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Improvements included in 5.0.0 release

Michael Bessolov edited this page Feb 1, 2022 · 1 revision
  • BAP-12128: Back-office API for Search
  • BAP-16878: Not found pages should not produce errors in logs
  • BAP-18110: Implement inverse side of extended associations in API
  • BAP-18386: Upgrade TinyMCE text editor to the latest version
  • BAP-18434: Add email template debug commands
  • BAP-18606: Improve console error output of webpack style loader
  • BAP-19065: Update friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle dependency
  • BAP-19066: nelmio/api-doc-bundle compatibility with Symfony 5
  • BAP-19588: Use batches for Data Audit inverse relation processing
  • BAP-19790: Use WebP for resized images to reduce storage usage
  • BAP-19855: Improve performance of Oro\Component\PhpUtils\ClassLoader
  • BAP-19898: Add a check of the required system components at the beginning of the Oro installation
  • BAP-20162: Upgrade PhpUnit to 9.5
  • BAP-20225: Enable Office 365 Single Sign-On functionality
  • BAP-20236: Upgrade to Symfony 5.3
  • BAP-20243: Import performance - part 1
  • BAP-20282: PHP8
  • BAP-20311: Fix deprecation messages in API response
  • BAP-20314: Webpack builder should utilize system version parameter for links to external files
  • BAP-20358: Remove oro:translation:pack command
  • BAP-20376: Update phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock to version 5.2.2
  • BAP-20393: Upgrade various PHP dependencies to the latest available version
  • BAP-20399: Use fonts preload to improve performance on UI
  • BAP-20400: Remove the asset_version parameter from the application container to not rebuild the container on assets changes
  • BAP-20411: Upgrade theofidry/alice-data-fixtures to 1.4.0
  • BAP-20421: Remove pull request template in laboro/dev repository
  • BAP-20424: Update Google Maps loader
  • BAP-20427: Allow managing SameSite cookie value
  • BAP-20428: Remove sitemap index file compression
  • BAP-20430: Upgrade Twig to 3.0
  • BAP-20432: Implement not fractional percent data type in API
  • BAP-20433: Add possibility to replace titles of API errors
  • BAP-20435: Minor upgrades of PHP dependencies to simplify feature PHP 8 support
  • BAP-20437: Create a range validator for percentage values
  • BAP-20440: Fix mistakes in documentation of API resources
  • BAP-20441: Upgrade laminas-mime to 2.8.0
  • BAP-20442: Create documentation for X-Localization-ID and X-Currency headers for Storefront API
  • BAP-20444: Upgrade nelmio/security-bundle to 2.10.2
  • BAP-20448: CLI command for 4.1 LTS files migration to 4.2 LTS file storage
  • BAP-20453: Documentation update for sessions lock and files storage
  • BAP-20458: Write a documentation on how to execute my custom JS code in Oro application
  • BAP-20461: Upgrade nette/php-generator 3.5.3
  • BAP-20462: Gracefully process dropped ElasticSearch requests during search reindex
  • BAP-20463: Make sodium PHP extension required in a master branch for the oauth2-server package
  • BAP-20464: Fix PhpDoc mismatch and syntax errors
  • BAP-20465: Add RTL support for the Management Console
  • BAP-20470: Remove Oro\Bundle\TranslationBundle\Extractor\PhpCodeExtractor in favor of Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpExtractor
  • BAP-20471: Write all the log messages from last request to log when the functional test fails
  • BAP-20473: Upgrade to Symfony 5.4
  • BAP-20474: Upgrade to PHPUnit 10
  • BAP-20480: Drop IE11 support and disable Babel by default
  • BAP-20485: Move layout-cache component to the oro/platform package
  • BAP-20491: Upgrade stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle to 1.6.0
  • BAP-20496: Extended entities serialized fields management without system cache update
  • BAP-20504: Enable PHP 8 Support
  • BAP-20517: Update TinyMCE editor to the latest version
  • BAP-20527: Provide way to execute datagrid navigation actions with opening URL in new tab
  • BAP-20536: Make sql injection build compatible with PHP 8
  • BAP-20551: Allow disabling the babel with the yaml configuration
  • BAP-20562: Validating MQ Messages
  • BAP-20565: CLI command for multi-host operation execution
  • BAP-20575: Doc: Guide for enabling popular JS frameworks on Storefront
  • BAP-20581: Check definition of file managers services for import files
  • BAP-20583: Make PHP 8 the minimum required version for oro/platform 5.0
  • BAP-20590: Upgrade Javascript dependencies
  • BAP-20596: Wrong breadcrumbs path in RTL mode
  • BAP-20688: Code style cleanup. Remove @param and @return PHPDoc tags if they don't provide any extra information.
