Releases: openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork
This release is codenamed "Collonut". It's a lot smaller than the last one, but they say good things come in small packages...
Big thanks to @kristinalim for their new contributions 🎉
- Add section about internationalisation to for new contributors #2466
- Added for new users and updated #2415
- Re-added enterprise registration process exit message #2336
- Moved i18n locale documentation to wiki #2447
- Super-admins can now see if users need their email address confirmed and resend confirmation emails. #2394
- Reworded "Enterprise Relationships" to "Enterprise Permissions" in admin UI for clarity #2442
- Product Import: Updated landing page for Product Import and removed guide #2475
- Improved Travis testing output and stability. #2467
- Removed an old Rails route that was not in use #2408
- Removed old product navigation override to tidy up admin submenus #2419
- Refactored and removed unused uses of
We give a warm welcome to @luisramos0 @frank-west-iii @robotscissors and @mllocs who had their first contribution to OFN's codebase! Welcome aboard folks 🚢 🎉!
Beware, HUGE release ahead!
- Link to the public Skylight dashboard for instance which are using Skylight to gather performance metrics #2328
- Add phone number to shopfront contact info #2299
- Subscriptions: Use Default Card for Subscriptions #2276
- Order which have credit owed can now have the credit owed amount refunded to the customer's card #2273
- Explain the correct date format for setting the available_on attribute in Product Import #2388
- Customers can now authorise individual shops to charge their default credit card for services provide through the OFN (such as automatic subscription payments) #2275
- Allow users to embed group pages into their own websites #2066
- Subscriptions: Confirm date change for Order Cycles with open subscription orders #2294
- Add guiding message in "report" section to prevent users panicking when they see no data #2361
- Subscriptions: retain open orders #2293
- Customers can now set a default credit card, which can be used to pay OFN shops for services (such as automatic subscription payments) #2274
- Added a link to the public Skylight dashboard for instance which are using Skylight to gather performance metrics #2338
- Subscriptions: Allow super admin users to enable subscriptions for enterprises #2292
- Add phone number to shopfront contact info #2299
- Reports don't pre-fill date filters any more since the "wrong" defaults are more confusing then no defaults #2343
- Removed constraint of uppercased State abbreviations #1969
- Removed postcode (ZIP) field from Stripe card form so it now works on small screen mobile devices #2403
- Made a small technical change to stat calculation to improve the load time of the homepage #2360
- Subscriptions: OrderCyclesController refactor #2296
- Removed uppercase from state on shops and producers lists in the frontoffice #2345
- From Product Edit if the user cancels now it's taken to the bulk edit page #2367
- Creating orders via admin will now automatically be set to "guest checkout" or not, if the customer is registered or unregistered #2368
- Reports don't pre-fill date filters any more since the "wrong" defaults are more confusing then no defaults #2343
- Subscriptions: prevent fees from displaying in email when subscription order cannot be fulfilled #2122
- In order to accommodate large CSV files with many entries (1000+), the importer takes small sections of the file and processes them in stages #1492
- Removed the producers tab from the admin dashboard. Now all enterprises are shown in a single list #2291
- Make text visible again by adding the missing background image #2349
- Fixed unexpected collapsing expanded shop details when clicking 'Show more' #2322
- Login modal now doesn't open unexpectedly after using guest checkout #2337
- Tabs is shopfront pages can be be closed again after they have been opened #2331
- Fixed a bug which caused the 'Next Order Closing' text in the shopfront to be incorrect in some scenarios #2332
- Fixed broken translation keys in "new order cycle" screen #2318
- Fixed missing translation for 'no results' in admin orders page #2317
- Fixes enterprise about us heading formats so that they appear as expected #2298
- When changing a product's primary taxon the system now removes the previously set primary taxon from the product's taxon list automatically #2385
