This release has been possible thanks to the work of @erose357, @boveus, @ltrl and @amhursh who have made their first contribution in OFN! 🎉
IMPORTANT: Please deploy at a time of low traffic
Some of the data migrations included in this release will cause the homepage (and others) to be inaccessible for the period between when they are run and when the web-server reloads. If you are precompiling assets after the migrations are run (which most instances probably are), this could mean several minutes of downtime.
See below all the changes included in the release. They are quite a few!
- New template for issues in Github #1996
- Improve readability of shop's code #1940
- Remove unused Enterprise scopes #2004
- Remove hack on line items #2005
- Add feature test for the Spree::Admin::OrdersController print_ticket action #2022
- Translations #1994
- Manual translation update on UK #2034
- Adjust codeclimate engine for migrations folder #2032
- Update Codeclimage config to match behaviour from our pre-existing rubocop.yml rules #2037
- Fixes taxons not being shown on the edit product page #1984
- Disable rubocop cop since not available until Rails 4 #2035
- Link Wiki from README #2038
- Update CONTRIBUTING to reflect current best practices and processes. #2024
- JS template string switched to Angular format to address I18n compilation issues #1998
- Add setup script #2033
- Multilingual language switcher #1793
- Add updated globe icon to mobile view #2049
- Adjust use of non-translatable open/closed icons #1937
- Enable HashSyntax rubocop cop with symbol style #2045
- Regenerate Knapsack report #2051
- Fix payment_method_decorator boot-time warning #1960
- Make OFN logo easier to click in mobile #2042
- Autocorrect rubocop Layout/BlockEndNewline cop #2063
- Change enterprise confirmations #1720
- Enabling non-privileged postgres users to run specs #498
- Fix save button not activated when removing a customer's tag #1850
See the full list of pull requests in: https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/pulls?q=is%3Apr+merged%3A%3E2017-12-06+is%3Aclosed+sort%3Aupdated-asc