  • BAP-20697: Remove dependency on JMS Serializer
  • BAP-20698: Make Email js-validator to support a mode configuration from constraint's definition
  • BAP-20713: Configure CI to check that system cache is not changed in runtime
  • BAP-20716: Remove ability to set TTL for maintenance
  • BAP-20722: RMQ messages should not contain their processor name as a property
  • BAP-20734: Update code to use new string functions added in PHP 8
  • BAP-20776: Remove OroTestGeneratorBundle
  • BAP-20779: Replace expectation of Router class with appropriate interface
  • BAP-20789: Actualize in laboro/dev repository
  • BAP-20793: Replace swiftmailer with symfony/mailer
  • BAP-20801: Fix and document usage of the --skip-isolators option of bin/behat
  • BAP-20811: Rework routes priorities feature in Oro Routing component
  • BAP-20818: Update the text on back-office in WYSIWYG section for tablet/mobile resolution
  • BAP-20830: Simplify installation and upgrade in the TEST environment
  • BAP-20834: Add compatibility with NodeJS 16
  • BAP-20846: Add placeholders to blank cells in back-office data grids
  • BAP-20860: Use expression language validator provided by Symfony
  • BAP-20862: Lock mongodb php extension to 1.9.*
  • BAP-20871: Convert entity serialized fields storage format to the native json
  • BAP-20886: Prepare styles for Dart Sass update
  • BAP-20887: Investigate issue with time of JS-components initialisation
  • BAP-20889: Notifications for failed emails sync
  • BAP-20890: User notification on errors during sync
  • BAP-20914: Replace Doctrine with Symfony adapters for data cache
  • BAP-20918: Update Fuse.js library
  • BAP-20923: Create other status code for oro:install command
  • BAP-20929: Develop approach to make custom JS-build for a landing page
  • BAP-20932: Replace lightgallery.js library
  • BAP-20935: Make use of simpler decoration
  • BAP-20963: Improve Symfony 5 memory usage on PHP 8
  • BAP-20974: Remove upgrade from version 2.0.0 on CI
  • BAP-20992: PHP 8.1 support
  • BAP-20993: Upgrade PHP dependencies that were blocked by doctrine/cache v2
  • BAP-20996: Remove empty TWIG templates from EntityConfigProBundle
  • BAP-21001: Remove auth related methods from UserInterface
  • BAP-21002: Move validators for validation constraints to the same namespace
  • BAP-21006: Upgrade doctrine/orm to 2.10.2
  • BAP-21018: Upgrade php-amqplib/php-amqplib to 3.1.0
  • BAP-21025: Issues with CORS in OAuth2
  • BAP-21029: Fix XSS tests after migration to Symfony mailer
  • BAP-21031: Update JS libraries for release
  • BAP-21078: Move documentation of API resourcded from api.yml to markdown files
  • BAP-21079: Remove translator extensions that was used by package manager
  • BAP-21117: Fix config extras used to get API config for parent entity
  • BAP-3938: Introduce config tree for all entity configs
  • BAP-9473: Error handling in ApiBundle
  • BAP-9753: Remove User Status entity
  • CRM-9219: Rename dotmailer integration
  • CRM-9242: Office 365 Calendar Integration
  • CRM-9255: Office 365 Tasks Integration
  • CRM-9302: Remove Outlook Add-in Bundle
  • CRM-9312: Simplify using contact reason and preferred contact method fields of contact request entity in email templates
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