP-20989: Disable IMAP folder from the sync can lead to huge process of emails clear and can lead to the fatal by memory limit
- BAP-20995: Wrong HATEOAS links for userprofile API request
- BAP-20998: Circular reference detected during consumer execution
- BAP-21000: Acl and AclAncestor are ignored for invokable controllers
- BAP-21003: Unable to build extend caches after injecting oro_importexport.serializer to console command
- BAP-21014: You can't add type with existing audit type to Audit Field Type Registry
- BAP-21017: Issue with retrieving folders from Microsoft365 for email box with a large number of folders
- BAP-21049: Active application menu item has wrong color in back-ofiice
- BAP-21058: DraftSourceListener failed in "doctrine:mapping:convert" command
- BAP-21072: "doctrine:mapping:convert" command corrupts Doctrine metadata cache
- BAP-21076: Fix misspelling in descriptions of API resources
- BAP-21080: The debug translator does not work
- BAP-21081: Fix description of PATCH for entire collection in API docs
- BAP-21092: Client-Side JavaScript Prototype Pollution
- BAP-21109: Can not login to backoffice or storefront over http connection
- BAP-21125: Deprecated errors are rendering on the storefront/back-office pages on jenkins installations with php8.1
- BAP-21152: LDAP connection fails
- BAP-21189: Broken install of NPM dependencies with NodeJS 16
- CRM-9198: Dotmailer export status update stucks
- CRM-9225: "Email synchronization settings" wiped in the user personal configuration when the main email altered
- CRM-9231: LDAP integration doesn't remove user roles
- CRM-9238: No translations for demo pages on the *.demo.orocrm.com
- CRM-9240: Incorrect calendar event visibility across organizations
- CRM-9244: New entity added to existing channel is not visible in channel menu without rebuilding cache
- CRM-9254: LDAP integration doesn't disable removed users
- CRM-9299: Initial Microsoft Integration configuration saving erases its checkboxes values
- CRM-9301: Mass delete action do not trigger integration actions
- CRM-9307: Double invitations to all the attendees during Microsoft 365 sync
- CRM-9308: LDAP Orphan Users Removal doesn't work with MySQL
- CRM-9310: Exception with date time processing during recurrence mapping in Microsoft 365 sync
- CRM-9311: Message queues are overloaded with messages from Microsoft365 integration - Calendar sync
- CRM-9313: Imap Email Sync setup is out of order
- CRM-9322: Insufficient permissions check for lead disqualify action
- CRM-9328: LDAP sync fails
- CRM-9360: Mailchimp sync fails due to authentication token error