Meta keywords to improve products search #1981
Image upload via Bulk Edit Products page #1464
Unregistered users can now be invited to become enterprise managers #2138
New instances OFN will have the mail automatically configured #2148 (Requires openfoodfoundation/ofn-install#134 first)
delayed_job_active_record upgrade from 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 #2177
Order Emails now list products in a logical way: first alphabetically, then by weight. Eg Apples 500g, Apple 1kg, Bananas 500g, Bananas 1kg. #2030
Missing translations in order management pages #2075
Cart page doesn't show 'admin & handling' if it is zero #2079
Bug that caused missing payment summaries in order confirmation emails when non-cash payment methods were used #2118
Bug that always displayed an additional "English" in the language switcher if the server didn't have en configured as language #2128
Adding new users to an enterprise, the unsaved changes bar doesn't show before the user has been added to the list #2143
Fix customers being associated with the wrong enterprise when multiple enterprises are available #2160
Fix mail settings not allowing to send emails from the app #2166
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