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A workflow for checking Fastq files for possible contamination with reads from species other than human, primarily cell culture samples


Workflow Diagram for metagenomicReport




java -jar cromwell.jar run metagenomicReport.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
fastqR1 File Fastq R1
fastqR2 File Fastq R2
outputPrefix String Output is, usually sample name

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
krakenReport.modules String "kraken2/2.0.8 kraken2-pluspf-database/1" Names and versions of modules needed for read classification
krakenReport.krakenDb String "$KRAKEN2_PLUSPF_DATABASE_ROOT/" Path to bracken/kraken db
krakenReport.krakenOut String "/dev/null" Redirect kraken2 output, default is /dev/null
krakenReport.timeout Int 24 Timeout in hours for this task
krakenReport.jobMemory Int 20 Java memory for Kraken
brackenReport.modules String "bracken/2.7 kraken2-pluspf-database/1" Names and versions of modules needed for read ratio estimation
brackenReport.krakenDb String "$KRAKEN2_PLUSPF_DATABASE_ROOT/" Path to bracken/kraken db
brackenReport.classLevel String "S" Classification level, default S (species)
brackenReport.readLength Int 100 Expected read length
brackenReport.threshold Int 10 minimum number of reads required for a classification
brackenReport.timeout Int 24 Timeout in hours for this task
brackenReport.jobMemory Int 20 Java memory for Bracken
brackenReport.minRatio Float 0.03 Threshold for reporting species, minimum read proportion in the analyzed sample


Output Type Description Labels
textReport File a report text file generated by Bracken vidarr_label: textReport
jsonReport File json report with bracken-collected estimates vidarr_label: jsonReport


This section lists command(s) run by metagenomicReport workflow

  • Running metagenomicReport


Kraken2 accepts paired fatq files and runs classificatiion of reads using k-mer database of various bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral species.

kraken2 --paired FASTQ_R1 FASTQ_R2 
        --db KRAKEN_DB 
        --report SAMPLE.kreport2.txt 
        --output /dev/null


Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a metagenomics sample. Braken uses the taxonomy labels assigned by Kraken, a highly accurate metagenomics classification algorithm, to estimate the number of reads originating from each species present in a sample.

bracken -d KRAKEN_DB 
        -i KRAKEN_REPORT 
        -o SAMPLE.bracken 
        -r READ_LENGTH 
        -l CLASS_LEVEL 
        -t THRESHOLD

import json
import json

report_file = ~{sample}.bracken
json_name = ~{sample}_brackenReport.json
sampleName = ~{sample}
jsonDict = {sampleName: []}
header = []
limit = ~{minRatio}    # minimum read fraction to consider as contamination

"""For Bracken, we need fields 2,4,5,6 to be int and 7 - float type"""
def typeCast(reportString):
stringList = reportString.split("\t")
if len(stringList) != 7:
    return stringList
for i in [1, 3, 4, 5]:
    stringList[i] = int(stringList[i])
stringList[6] = float(stringList[6])
return stringList

"""Read from Bracken report, convert to json"""
with open(report_file) as r:
for line in r:
    lineIn = line.rstrip()
    if lineIn.find("taxonomy_id") > 0:
	header = lineIn.split("\t")
    tmp = typeCast(lineIn)
    if float(tmp[-1]) < limit:
    jsonDict[sampleName].append(dict(zip(header, tmp)))

if len(jsonDict.keys()) > 0:
with open(json_name, 'w') as json_file:
    json.dump(jsonDict, json_file)


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