- Fix Paypal redirecting to the wrong URL #2381, #2377
- Fix NoMethodError in order cycles index #2383
- Fix issue with moving to the checkout page when using embedded shopfronts #2387
- Bugfix for superadmin accounts where enterprises owned by a superadmin user where not setting manager roles and contact user correctly #2378
- Fixed missing translations on shops filter - delivery option #2335
- Create Enterprise and Edit Enterprise Address now allow for selection of states of the selected country #2357
- Show product import's UI only to superadmins #2369
- Fixed country and state selectors on checkout. User can checkout with addresses in multiple countries on the same OFN instance #2341
- Fixed a bug which caused some products to be hidden from the bulk product update view in the backend. #2373
- Add background image back to make welcome text readable #2349
- Enterprise tabs in shopfront display in a single line #2348
- Login modal now doesn't open unexpectedly after using guest checkout #2337
- Subscriptions: Rely on proxy order state to determine whether to confirm or not #2295
- Tabs is shopfront pages can be be closed again after they have been opened #2331
- Fixed a bug which caused the 'Next Order Closing' text in the shopfront to be incorrect in some scenarios #2332
- Fixed broken translation keys in "new order cycle" screen #2318
- Added missing translation key for no results in admin orders page #2317
- Fixes enterprise about us heading formats so that they appear as expected #2298
We owe this release, in part, to @rtrunkhill who made his first contribution to OFN! 👏 🎂
- Confirm first user when seeding database in development #2288
- Reports don't load any data before clicking on "Search" to speed up report access #2263
- Improve error message when the enterprise name already exists #2207
Congratulations to @stevenleelawson and @mttwlkr who together made their first contribution to OFN! 👏 👏
- Changed package screen text from "choose your starting point" to "choose your package" #2269
- Upgraded Rubocop config to be compatible with 0.55 #2249
- Registered users will not be able to use the guest checkout from now on. #2073
This release has been possible thanks to the work of @dan1d who had his first contribution merged into OFN! 🎂
- Add image to be used in Spree upgrade wiki page #2231
- Improved readability of
report's code #2260 - Update rubyzip to fix security issue #2248
- Users cannot use password reset until their email address is confirmed. Confirmation emails will redirect to the most recent page from which the email was requested when re-sending confirmation emails. #2238
- Upgrade Rails to to get security fixes #2224
- Exclude JavaScript libraries from Code Climate analysis #2264
- Switched gem FactoryGirl to FactoryBot as FactoryGirl is deprecated #2266
- Remove Heroku references since nobody is using it #2259
- Make invite button not clickable when Inviting new Manager #2220
- Do not show "Unsaved Changes" message before a new user is properly added #2239
- Fixed an issue with new users setting their password as invited manager #2258
- Autofix comment indentation in codebase #2246
- Use angular translation filter on image upload modal #2190
- Adjust wording on manager invite email #2189
- Ignore Bundler's
#2179 - Upgrade to latest Skylight. From 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 #2222
- Autocorrect few Rubocop cops #2199
- Remove
dead ActiveRecord scope #2185
- Activate save button when changing enterprise fields #2196
- Replacing deprecated #ignore with #transient in FactoryGirl factories #2194
- Calculate price sack fees #2188
- Fix flexible rate miscalculation #2178
- Allow translating calculator's options by overwriting spree_i18n translations #2176
- Include option text in dropdown cart even if the variant and product have the same name #2174
- Subscriptions: Add error message for case when schedule cannot be deleted #2121
- Subscriptions: Fix Order Cycle index crashes #2119
- Fix incorrect tax on Admin Order Show #2092
- Ensure created users are associated with customers #2084
- Meta keywords to improve products search #1981
- Image upload via Bulk Edit Products page #1464
- Unregistered users can now be invited to become enterprise managers #2138
- New instances OFN will have the mail automatically configured #2148 (Requires openfoodfoundation/ofn-install#134 first)
- delayed_job_active_record upgrade from 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 #2177
- Order Emails now list products in a logical way: first alphabetically, then by weight. Eg Apples 500g, Apple 1kg, Bananas 500g, Bananas 1kg. #2030
- Missing translations in order management pages #2075
- Cart page doesn't show 'admin & handling' if it is zero #2079
- Bug that caused missing payment summaries in order confirmation emails when non-cash payment methods were used #2118
- Bug that always displayed an additional "English" in the language switcher if the server didn't have en configured as language #2128
- Adding new users to an enterprise, the unsaved changes bar doesn't show before the user has been added to the list #2143
- Fix customers being associated with the wrong enterprise when multiple enterprises are available #2160
- Fix mail settings not allowing to send emails from the app #2166
This release has been possible thanks to the work of @mjal, @HugsDaniel, @chancancode, @JF-Lalonde, and @KeirOsborn and @ltrls who have made their first contribution in OFN! 🎂
See below all the changes included in the release:
- Fix datepicker widgets with missing icons when viewing individual Order Cycles #1688
- Remove duplicated directive datepicker #1951
- Only include one host in embedded shopfront headers #2026
- Fixing wrong incrementation of changes count in admin dashboard #2040
- Display logo when there's no producer description #2041
- Increase default enterprise limit to 5 #2053
- Fix broken tooltips in simple, producer-shop order cycle #1849
- Show enterprise registration buttons without having to scroll #1766
- Add missing translation on product edit page #2059
- Subscriptons functionality in beta #2068
- Fix order cycle filter for producers #2069
- Add Skylight for app instrumentation #2070
- Fix states not displayed in modify address pop-up #2057
- Add missing translation on "modify address" pop-up #2076
- Enable Skylight app instrumentation in staging #2080
- Send email confirmation at first step of signup #2083
- Fix browser caching of updated icon font #2098
- Localize sample data used in development and staging #2115
- Confirm [email protected] user by default when running bundle exec openfoodnetwork:dev:load_sample_data #2117
- Bring db/seeds.rb from ofn install #2123
- Remove deprecated reference to Spree::MailMethod #2124
- List order cycles from most recent to oldest in "orders" filtering #2125
- Unhide save banner when having a long list of products #2131
- Admins can now define an email address to notify in case cron jobs have output #2135
- Upgraded most of the gems used in testing #2136
This release has been possible thanks to the work of @erose357, @boveus, @ltrl and @amhursh who have made their first contribution in OFN! 🎉
IMPORTANT: Please deploy at a time of low traffic
Some of the data migrations included in this release will cause the homepage (and others) to be inaccessible for the period between when they are run and when the web-server reloads. If you are precompiling assets after the migrations are run (which most instances probably are), this could mean several minutes of downtime.
See below all the changes included in the release. They are quite a few!
- New template for issues in Github #1996
- Improve readability of shop's code #1940
- Remove unused Enterprise scopes #2004
- Remove hack on line items #2005
- Add feature test for the Spree::Admin::OrdersController print_ticket action #2022
- Translations #1994
- Manual translation update on UK #2034
- Adjust codeclimate engine for migrations folder #2032
- Update Codeclimage config to match behaviour from our pre-existing rubocop.yml rules #2037
- Fixes taxons not being shown on the edit product page #1984
- Disable rubocop cop since not available until Rails 4 #2035
- Link Wiki from README #2038
- Update CONTRIBUTING to reflect current best practices and processes. #2024
- JS template string switched to Angular format to address I18n compilation issues #1998
- Add setup script #2033
- Multilingual language switcher #1793
- Add updated globe icon to mobile view #2049
- Adjust use of non-translatable open/closed icons #1937
- Enable HashSyntax rubocop cop with symbol style #2045
- Regenerate Knapsack report #2051
- Fix payment_method_decorator boot-time warning #1960
- Make OFN logo easier to click in mobile #2042
- Autocorrect rubocop Layout/BlockEndNewline cop #2063
- Change enterprise confirmations #1720
- Enabling non-privileged postgres users to run specs #498
- Fix save button not activated when removing a customer's tag #1850
See the full list of pull requests in: